// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_client_adapter.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/file_system_status.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
namespace base {
struct SystemMemoryInfoKB;
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace arc {
struct UpgradeParams;
// Enum that describes which native bridge mode is used to run arm binaries on
// x86.
enum class ArcBinaryTranslationType {
// The maximum size of VM memory when crosvm is a 32-bit process.
// A 32-bit process has 4GB address space, and some parts are not usable for
// various reasons including address space layout randomization (ASLR).
// In 32-bit crosvm address space, only ~3370MB is usable:
// - 256MB is not usable because of executable load bias ASLR.
// - 4MB is used for crosvm executable.
// - 32MB it not usable because of heap ASLR.
// - 16MB is used for mapped shared libraries.
// - 256MB is not usable because of mmap base address ASLR.
// - 132MB is used for gaps in the memory layout.
// - 30MB is used for other allocations.
// 3328 is chosen because it's a rounded number (i.e. 3328 % 256 == 0).
constexpr size_t k32bitVmRamMaxMib = 3328;
// For better unit-testing.
class ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate {
ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate() = default;
ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate(const ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate&) = delete;
ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate& operator=(const ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate&) =
virtual ~ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate() = default;
virtual bool GetSystemMemoryInfo(base::SystemMemoryInfoKB* info);
// Returns if crosvm is a 32-bit process.
virtual bool IsCrosvm32bit();
// Returns an adapter for arcvm.
std::unique_ptr<ArcClientAdapter> CreateArcVmClientAdapter();
using FileSystemStatusRewriter =
std::unique_ptr<ArcClientAdapter> CreateArcVmClientAdapterForTesting(
const FileSystemStatusRewriter& rewriter);
// Sets the path of the boot notification server socket for testing.
void SetArcVmBootNotificationServerAddressForTesting(
const std::string& path,
base::TimeDelta connect_timeout_limit,
base::TimeDelta connect_sleep_duration_initial);
// Sets the an FD ConnectToArcVmBootNotificationServer() returns for testing.
void SetArcVmBootNotificationServerFdForTesting(std::optional<int> fd);
// Generates a list of props from |upgrade_params|, each of which takes the form
// "prefix.prop_name=value"
std::vector<std::string> GenerateUpgradePropsForTesting(
const UpgradeParams& upgrade_params,
const std::string& serial_number,
const std::string& prefix);
void SetArcVmClientAdapterDelegateForTesting(
ArcClientAdapter* adapter,
std::unique_ptr<ArcVmClientAdapterDelegate> delegate);
} // namespace arc