// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/components/arc/arc_features_parser.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/metrics/cached_metrics_profile.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/tpm_manager/tpm_manager.pb.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
// Provides the SystemProfile from ChromeOS to different metrics.
class ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider : public metrics::MetricsProvider {
~ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider() override;
ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider(const ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider&) = delete;
ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider& operator=(
const ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider&) = delete;
// metrics::MetricsProvider:
void OnDidCreateMetricsLog() override;
void AsyncInit(base::OnceClosure callback) override;
void ProvideSystemProfileMetrics(metrics::SystemProfileProto* proto) override;
void WriteLinkedAndroidPhoneProto(
metrics::SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
// Update the number of users logged into a multi-profile session.
// If the number of users change while the log is open, the call invalidates
// the user count value.
void UpdateMultiProfileUserCount(
metrics::SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
void WriteDemoModeDimensionMetrics(
metrics::SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto);
// Loads hardware class information. When this task is complete, |callback|
// is run.
void InitTaskGetFullHardwareClass(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Retrieves ARC features using ArcFeaturesParser. When this task is complete,
// |callback| is run.
void InitTaskGetArcFeatures(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Retrieves TPM firmware version using TpmManagerClient. When this task is
// complete, |callback| is run.
void InitTaskGetTpmFirmwareVersion(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Loads the cellular device variant. When this task is complete, |callback|
// is run.
void InitTaskGetCellularDeviceVariant(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Invoked when StatisticsProvider finishes loading to read the full hardware
// class from StatisticsProvider and calls the callback.
void OnMachineStatisticsLoaded(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Updates ARC-related system profile fields, then calls the callback.
void OnArcFeaturesParsed(base::OnceClosure callback,
std::optional<arc::ArcFeatures> features);
// Sets the TPM RW firmware version, then calls the callback.
void OnTpmManagerGetRwVersionInfo(
base::OnceClosure callback,
const tpm_manager::GetVersionInfoReply& reply);
// Sets the cellular device variant, then calls the callback.
void SetCellularDeviceVariant(base::OnceClosure callback,
std::string cellular_device_variant);
// Use the first signed-in profile for profile-dependent metrics.
std::unique_ptr<metrics::CachedMetricsProfile> cached_profile_;
// Whether the user count was registered at the last log initialization.
bool registered_user_count_at_log_initialization_ = false;
// The user count at the time that a log was last initialized. Contains a
// valid value only if |registered_user_count_at_log_initialization_| is
// true.
uint64_t user_count_at_log_initialization_ = 0;
// Hardware class (e.g., hardware qualification ID). This value identifies
// the configured system components such as CPU, WiFi adapter, etc.
std::string full_hardware_class_;
// Cellular device variant for Chrome OS devices with cellular support.
std::string cellular_device_variant_;
// ARC release version obtained from build properties.
std::optional<std::string> arc_release_;
// The RW firmware version of the TPM (go/trusted-platform-module).
std::optional<std::string> tpm_rw_firmware_version_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ChromeOSSystemProfileProvider> weak_ptr_factory_;