// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package notifications.proto;
import "client_state.proto";
import "impression.proto";
import "notification_data.proto";
// Defines scheduling and throttling details.
// Next tag: 6
message ScheduleParams {
enum Priority {
LOW = 0;
optional Priority priority = 1;
repeated Impression.ImpressionMapping impression_mapping = 2;
// The starting time of deliver time window for the notification.
optional int64 deliver_time_start = 3;
// The end time of deliver time window for the notification.
optional int64 deliver_time_end = 4;
// The duration to treat notification with NO_FEEDBACK impression as IGNORE.
optional int64 ignore_timeout_duration = 5;
// The notification entry that contains all data for a scheduled notification.
// Next tag: 6
message NotificationEntry {
// The type of the notification.
optional SchedulerClientType type = 1;
// The guid of the notification entry. Serve as the key of the database
// record.
optional string guid = 2;
// Creation time stamp in milliseconds since epoch.
optional int64 create_time = 3;
// Notification data used by the UI.
optional NotificationData notification_data = 4;
// Scheduling parameters.
optional ScheduleParams schedule_params = 5;