
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module lens.mojom;

import "chrome/browser/lens/core/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "chrome/browser/lens/core/mojom/overlay_object.mojom";
import "chrome/browser/lens/core/mojom/text.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_string.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojom/window_open_disposition.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Enumerates the user interactions with the Lens Overlay.
// This enum must match the numbering for LensOverlayUserAction in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(UserAction)
enum UserAction {
  kRegionSelection = 0,
  kRegionSelectionChange = 1,
  kTextSelection = 2,
  kObjectClick = 3,
  kTranslateText = 4,
  kCopyText = 5,
  kMyActivity = 6,
  kLearnMore = 7,
  kSendFeedback = 8,
  kTapRegionSelection = 9,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/lens/enums.xml:LensOverlayUserAction)

// Factory method for creating a new WebUI page handler.
interface LensPageHandlerFactory {
  // The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
  CreatePageHandler(pending_receiver<LensPageHandler> handler,
                    pending_remote<LensPage> page);

  // The side panel WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
      pending_receiver<LensSidePanelPageHandler> handler,
      pending_remote<LensSidePanelPage> page);

// Dynamic theme colors.
struct OverlayTheme {
  skia.mojom.SkColor primary;
  skia.mojom.SkColor shader_layer_1;
  skia.mojom.SkColor shader_layer_2;
  skia.mojom.SkColor shader_layer_3;
  skia.mojom.SkColor shader_layer_4;
  skia.mojom.SkColor shader_layer_5;
  skia.mojom.SkColor scrim;
  skia.mojom.SkColor surface_container_highest_light;
  skia.mojom.SkColor surface_container_highest_dark;
  skia.mojom.SkColor selection_element;

// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page. (TypeScript -> C++)
interface LensPageHandler {
  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator will open the link to the
  // My Activity page in a new tab.
  ActivityRequestedByOverlay(ui.mojom.ClickModifiers click_modifiers);

  // WebUI calls this when the user wants to dismiss the lens overlay using
  // the close button.

  // Like above, but when dismissed by clicking on the overlay background.

  // This method is called to notify the C++ coordinator that the overlay has
  // content that will fill the viewport.

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator will add a blur to the
  // tab contents.

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator will show the feedback
  // dialog.

  // Returns the Lens Overlay entry point, used in the WebUI for metrics
  // sliced by entry point. Requested by WebUI to eliminate need to wait
  // for page to be bound on browser side.
  GetOverlayInvocationSource() => (string invocation_source);

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator will open the link to the
  // Help Center article in a new tab.
  InfoRequestedByOverlay(ui.mojom.ClickModifiers click_modifiers);

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator sends a Lens request with
  // the given bounding region to the Lens servers and display results in the
  // Chrome side panel. The region should be normalized between 0 and 1.
  // The click flag should be set if the region was created using a click
  // (i.e. not a dragged-out region) and is used for logging only.
  // TODO(b/329262670): Verify normalization does not cause off-by-1 pixel
  // errors.
  IssueLensRegionRequest(CenterRotatedBox region, bool is_click);

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator sends a Lens request with
  // the given bounding region to the Lens servers and display results in the
  // Chrome side panel. The region should be normalized between 0 and 1.
  // The mask click flag is used for logging only.
  // TODO(b/329262670): Verify normalization does not cause off-by-1 pixel
  // errors.
  IssueLensObjectRequest(CenterRotatedBox region, bool is_mask_click);

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator issues a SRP request with
  // given text string in the side panel. This function also passes selection
  // indices into a list of words maintained in the WebUI and are passed to the
  // browser-side UI solely for the purposes of maintaining a history stack.
  // They do not and will not be used to be indexed into anything in the
  // browser; when the user traverses history, the indices may be passed back to
  // the WebUI.
      string query, int32 selection_start_index, int32 selection_end_index);

  // Similar to IssueTextSelectionRequest(), but requests that the selected
  // text be translated.
  IssueTranslateSelectionRequest(string query,
                                 string content_language,
                                 int32 selection_start_index,
                                 int32 selection_end_index);

  // When this method is called, the C++ coordinator issues another full image
  // request with appropriate parameters to return a response with text on the
  // screenshot translated from `source_language` to `target_language`. This
  // differs from IssueTranslateSelectionRequest() as this is a request to
  // translate the entire screenshot, rather than a translation of selected
  // text.
      string source_language, string target_language);

  // When called, the C++ coordinator closes the lens search bubble. When the
  // user selects text or thumbnail on the WebUI overlay, the search bubble
  // must close.

  // Copies the given text to the users clipboard using the browser process.
  // This is different than using navigator.clipboard.writeText since
  // navigator.clipboard.writeText requires explicet user activation on the web
  // contents to work. Since the focus leaves the overlay web contents when the
  // user opens side panel, we cannot guarantee the overlay webcontents will
  // still have explicit user activation. Therefore, we use this method instead.
  CopyText(string text);

  // Copies the given region of the current screenshot to the user's clipboard
  // using the browser process. Rationale for using this method is the same as
  // for CopyText.
  CopyImage(CenterRotatedBox region);

  // Crops the current screenshot to the given region and downloads it as a PNG
  // file.
  SaveAsImage(CenterRotatedBox region);

  // When called, the C++ coordinator closes the preselection toast bubble.

  // Records UKM metrics and task completion for lens overlay interactions.
      UserAction user_action);

// WebUI page handler for request from Browser side. (C++ -> TypeScript)
interface LensPage {
  // Pass screenshot data to WebUI.
      skia.mojom.BitmapMappedFromTrustedProcess screenshot_data);

  // Notifies the WebUI that our results panel is currently opening.

  // Notifies the WebUI that a close has been triggered and the overlay will
  // soon be hidden.

  // Passes objects received from Lens to WebUI for rendering.
  ObjectsReceived(array<OverlayObject> objects);

  // Passes Text received from Lens to WebUI for rendering.
  TextReceived(Text text);

  // Passes the dynamic theme to WebUI.
  ThemeReceived(OverlayTheme theme);

  // Sets a post selection region to be rendered as selected on the page.
  SetPostRegionSelection(CenterRotatedBox region);

  // Sets text to be rendered as selected on the page.
  SetTextSelection(int32 selection_start_index, int32 selection_end_index);

  // Clears any post region selection on the page. No-op if none selected.

  // Clears any text selection on the page. No-op if none selected.

  // Clears any text or post region selection on the page. No-op if none
  // selected.

  // Copies the currently selected text to the users clipboard and displays the
  // text copied chip.

// Browser-side handler for requests from Side PanelWebUI page.
// (TypeScript -> C++)
interface LensSidePanelPageHandler {
  // Pops the most recent search query from the history stack to load in the
  // side panel.

// Side Panel WebUI page handler for request from Browser side.
// (C++ -> TypeScript)
interface LensSidePanelPage {
  // Load a provided URL into the side panel results iframe.
  LoadResultsInFrame(url.mojom.Url results_url);

  // Sets whether the results frame is currently loading. This cannot be done
  // from the renderer because the results iframe is cross-origin. This prevents
  // load events on the iframe from triggering reliably on every navigation.
  // Instead, we listen for the start of the navigations in the browser and set
  // the loading state appropriately.
  SetIsLoadingResults(bool is_loading);

  // Sets visibility for back arrow next to the searchbox.
  SetBackArrowVisible(bool visible);

  // Sets whether to show a full error page in the side panel WebUI. This is
  // used when the user opens the side panel in an offline state or the full
  // image request times out.
  SetShowErrorPage(bool should_show_error_page);