
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Next MinVersion: 1

module arc.mojom;

import "ash/components/arc/mojom/gfx.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/video_common.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom";

// Next method ID: 3
interface VideoProtectedBufferAllocator {
  // Allocates protected shared memory associated with |handle_fd|.
  // |size| is the size of allocated protected shared memory.
  // Returns true on success, false on allocation failure or if |handle_fd| is
  // already associated with an existing protected buffer.
  AllocateProtectedSharedMemory@0(handle handle_fd,
                                  uint64 size) => (bool result);

  // Allocates protected native pixmap associated with |handle_fd|.
  // |pixel_format| and |picture_size| are parameters to allocate native pixmap.
  // Returns true on success, false on allocation failure or if |handle_fd| is
  // already associated with an existing protected buffer.
  AllocateProtectedNativePixmap@1(handle handle_fd, HalPixelFormat pixel_format,
                                  Size picture_size) => (bool result);

  // Releases protected buffer associated with |handle_fd|, regardless of
  // the type of protected memory.
  // If the buffer is not used any more, ReleaseProtectedBuffer with
  // the corresponding file descriptor should be called.
  // |handle_fd| remains valid, but its association with protected buffer is
  // removed and the reference to it is released.
  // Protected buffers allocated using this interface for given instance will
  // not be released until this method is called. Closing Mojo IPC message pipe
  // to this instance will automatically release all buffers allocated for this
  // instance.
  ReleaseProtectedBuffer@2(handle handle_fd);