
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package notifications.proto;

import "impression.proto";

// The type of clients using the notification scheduler system.
enum SchedulerClientType {
  TEST_1 = -1;
  TEST_2 = -2;
  TEST_3 = -3;
  UNKNOWN = 0;
  WEBUI = 1;
  reserved 5;  // [DEPRECATED] FEATURE_GUIDE

// Contains details about suppression and recovery after suppression expired.
// Should match SuppressionInfo in impression_types.h.
// Next tag: 4
message SuppressionInfo {
  // The suppression trigger timestamp in milliseconds since epoch.
  optional int64 last_trigger_time = 1;

  // The duration for the suppression in milliseconds.
  optional int64 duration_ms = 2;

  // The maximum number of notification to show after the suppression expired.
  optional int32 recover_goal = 3;

// Stores the global states about how often the notification can be shown
// to the user and the history of user interactions to a particular notification
// client. Should match ClientState in impression_types.h.
// Next tag: 8
message ClientState {
  // The type of notification using the scheduler.
  optional SchedulerClientType type = 1;

  // The maximum number of notifications shown to the user for this type. May
  // change if the user interacts with the notification.
  optional int32 current_max_daily_show = 2;

  // A list of user impression history. Sorted by creation time.
  repeated Impression impressions = 3;

  // Suppression details, no value if there is currently no suppression.
  optional SuppressionInfo suppression_info = 4;

  // The number of negative events caused by concecutive dismiss or not helpful
  // button clicking in all time.
  optional int32 negative_events_count = 5;

  // Timestamp of last negative event triggered.
  optional int64 last_negative_event_ts = 6;

  // Timestamp of last shown event of notifications.
  optional int64 last_shown_ts = 7;