// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_management_transition.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace arc {
constexpr char kPackagesCacheModeCopy[] = "copy";
constexpr char kPackagesCacheModeSkipCopy[] = "skip-copy";
// Parameters to upgrade request.
struct UpgradeParams {
enum class PackageCacheMode {
// Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists.
// Performs packages cache setup if the pre-generated cache exists and
// copies resulting packages.xml to the temporary location after
// SystemServer initialized the package manager.
// Skips packages cache setup and copies resulting packages.xml to the
// temporary location after SystemServer initialized the package manager.
// Explicit ctor/dtor declaration is necessary for complex struct. See
// https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/tools/clang/plugins/FindBadConstructsConsumer.cpp
// Intentionally allows copying. The parameter is for container restart.
UpgradeParams(const UpgradeParams& other);
UpgradeParams(UpgradeParams&& other);
UpgradeParams& operator=(UpgradeParams&& other);
// Account ID of the user to start ARC for.
std::string account_id;
// Whether the account is managed.
bool is_account_managed;
// Whether adb sideloading is allowed when the account and/or the device is
// managed.
bool is_managed_adb_sideloading_allowed = false;
// Whether adb sideloading is enabled or not.
// This parameter is used only for ARCVM.
bool is_adb_sideloading_enabled = false;
// Option to disable ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast for 3rd party apps.
// The constructor automatically populates this from command-line.
bool skip_boot_completed_broadcast;
// Optional mode for packages cache tests.
// The constructor automatically populates this from command-line.
PackageCacheMode packages_cache_mode;
// Option to disable GMS CORE cache.
// The constructor automatically populates this from command-line.
bool skip_gms_core_cache;
// Option to disable TTS cache.
// The constructor automatically populates this from command-line.
bool skip_tts_cache;
// Option to disable DexOpt cache.
// The constructor automatically populates this from command-line.
bool skip_dexopt_cache;
// The supervision transition state for this account. Indicates whether
// child account should become regular, regular account should become child
// or neither.
ArcManagementTransition management_transition =
// Define language configuration set during Android container boot.
// |preferred_languages| may be empty.
std::string locale;
std::vector<std::string> preferred_languages;
// Whether ARC is being upgraded in a demo session.
bool is_demo_session = false;
// |demo_session_apps_path| is a file path to the image containing set of
// demo apps that should be pre-installed into the Android container for
// demo sessions. It might be empty, in which case no demo apps will be
// pre-installed.
// Should be empty if |is_demo_session| is not set.
base::FilePath demo_session_apps_path;
// Flag to enable ARC Nearby Share support.
bool enable_arc_nearby_share = true;
// Flag to enable a delay for killing high priority app under memory pressure.
bool enable_priority_app_lmk_delay = false;
// Delay time in second until a high priority app can be considered to be
// killed.
uint32_t priority_app_lmk_delay_second = 0;
// Comma separated list of high priority apps that would have a delay before
// considered to be killed.
std::string priority_app_lmk_delay_list;
// Flag to enable update for minimum Android process state to be considered to
// be killed under perceptible memory pressure
bool enable_lmk_perceptible_min_state_update = false;
} // namespace arc