// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace arc {
namespace internal {
// Observer to listen events for connection.
class ConnectionObserverBase {
// Called once the connection is ready.
// TODO(hidehiko): Currently, this means Instance is ready.
// Later, this will be called when Instance::Init() is completed
// for ARC full-duplex mojo connection.
virtual void OnConnectionReady() {}
// Called once the connection is closed.
// Currently, this means Instance is closed.
virtual void OnConnectionClosed() {}
virtual ~ConnectionObserverBase() = default;
} // namespace internal
// Observer to listen events for connection for specific type.
// This is for type safeness to prevent listening events of unexpected mojo
// connection.
template <typename InstanceType>
class ConnectionObserver : public internal::ConnectionObserverBase {};
} // namespace arc