// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/components/arc/mojom/file_system.mojom.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/watcher_manager.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace arc {
// Fake implementation to operate on documents in memory.
// ArcFileSystemOperationRunner provides two types of methods: content URL
// based and documents provider based. According to backend type, you need
// to setup the fake with different functions.
// Content URL based functions are:
// - GetFileSize()
// - GetMimeType()
// - CloseFileSession()
// - OpenFileSessionToWrite()
// - OpenFileSessionToRead()
// Fake files for those functions can be set up by AddFile().
// Documents provider based functions are:
// - GetDocument()
// - GetChildDocuments()
// - GetRecentDocuments()
// - GetRoots()
// - GetRootSize()
// - DeleteDocument()
// - RenameDocument()
// - CreateDocument()
// - CopyDocument()
// - MoveDocument()
// Fake documents for those functions can be set up by AddDocument() and fake
// roots for those functions can be set up by AddRoot().
// Notes:
// - GetChildDocuments() returns child documents in the same order as they were
// added with AddDocument().
// - GetRecentDocuments() returns recent documents in the same order as they
// were added with AddRecentDocument().
// - OpenFileSessionToRead(), OpenFileSessionToWrite() will fail unless
// AddFile() for the file to open is called beforehand.
// - Callbacks are never invoked synchronously.
// - All member functions must be called on the same thread.
class FakeFileSystemInstance : public mojom::FileSystemInstance {
// Specification of a fake file available to content URL based methods.
using GetLastChangeTimeCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<base::Time(const base::FilePath& path)>;
// TODO(risan): Consider if this is really needed, and whether we should just
// use the simpler option by using the original directory as is.
// The path for the top level directory considered in MediaStore.
static constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kFakeAndroidPath[] =
// Expected size in OpenThumbnail calls.
static constexpr gfx::Size kDefaultThumbnailSize = gfx::Size(360, 360);
struct File {
enum class Seekable {
// Content URL of a file.
std::string url;
// The content of a file, which can be read by OpenFileSessionToRead().
// When Seekable.NO is specified and OpenFileSessionToWrite() is called,
// this |content| will be ignored and bytes written to FD from
// OpenFileSessionToWrite() will be read by OpenFileSessionToRead().
std::string content;
// The MIME type of a file.
std::string mime_type;
// Whether this file is seekable or not.
Seekable seekable;
// Override of |content| length in bytes.
std::optional<int64_t> size_override;
// The thumbnail of a file, which can be read by OpenThumbnail().
std::string thumbnail_content;
File(const std::string& url,
const std::string& content,
const std::string& mime_type,
Seekable seekable);
File(const std::string& url,
const std::string& content,
const std::string& mime_type,
Seekable seekable,
int64_t size_override);
File(const File& that);
size_t size() const {
return size_override ? *size_override : content.size();
// Specification of a fake document available to documents provider based
// methods.
struct Document {
// Authority.
std::string authority;
// ID of this document.
std::string document_id;
// ID of the parent document. Can be empty if this is a root.
std::string parent_document_id;
// File name displayed to users.
std::string display_name;
// MIME type.
std::string mime_type;
// File size in bytes. Set to -1 if size is not available.
int64_t size;
// Last modified time in milliseconds from the UNIX epoch.
// TODO(crbug.com/40497368): Use base::Time once the corresponding field
// in file_system.mojom stops using uint64.
uint64_t last_modified;
// Flag indicating that a document is deletable.
bool supports_delete;
// Flag indicating that a document can be renamed.
bool supports_rename;
// Flag indicating that a document is a directory that supports creation of
// new files within it.
bool dir_supports_create;
// Flag indicating that a document supports openDocumentThumbnail() call.
bool supports_thumbnail;
Document(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
const std::string& parent_document_id,
const std::string& display_name,
const std::string& mime_type,
int64_t size,
uint64_t last_modified);
Document(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
const std::string& parent_document_id,
const std::string& display_name,
const std::string& mime_type,
int64_t size,
uint64_t last_modified,
bool supports_delete,
bool supports_rename,
bool dir_supports_create,
bool supports_thumbnail);
Document(const Document& that);
// Specification of a fake root available to documents provider based methods.
struct Root {
// Authority.
std::string authority;
// ID of this root.
std::string root_id;
// ID of the document which is a directory that represents the top
// directory of this root.
std::string document_id;
// Title of this root.
std::string title;
// Available bytes in this root.
int64_t available_bytes;
// Capacity bytes in this root.
int64_t capacity_bytes;
Root(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& root_id,
const std::string& document_id,
const std::string& title,
int64_t available_bytes,
int64_t capacity_bytes);
Root(const Root& that);
FakeFileSystemInstance(const FakeFileSystemInstance&) = delete;
FakeFileSystemInstance& operator=(const FakeFileSystemInstance&) = delete;
~FakeFileSystemInstance() override;
// Returns true if Init() has been called.
bool InitCalled();
// Adds a file accessible by content URL based methods.
void AddFile(const File& file);
// Adds a document accessible by document provider based methods.
void AddDocument(const Document& document);
// Adds a recent document accessible by document provider based methods.
void AddRecentDocument(const std::string& root_id, const Document& document);
// Removes a recent document accessible by document provider based methods.
void RemoveRecentDocument(const Document& document);
// Adds a root accessible by document provider based methods.
void AddRoot(const Root& root);
// Add a file descriptor accessible by a URL ID.
void AddOpenSession(const std::string& url_id, const int fd);
// Fake the GetLastChangedTime implementation.
void SetGetLastChangeTimeCallback(GetLastChangeTimeCallback ctime_callback);
// Sets the path for the top level cros directory considered in MediaStore.
// TODO(risan): Consider to not use this (if we go without different android
// path approach). Another possibility to consider is probably to bind mount
// the directory in the caller test and do android_path conversion for the
// caller? In any case, this we don't want cros to be exposed to this instance
// that lives under Android.
void SetCrosDir(const base::FilePath& cros_dir);
// Sets the initial media store content.
void SetMediaStore(const std::map<base::FilePath, base::Time>& media_store);
// Triggers watchers installed to a document.
void TriggerWatchers(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
storage::WatcherManager::ChangeType type);
// Returns how many times GetChildDocuments() was called.
int get_child_documents_count() const { return get_child_documents_count_; }
// Returns true if there is a document with the given authority and
// document_id.
bool DocumentExists(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id);
// Returns true if there is a document with the given authority,
// root's document_id, and file path from the root.
bool DocumentExists(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& root_document_id,
const base::FilePath& path);
// Returns true if there is a root with the given authority and root_id.
bool RootExists(const std::string& authority, const std::string& root_id);
// Returns a document with the given authority and document_id.
Document GetDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id);
// Returns a document with the given authority, root's document_id, and file
// path from the root.
Document GetDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
const base::FilePath& path);
// Returns the content written to the FD returned by OpenFileSessionToWrite().
std::string GetFileContent(const std::string& url);
// Returns the content written to the FD returned by OpenFileSessionToWrite(),
// up to |bytes| bytes.
std::string GetFileContent(const std::string& url, size_t bytes);
// For clearing the list of handled requests
void clear_handled_requests() { handled_url_requests_.clear(); }
// For validating the url requests in testing.
const std::vector<mojom::OpenUrlsRequestPtr>& handledUrlRequests() const {
return handled_url_requests_;
// Returns the content of the fake media store index.
const std::map<base::FilePath, base::Time>& GetMediaStore() const {
return media_store_;
// mojom::FileSystemInstance:
void AddWatcher(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
AddWatcherCallback callback) override;
void GetChildDocuments(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
GetChildDocumentsCallback callback) override;
void GetDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
GetDocumentCallback callback) override;
void GetFileSize(const std::string& url,
GetFileSizeCallback callback) override;
void GetMimeType(const std::string& url,
GetMimeTypeCallback callback) override;
void GetRecentDocuments(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& root_id,
GetRecentDocumentsCallback callback) override;
void GetRoots(GetRootsCallback callback) override;
void GetRootSize(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& root_id,
GetRootSizeCallback callback) override;
void DeleteDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
DeleteDocumentCallback callback) override;
void RenameDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& document_id,
const std::string& display_name,
RenameDocumentCallback callback) override;
void CreateDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& parent_document_id,
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::string& display_name,
CreateDocumentCallback callback) override;
void CopyDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& source_document_id,
const std::string& target_parent_document_id,
CopyDocumentCallback callback) override;
void MoveDocument(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& source_document_id,
const std::string& source_parent_document_id,
const std::string& target_parent_document_id,
MoveDocumentCallback callback) override;
void Init(mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::FileSystemHost> host,
InitCallback callback) override;
void CloseFileSession(const std::string& url_id,
const std::string& error_message) override;
void OpenFileSessionToWrite(const GURL& url,
OpenFileSessionToWriteCallback callback) override;
void OpenFileSessionToRead(const GURL& url,
OpenFileSessionToReadCallback callback) override;
void OpenThumbnail(const std::string& url,
const gfx::Size& size_hint,
OpenThumbnailCallback callback) override;
void RemoveWatcher(int64_t watcher_id,
RemoveWatcherCallback callback) override;
void RequestMediaScan(const std::vector<std::string>& paths) override;
void RequestFileRemovalScan(
const std::vector<std::string>& directory_paths) override;
void ReindexDirectory(const std::string& directory_path) override;
void DEPRECATED_OpenUrlsWithPermission(
mojom::OpenUrlsRequestPtr request,
DEPRECATED_OpenUrlsWithPermissionCallback callback) override;
void OpenUrlsWithPermissionAndWindowInfo(
mojom::OpenUrlsRequestPtr request,
mojom::WindowInfoPtr window_info,
OpenUrlsWithPermissionAndWindowInfoCallback callback) override;
// A pair of an authority and a document ID which identifies the location
// of a document in documents providers.
using DocumentKey = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
// A pair of an authority and a root ID which identifies a root in
// documents providers.
using RootKey = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
// Finds a document inside a document with parent_document_id by following
// given path components.
std::string FindChildDocumentId(const std::string& authority,
const std::string& parent_document_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& components);
// Creates a regular file with the given flags and returns its fd.
base::ScopedFD CreateRegularFileDescriptor(const File& file, uint32_t flags);
// Returns a FD to non-seekable file to read. |content| content will be
// returned when reading the FD.
base::ScopedFD CreateStreamFileDescriptorToRead(const std::string& content);
// Returns a FD to non-seekable file to write. Bytes written to the FD can be
// read by calling GetFileContent() with the passed |url|.
base::ScopedFD CreateStreamFileDescriptorToWrite(const std::string& url);
// Returns the cros file path for |android_path|.
base::FilePath GetCrosPath(const base::FilePath& android_path) const;
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
mojo::Remote<mojom::FileSystemHost> host_remote_;
// Mapping from a content URL to a file.
std::map<std::string, File> files_;
// Mapping from a content URL to a file path of a created regular file.
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath> regular_file_paths_;
// Mapping from a content URL to a read end of a pipe.
// The corresponding write end should have been returned from
// OpenFileSessionToWrite() on non-seekable file entry.
std::map<std::string, base::ScopedFD> pipe_read_ends_;
// Mapping from a document key to a document.
std::map<DocumentKey, Document> documents_;
// Mapping from a document key to its child documents.
std::map<DocumentKey, std::vector<DocumentKey>> child_documents_;
// Mapping from a root key to its recent documents.
std::map<RootKey, std::vector<Document>> recent_documents_;
// Mapping from a root key to a root.
std::map<RootKey, Root> roots_;
// Mapping from a document key to its watchers.
std::map<DocumentKey, std::set<int64_t>> document_to_watchers_;
// Mapping from a watcher ID to a document key.
std::map<int64_t, DocumentKey> watcher_to_document_;
// Mapping of open URL ID to a file descriptor.
std::map<std::string, int> open_urls_;
// List of all OpenUrlsRequests made to the fake_file_system_instance
std::vector<mojom::OpenUrlsRequestPtr> handled_url_requests_;
// List of roots added by AddRoot().
std::vector<Root> roots_list_;
// Fake MediaStore database index.
std::map<base::FilePath, base::Time> media_store_;
// Fake GetLastChangedTime function callback.
GetLastChangeTimeCallback ctime_callback_;
// The path for the top level cros directory considered in MediaStore.
base::FilePath cros_dir_;
int64_t next_watcher_id_ = 1;
int get_child_documents_count_ = 0;
} // namespace arc