// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// These Mojo structs are converted from
// third_party/lens_server_proto/lens_overlay_text.proto and
// third_party/lens_server_proto/lens_overlay_deep_gleam_data.proto.
module lens.mojom;
import "chrome/browser/lens/core/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
// The text reading order.
enum WritingDirection {
kLeftToRight = 0,
kRightToLeft = 1,
kTopToBottom = 2,
// The text alignment.
enum Alignment {
kDefaultLeftAlgined = 0,
kRightAligned = 1,
kCenterAligned = 2,
struct Text {
// Information regarding the layout and position of text.
TextLayout text_layout;
// Dominant content language of the text. Language code is CLDR/BCP-47.
string? content_language;
// Nested text structure.
struct TextLayout {
// The actual detected text on the page in an array of paragraphs and the
// translated text if provided.
array<Paragraph> paragraphs;
struct Word {
// Required. The text in a plain text, which can be an empty string.
string plain_text;
// Optional. The text separator that should be appended after this word when
// it is concatenated with the subsequent word in the same or next
// line/paragraph into a single-line string.
string? text_separator;
// Optional. The geometry of the word.
Geometry? geometry;
// Optional. The text writing direction (aka reading order). All words in a
// paragraph must have the same writing direction.
WritingDirection? writing_direction;
// Optional. Metadata for formulas. This is populated for entities of
// `type=FORMULA`.
FormulaMetadata? formula_metadata;
struct Line {
// Optional. List of words in natural reading order.
array<Word> words;
// Optional. The geometry of the line.
Geometry? geometry;
struct BackgroundImageData {
// Image bytes to inpaint the source text.
mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer background_image;
// Size of background_image in pixels.
gfx.mojom.Size image_size;
// Vertical padding to apply to the text box before drawing the background
// image. Expressed as a fraction of the text box height, i.e. 1.0 means
// that the height should be doubled. Half of the padding should be added on
// the top and half on the bottom.
float vertical_padding;
// Horizontal padding to apply to the text box before drawing the background
// image. Expressed as a fraction of the text box height. Half of the
// padding should be added on the left and half on the right.
float horizontal_padding;
// Text mask for the generated background image.
mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer text_mask;
struct TranslatedLine {
// Optional. List of words in natural reading order.
array<Word> words;
// Full translation of the line.
string translation;
// Required. The color of the text to render.
skia.mojom.SkColor text_color;
// Required. The color of the background used to mask the actual text.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_primary_color;
// Optional. The background image data used to mask the text underneath the
// line.
BackgroundImageData? background_image_data;
// Optional. The geometry of the line.
Geometry? geometry;
// This struct is used to transport a response from a trusted server to be
// displayed/consumed in WebUI. Specifically, any detected text that was
// requested to be translated in the server request.
struct TranslatedParagraph {
// Optional. List of lines in natural reading order (see also
// `writing_direction`). The amount of translated lines should be equal to the
// amount of lines returned in the detected text. See comment in `Paragraph`
// struct.
array<TranslatedLine> lines;
// Optional. The alignment of the text in the paragraph.
Alignment? alignment;
// Optional. The text writing direction (aka reading order).
WritingDirection? writing_direction;
// Optional. BCP-47 language code of the dominant language in this
// paragraph.
string? content_language;
// This struct is used to transport a response from a trusted server to be
// displayed/consumed in WebUI. Specifically, any detected text that was found
// on the full page screenshot sent in the original server request.
struct Paragraph {
// Optional. List of lines in natural reading order (see also
// `writing_direction`).
array<Line> lines;
// Optional. A paragraph struct corresponding to this one containing the
// translated text if provided. When present, the number of elements in
// translation.lines must match the number of elements in lines. This is
// normally discouraged in Mojo, but there isn't a good way to
// represent/enforce this sort of invariant purely through struct definitions.
// This is considered acceptable here, since this data only flows from a
// trusted source to an untrusted sink.
TranslatedParagraph? translation;
// Optional. Geometry of the paragraph.
Geometry? geometry;
// Optional. The text writing direction (aka reading order).
WritingDirection? writing_direction;
// Optional. BCP-47 language code of the dominant language in this
// paragraph.
string? content_language;
struct FormulaMetadata {
// Optional. LaTeX representation of a formula. Can be the same as
// `plain_text`. Example: "\frac{2}{x}=y".
string? latex;