
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

class PrefRegistrySimple;
class Profile;

namespace base {
class TimeDelta;


namespace media_router {


namespace prefs {
// Pref name that allows the AccessCode/QR code scanning dialog button to be
// shown.
constexpr char kAccessCodeCastEnabled[] =;

// Pref name for the pref that determines how long a scanned receiver remains in
// the receiver list. Duration is measured in seconds.
constexpr char kAccessCodeCastDeviceDuration[] =;

// Pref that keeps track of cast devices added on a user's profile. It is
// registered as a dictionary pref with each key being a
// MediaSink::Id(std::string) and value being a MediaSinkInternal object stores
// as a base::Value::Dict.
// Whenever a cast device is discovered via access code, a new entry will be
// added to this dictionary (or updated if the MediaSink::Id already exists).
constexpr char kAccessCodeCastDevices[] =;

// Pref that keeps track of when a cast device is added. It is be registered
// as a dictionary pref with each key being a MediaSink::Id and value being a
// base::Time.
constexpr char kAccessCodeCastDeviceAdditionTime[] =;
}  // namespace prefs

// Registers Access Code Cast related preferences with per-profile pref
// |registry|.
void RegisterAccessCodeProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);

// Returns true if this user is allowed to use Access Codes to
// discover cast devices.
bool GetAccessCodeCastEnabledPref(Profile* profile);

// Returns the duration that a scanned cast device is allowed to remain
// in the cast list.
base::TimeDelta GetAccessCodeDeviceDurationPref(Profile* profile);

// Returns true if this user is allowed to use Access Codes to
// discover cast devices, and AccessCodeCastTabSwitchingUI flag is enabled.
bool IsAccessCodeCastTabSwitchingUiEnabled(Profile* profile);

// Returns true if this user is allowed to use Access Codes to
// discover cast devices, and AccessCodeCastFreezeUI flag is enabled.
bool IsAccessCodeCastFreezeUiEnabled(Profile* profile);


}  // namespace media_router