// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
class Browser;
namespace metrics {
class WindowedIncognitoMonitor;
// WindowedIncognitoObserver provides an interface for getting the current
// status of incognito windows and monitoring any new incognito windows after
// the observer is created. It can be used from any sequence.
// Example:
// // Initialize the WindowedIncognitoMonitor on the UI thread:
// WindowedIncognitoMonitor::Init();
// // Use an observer from any sequence:
// auto observer = WindowedIncognitoMonitor::CreateObserver();
// bool active = observer->IncognitoActive();
// // |active| will be true if there is any active incognito window.
// // An incognito window is opened.
// bool launched = observer->IncognitoLaunched();
// EXPECT_TRUE(launched);
class WindowedIncognitoObserver {
explicit WindowedIncognitoObserver(WindowedIncognitoMonitor* monitor,
uint64_t incognito_open_count);
WindowedIncognitoObserver(const WindowedIncognitoObserver&) = delete;
WindowedIncognitoObserver& operator=(const WindowedIncognitoObserver&) =
virtual ~WindowedIncognitoObserver() = default;
// Made virtual for override in test.
virtual bool IncognitoLaunched() const;
bool IncognitoActive() const;
raw_ptr<WindowedIncognitoMonitor> windowed_incognito_monitor_;
// The number of incognito windows that has been opened when the observer is
// created.
uint64_t num_incognito_window_opened_;
// WindowedIncognitoMonitor watches for any incognito window being opened or
// closed from the time it is instantiated to the time it is destroyed. The
// monitor is affine to the UI thread: instantiation, destruction and the
// BrowserListObserver callbacks are called on the UI thread. The other methods
// for creating and serving WindowedIncognitoObserver are thread-safe.
class WindowedIncognitoMonitor : public BrowserListObserver {
// Must be called on the UI thread before any observers are created.
static void Init();
// Returns an instance of WindowedIncognitoObserver that represents the
// request for monitoring any incognito window launches from now on.
static std::unique_ptr<WindowedIncognitoObserver> CreateObserver();
WindowedIncognitoMonitor(const WindowedIncognitoMonitor&) = delete;
WindowedIncognitoMonitor& operator=(const WindowedIncognitoMonitor&) = delete;
static WindowedIncognitoMonitor* Get();
friend class base::NoDestructor<WindowedIncognitoMonitor>;
~WindowedIncognitoMonitor() override;
void RegisterInstance();
void UnregisterInstance();
std::unique_ptr<WindowedIncognitoObserver> CreateIncognitoObserver();
// Making IncognitoActive() and IncognitoLaunched() only accessible from
// WindowedIncognitoObserver;
friend class WindowedIncognitoObserver;
// Returns whether there is any active incognito window.
bool IncognitoActive() const;
// Returns whether there was any incognito window opened since an observer was
// created. Returns true if |num_prev_incognito_opened|, which is passed by
// the calling observer, is less than |num_incognito_window_opened_| of the
// monitor.
bool IncognitoLaunched(uint64_t num_prev_incognito_opened) const;
// BrowserListObserver implementation.
void OnBrowserAdded(Browser* browser) override;
void OnBrowserRemoved(Browser* browser) override;
// For testing.
int num_active_incognito_windows() const {
return num_active_incognito_windows_;
uint64_t num_incognito_window_opened() const {
return num_incognito_window_opened_;
// Number of initialization attempts.
int running_sessions_ = 0;
// Protects access to |num_active_incognito_windows_| and
// |num_incognito_window_opened_|.
mutable base::Lock lock_;
// The number of active incognito window(s).
int num_active_incognito_windows_;
// The number of incognito windows we have ever seen.
uint64_t num_incognito_window_opened_;
} // namespace metrics