
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/media_stream_device_permission_context.h"

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/media_stream_device_permissions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/browser/host_content_settings_map.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_context_base.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions_policy/permissions_policy.mojom.h"

#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "components/permissions/android/android_permission_util.h"
#include "components/permissions/android/permissions_reprompt_controller_android.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_request_id.h"
#include "components/permissions/permissions_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"

namespace {

blink::mojom::PermissionsPolicyFeature GetPermissionsPolicyFeature(
    ContentSettingsType type) {}

}  // namespace

    content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
    const ContentSettingsType content_settings_type)

MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::~MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext() {}

ContentSetting MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::GetPermissionStatusInternal(
    content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
    const GURL& requesting_origin,
    const GURL& embedding_origin) const {}

// There are two other permissions that need to check corresponding OS-level
// permissions, and they take two different approaches to this. Geolocation only
// stores the permission ContentSetting if both requests are granted (or if the
// site permission is "Block"). WebXR permissions are following the approach
// found here.
void MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::NotifyPermissionSet(
    const permissions::PermissionRequestID& id,
    const GURL& requesting_origin,
    const GURL& embedding_origin,
    permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
    bool persist,
    ContentSetting content_setting,
    bool is_one_time,
    bool is_final_decision) {

  // For Android, we need to customize the PermissionContextBase's behavior if
  // the permission was granted. We will:
  // 1. Check if the permission was granted by the user - if not, we'll fall
  //    back to the implementation in the base class.
  // 2. Handle persisting the permission if needed (this is the same as base
  //    class implementation).
  // 3. Check if the OS permissions need to be re-prompted.
  // a) If no, we'll call base class impl. & say that the permission was granted
  //    by the user, but skip persisting it (because we already did in step 2).
  // b) If yes but we cannot show the info bar, we will call base class impl. &
  //    say that the permission was rejected by the user, and we won't persist
  //    it (because we already did in step 2 and the user didn't actually reject
  //    the permission).
  // c) If yes and we can show the info bar, we show it and propagate the answer
  //    to the base class impl., skipping persisting it (because we already
  //    persisted it and the user didn't actually reject it).
  // Note that base class implementation will call into `UpdateTabContext()`
  // virtual method when we invoke `NotifyPermissionSet()` from the base class.
  // This is fine, even in 3b) and 3c), where we call it with a parameter that
  // does not correspond to user's answer to Chrome-level permission, because
  // `MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext` does *not* have a custom
  // implementation for `UpdateTabContext()` - if it did, we'd need to stop
  // calling into base class with the parameter not matching user's answer.

  DCHECK(content_settings_type_ == ContentSettingsType::MEDIASTREAM_CAMERA ||
         content_settings_type_ == ContentSettingsType::MEDIASTREAM_MIC);

  // Camera and Microphone need to check for additional permissions, but only if
  // they were actually allowed:
  if (content_setting != ContentSetting::CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW) {
        id, requesting_origin, embedding_origin, std::move(callback), persist,
        content_setting, is_one_time, is_final_decision);

  // Whether or not the user will ultimately accept the OS permissions, we want
  // to save the content_setting here if we should. This is done here because we
  // won't set `persist=true` when calling
  // `PermissionContextBase::NotifyPermissionSet()` after this point.
  if (persist) {
    UpdateContentSetting(requesting_origin, embedding_origin, content_setting,

  content::WebContents* web_contents =
  if (!web_contents) {
    // If we can't get the web contents, we don't know the state of the OS
    // permission, so assume we don't have it.
    OnAndroidPermissionDecided(id, requesting_origin, embedding_origin,
                               false /*permission_granted*/);

  // Otherwise, the user granted permission to use `content_settings_type_`, so
  // now we need to check if we need to prompt for Android system permissions.
  std::vector<ContentSettingsType> permission_type = {content_settings_type_};
  permissions::PermissionRepromptState reprompt_state =
  switch (reprompt_state) {
    case permissions::PermissionRepromptState::kNoNeed:
      // We would have already returned if permission was denied by the user,
      // and this result indicates that we have all the OS permissions we need.
      OnAndroidPermissionDecided(id, requesting_origin, embedding_origin,
                                 true /*permission_granted*/);

    case permissions::PermissionRepromptState::kCannotShow:
      // If we cannot show the info bar, then we have to assume we don't have
      // the permissions we need.
      OnAndroidPermissionDecided(id, requesting_origin, embedding_origin,
                                 false /*permission_granted*/);

    case permissions::PermissionRepromptState::kShow:
      // Otherwise, prompt the user that we need additional permissions.
              permission_type, content_settings_type_,
                             weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), id,
                             requesting_origin, embedding_origin,

void MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::OnAndroidPermissionDecided(
    const permissions::PermissionRequestID& id,
    const GURL& requesting_origin,
    const GURL& embedding_origin,
    permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
    bool permission_granted) {
  // If we were supposed to persist the setting we've already done so in the
  // initial override of |NotifyPermissionSet|. At this point, if the user
  // has denied the OS level permission, we want to notify the requestor that
  // the permission has been blocked.
  ContentSetting setting = permission_granted
                               ? ContentSetting::CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW
                               : ContentSetting::CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK;
  // `persist=false` because the user's response to Chrome-level permission is
  // already persisted, and `is_one_time=false` because it is only relevant when
  // persisting permission.
      id, requesting_origin, embedding_origin, std::move(callback),
      false /*persist*/, setting, /*is_one_time=*/false,

void MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::UpdateTabContext(
    const permissions::PermissionRequestID& id,
    const GURL& requesting_origin,
    bool allowed) {
  // See the comment in `NotifyPermissionSet()` for context on why this method
  // should be empty.

void MediaStreamDevicePermissionContext::ResetPermission(
    const GURL& requesting_origin,
    const GURL& embedding_origin) {}