// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/nearby_sharing/certificates/nearby_share_encrypted_metadata_key.h"
#include "crypto/symmetric_key.h"
#include "third_party/nearby/sharing/proto/encrypted_metadata.pb.h"
#include "third_party/nearby/sharing/proto/rpc_resources.pb.h"
// Stores decrypted metadata and crypto keys for the remote device that uploaded
// this certificate to the Nearby Share server. Use DecryptPublicCertificate()
// to generate an instance. This class provides a method for verifying a signed
// payload during the authentication flow.
class NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate {
// Attempts to decrypt the encrypted metadata of the PublicCertificate proto
// by first decrypting the |encrypted_metadata_key| using the secret key
// then using the decrypted key to decrypt the metadata. Returns std::nullopt
// if the metadata was not successfully decrypted or if the proto data is
// invalid.
static std::optional<NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate>
const nearby::sharing::proto::PublicCertificate& public_certificate,
const NearbyShareEncryptedMetadataKey& encrypted_metadata_key);
const NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate& other);
NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate& operator=(
const NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate& other);
NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate& operator=(
virtual ~NearbyShareDecryptedPublicCertificate();
const std::vector<uint8_t>& id() const { return id_; }
base::Time not_before() const { return not_before_; }
base::Time not_after() const { return not_after_; }
const nearby::sharing::proto::EncryptedMetadata& unencrypted_metadata()
const {
return unencrypted_metadata_;
bool for_self_share() const { return for_self_share_; }
// Verifies the |signature| of the signed |payload| using |public_key_|.
// Returns true if verification was successful.
bool VerifySignature(base::span<const uint8_t> payload,
base::span<const uint8_t> signature) const;
// Creates a hash of the |authentication_token|, using |secret_key_|. The use
// of HKDF and the output vector size is part of the Nearby Share protocol and
// conforms with the GmsCore implementation.
std::vector<uint8_t> HashAuthenticationToken(
base::span<const uint8_t> authentication_token) const;
base::Time not_before,
base::Time not_after,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> secret_key,
std::vector<uint8_t> public_key,
std::vector<uint8_t> id,
nearby::sharing::proto::EncryptedMetadata unencrypted_metadata,
bool for_self_share);
// The begin/end times of the certificate's validity period. To avoid issues
// with clock skew, these time might be offset compared to the corresponding
// private certificate.
base::Time not_before_;
base::Time not_after_;
// A 32-byte AES key that was used for metadata key and metadata decryption.
// Also, used to generate an authentication token hash.
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> secret_key_;
// A P-256 public key used for verification. The bytes comprise a DER-encoded
// ASN.1 SubjectPublicKeyInfo from the X.509 specification (RFC 5280).
std::vector<uint8_t> public_key_;
// An ID for the certificate, most likely generated from the secret key.
std::vector<uint8_t> id_;
// Unencrypted device metadata. The proto name is misleading; it holds data
// that was previously serialized and encrypted.
nearby::sharing::proto::EncryptedMetadata unencrypted_metadata_;
// Indicates if this public certificate is from another device owned by the
// same user.
bool for_self_share_ = false;