
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>

#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_client_adapter.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_instance_mode.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_session.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_stop_reason.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_upgrade_params.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/cryptohome/cryptohome_parameters.h"

namespace arc {

// These enums are used to define the buckets for an enumerated UMA histogram
// and need to be synced with tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. This enum
// class should also be treated as append-only.
enum class ArcContainerLifetimeEvent {
  // Note: "container" here means "instance". Outside Chromium, like UMA
  // dashboard, we use the former term.

  // Chrome asked session_manager to start an ARC instance (of any kind). We
  // record this as a baseline.
  // The instance failed to start or exited unexpectedly.
  // The instance crashed before establishing an IPC connection to Chrome.
  // The instance crashed after establishing the connection.

// Accept requests to start/stop ARC instance. Also supports automatic
// restarting on unexpected ARC instance crash.
class ArcSessionRunner : public ArcSession::Observer {
  // Observer to notify events across multiple ARC session runs.
  class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
    // Called when ARC instance is stopped. If |restarting| is true, another
    // ARC session is being restarted (practically after certain delay).
    // Note: this is called once per ARC session, including unexpected
    // CRASH on ARC container, and expected SHUTDOWN of ARC triggered by
    // RequestStop(), so may be called multiple times for one RequestStart().
    virtual void OnSessionStopped(ArcStopReason reason, bool restarting) = 0;

    // Called when ARC session is stopped, but is being restarted automatically.
    // Unlike OnSessionStopped() with |restarting| == true, this is called
    // _after_ the container is actually created.
    virtual void OnSessionRestarting() = 0;

    ~Observer() override = default;

  // This is the factory interface to inject ArcSession instance
  // for testing purpose.
  using ArcSessionFactory =

  explicit ArcSessionRunner(const ArcSessionFactory& factory);

  ArcSessionRunner(const ArcSessionRunner&) = delete;
  ArcSessionRunner& operator=(const ArcSessionRunner&) = delete;

  ~ArcSessionRunner() override;

  // Add/Remove an observer.
  void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
  void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);

  // Resumes |this| runner. Every time when a runner is created, it is in
  // 'suspended' state meaning that it won't start any instance. This method
  // is to allow the runner to actually start it.
  void ResumeRunner();

  // Starts the mini ARC instance.
  void RequestStartMiniInstance();

  // Starts the full ARC instance, then it will connect the Mojo channel. When
  // the bridge becomes ready, registered Observer's OnSessionReady() is called.
  void RequestUpgrade(UpgradeParams params);

  // Stops the ARC service.
  void RequestStop();

  // OnShutdown() should be called when the browser is shutting down. This can
  // only be called on the thread that this class was created on. We assume that
  // when this function is called, MessageLoop is no longer exists.
  void OnShutdown();

  // Sets a hash string of the profile user IDs and an ARC serial number for the
  // user.
  void SetUserInfo(const cryptohome::Identification& cryptohome_id,
                   const std::string& hash,
                   const std::string& serial_number);

  // Provides the DemoModeDelegate which will be used to load the demo session
  // apps path.
  void SetDemoModeDelegate(
      std::unique_ptr<ArcClientAdapter::DemoModeDelegate> delegate);

  // Trims VM's memory by moving it to zram.
  // When the operation is done |callback| is called.
  // If nonzero, |page_limit| defines the max number of pages to reclaim.
  using TrimVmMemoryCallback =
      base::OnceCallback<void(bool success, const std::string& failure_reason)>;
  void TrimVmMemory(TrimVmMemoryCallback callback, int page_limit);

  void set_default_device_scale_factor(float scale_factor) {
    default_device_scale_factor_ = scale_factor;

  bool use_virtio_blk_data() const { return use_virtio_blk_data_; }
  void set_use_virtio_blk_data(bool use_virtio_blk_data) {
    use_virtio_blk_data_ = use_virtio_blk_data;

  bool arc_signed_in() const { return arc_signed_in_; }
  void set_arc_signed_in(bool arc_signed_in) { arc_signed_in_ = arc_signed_in; }

  // Returns the current ArcSession instance for testing purpose.
  ArcSession* GetArcSessionForTesting() { return arc_session_.get(); }

  // Makes a test ArcSession (shortcut to bypass full session manager
  // initialization, just to get to a state where we have a session).
  void MakeArcSessionForTesting() { arc_session_ = factory_.Run(); }

  // Undoes the action of MakeArcSessionForTesting().
  void DiscardArcSessionForTesting() { arc_session_.reset(); }

  // Normally, automatic restarting happens after a short delay. When testing,
  // however, we'd like it to happen immediately to avoid adding unnecessary
  // delays.
  void SetRestartDelayForTesting(const base::TimeDelta& restart_delay);

  // Starts to run an ARC instance.
  void StartArcSession();

  // Restarts an ARC instance.
  void RestartArcSession();

  // Starts an ARC instance in |request_mode|.
  void RequestStart(ArcInstanceMode request_mode);

  // ArcSession::Observer:
  void OnSessionStopped(ArcStopReason reason,
                        bool was_running,
                        bool full_requested) override;


  // Observers for the ARC instance state change events.
  base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;

  // Target ARC instance running mode. If nullopt, it means the ARC instance
  // should stop eventually.
  std::optional<ArcInstanceMode> target_mode_;

  // Instead of immediately trying to restart the container, give it some time
  // to finish tearing down in case it is still in the process of stopping.
  base::TimeDelta restart_delay_;
  base::OneShotTimer restart_timer_;
  size_t restart_after_crash_count_;  // for UMA recording.

  // Factory to inject a fake ArcSession instance for testing.
  ArcSessionFactory factory_;

  // ArcSession object for currently running ARC instance. This should be
  // nullptr if the state is STOPPED, otherwise non-nullptr.
  std::unique_ptr<ArcSession> arc_session_;

  // Parameters to upgrade request.
  UpgradeParams upgrade_params_;

  // A cryptohome ID of the profile.
  cryptohome::Identification cryptohome_id_;
  // A hash string of the profile user ID.
  std::string user_id_hash_;
  // A serial number for the current profile.
  std::string serial_number_;

  bool resumed_ = false;

  float default_device_scale_factor_ = 1.0f;

  // Whether ARCVM uses virtio-blk for /data.
  bool use_virtio_blk_data_ = false;

  bool arc_signed_in_ = false;

  // DemoModeDelegate to be used by ArcSession.
  std::unique_ptr<ArcClientAdapter::DemoModeDelegate> demo_mode_delegate_;

  // WeakPtrFactory to use callbacks.
  base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcSessionRunner> weak_ptr_factory_{this};

}  // namespace arc