
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_context_base.h"
#include "extensions/buildflags/buildflags.h"

class GURL;

// This permission context is responsible for getting, deciding on and updating
// the notification permission for a particular website or extension. This
// permission guards use of the Notification API, the Web Push API and the
// chrome.notifications extension APIs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Websites
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Websites running top-level on a secure origin are able to request the
// notification permission by calling Notification.requestPermission(), or
// implicitly through PushManager.subscribe(). Requests from insecure origins
// and sub-frames are rejected, but can use previously granted permission.
// When a website running in a sub-frame checks whether permission has been
// granted, and no decision has been made yet (i.e. CONTENT_SETTING_ASK),
// CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK will be returned to reflect the fact that permission
// cannot be requested.
// When the user rejects a notification permission request, the WebContents will
// be prevented from requesting the permission again (regardless of origin)
// until a user-initiated navigation occurs. This stops users from being locked
// in to cross-origin request loops that may be hard to escape from.
//     On Android O and beyond, notification channels will be used for storing
//     website permissions as opposed to regular preferences. The permissions
//     are configurable by the user in system UI, and will be backed up and
//     restored by the operating system at the appropriate times.
//         Settings > Apps & notifications > Chrome > Notifications > Sites
//     The NotificationChannelsProviderAndroid implements this behaviour, and
//     is added as a content setting provider to the HostContentSettingsMap.
//    The notification permission is not available in Incognito browsing mode
//    because the expected behaviour regarding short-lived push subscriptions
//    has not been decided upon. Use of native notification centers, where
//    Chrome hands over potentially sensitive information to the underlying
//    operating system, will also be a consideration in this decision.
//    An explicit design goal of Incognito mode is that developers should not be
//    able to recognise that it is being used. Applicable permission requests
//    are therefore automatically rejected after a random number of seconds in
//    the range [1.0, 2.0).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extensions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extensions that wish to use notifications should declare the "notifications"
// permission in their manifest. The user will be prompted to accept this when
// the extension is being installed, or installation will be aborted.
// An installed extension that declared the "notifications" permission in their
// manifest is assumed to have full permission. This can be overridden by the
// NotifierStateTracker, configurable through UI affordances such as the Chrome
// OS Notification Center and the right click -> "disable notifications" option.
// Extensions that do not declare the "notifications" permission in their
// manifest will be treated as regular websites.
class NotificationPermissionContext
    : public permissions::PermissionContextBase {};