
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/android/jni_android.h"
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/paint_preview/browser/paint_preview_base_service.h"
#include "components/paint_preview/browser/paint_preview_policy.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"

namespace content {
class WebContents;
}  // namespace content

namespace long_screenshots {

// A service for capturing Long Screenshots using PaintPreview. Writes the
// retrieved bitmap to file.
// TODO(tgupta): Handle the deletion of old files when the long screenshots
// feature ends or when Chrome starts up (to handle when Chrome is killed in the
// background and there was no opportunity to clean the files).
class LongScreenshotsTabService
    : public paint_preview::PaintPreviewBaseService {
      std::unique_ptr<paint_preview::PaintPreviewFileMixin> file_mixin,
      std::unique_ptr<paint_preview::PaintPreviewPolicy> policy,
      bool is_off_the_record);
  ~LongScreenshotsTabService() override;

  // Define a list of statuses to describe the calling of paint preview and
  // generation of the bitmap.
  // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
  enum Status {
    kUnknown = 0,
    kOk = 1,
    kDirectoryCreationFailed = 2,
    kCaptureFailed = 3,
    kProtoSerializationFailed = 4,
    kWebContentsGone = 5,
    kNativeServiceUninitialized = 6,
    kLowMemoryDetected = 7,
    kProtoDeserializationFailed = 8,
    kNativeServiceNotInitialized = 9,

  // Captures a Paint Preview of |contents| which should be associated with
  // |tab_id| for storage. |callback| is invoked on completion to indicate
  // status.
  // Clip args specify the bounds of the capture:
  // clip_x: Where to start the capture on the X axis.
  // clip_y: Where to start the capture on the Y axis.
  // clip_width: How wide of a capture relative to clip_x.
  // clip_height: How wide of a capture relative to clip_y.
  // in_memory: Use in memory capture mode.
  void CaptureTab(int tab_id,
                  const GURL& url,
                  content::WebContents* contents,
                  int clip_x,
                  int clip_y,
                  int clip_width,
                  int clip_height,
                  bool in_memory);

  // Delete all old long screenshot files.
  void DeleteAllLongScreenshotFiles();

  // JNI wrapped versions of the above methods
  void CaptureTabAndroid(
      JNIEnv* env,
      jint j_tab_id,
      const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_gurl,
      const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_web_contents,
      jint clip_x,
      jint clip_y,
      jint clip_width,
      jint clip_height,
      jboolean in_memory);
  void LongScreenshotsClosedAndroid(JNIEnv* env);

  base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> GetJavaRef() { return java_ref_; }

  friend class LongScreenshotsTabServiceTest;

  // Retrieves the content::WebContents from the |frame_tree_node_id|
  // (confirming that the contents are alive using the |frame_routing_id|).
  // Calls PaintPreviewBaseService to retrieve the bitmap and write it to file.
  void CaptureTabInternal(int tab_id,
                          int frame_tree_node_id,
                          content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId frame_routing_id,
                          int clip_x,
                          int clip_y,
                          int clip_width,
                          int clip_height,
                          bool in_memory,
                          const std::optional<base::FilePath>& file_path);

  void OnCaptured(paint_preview::PaintPreviewBaseService::CaptureStatus status,
                  std::unique_ptr<paint_preview::CaptureResult> result);

  content::RenderFrameHost* GetRootRenderFrameHost(
      content::RenderFrameHost* main_frame,
      const GURL& url);
  bool IsAmpUrl(const GURL& url);

  const re2::RE2 google_amp_cache_path_regex_;
  const re2::RE2 google_amp_viewer_path_regex_;
  const re2::RE2 google_news_path_regex_;

  base::ScopedClosureRunner capture_handle_;
  base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> java_ref_;
  base::WeakPtrFactory<LongScreenshotsTabService> weak_ptr_factory_{this};

}  // namespace long_screenshots