// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/nearby_sharing/metrics/throughput_metric_logger.h"
#include <utility>
#include "chrome/browser/nearby_sharing/metrics/metric_common.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/nearby/public/mojom/nearby_connections_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/structured_events.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/structured_metrics_client.h"
namespace nearby::share::metrics {
ThroughputMetricLogger::ThroughputMetricLogger() = default;
ThroughputMetricLogger::~ThroughputMetricLogger() {}
void ThroughputMetricLogger::OnTransferStarted(const ShareTarget& share_target,
long total_bytes) {
// Store the file size.
transfer_sizes_[share_target.id] = total_bytes;
// An upgrade may have occurred before the transfer starts, so only set the
// default medium if it has not already been set.
if (!last_medium_.contains(share_target.id)) {
last_medium_[share_target.id] = connections::mojom::Medium::kBluetooth;
// TODO(b/266739400): Test this once there is Structured Metrics unittesting
// infrastructure available.
void ThroughputMetricLogger::OnTransferUpdated(const ShareTarget& share_target,
float percentage_complete) {
base::TimeTicks current_update = base::TimeTicks::Now();
base::TimeTicks previous_update = last_update_[share_target.id];
float previous_percentage = last_percentage_[share_target.id];
// Compute the deltas.
float percentage_delta = percentage_complete - previous_percentage;
base::TimeDelta update_delta = current_update - previous_update;
// To prevent spamming of metrics, batch updates to a minimum of 1%.
if (percentage_delta < 1.0) {
// Update the stored state for this share target.
last_update_[share_target.id] = current_update;
last_percentage_[share_target.id] = percentage_complete;
// Do not emit events for recently upgraded share targets to deal with partial
// updates across the medium upgrade.
if (recently_upgraded_.contains(share_target.id)) {
// Do not emit a metric for the first or last update to prevent setup and
// teardown noise.
if (previous_percentage <= 0 || percentage_complete >= 100) {
// We must have either started the transfer or triggered a bandwidth upgrade.
connections::mojom::Medium medium = last_medium_[share_target.id];
// We must have started a transfer.
long transfer_size = transfer_sizes_[share_target.id];
Platform platform = GetPlatform(share_target);
DeviceRelationship relationship = GetDeviceRelationship(share_target);
// Convert percentages to bytes. There might be some loss of accuracy due
// to the float conversion, but it should be within a few bytes of the actual
// number.
long transferred_bytes = (percentage_complete / 100) * transfer_size;
long update_bytes = (percentage_delta / 100) * transfer_size;
void ThroughputMetricLogger::OnTransferCompleted(
const ShareTarget& share_target,
TransferMetadata::Status status) {
// Reset all share target state.
void ThroughputMetricLogger::OnBandwidthUpgrade(
const ShareTarget& share_target,
connections::mojom::Medium medium) {
// Update the medium.
last_medium_[share_target.id] = medium;
// Mark the share target as recently upgraded.
} // namespace nearby::share::metrics