// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This test file is an evolution of
// chrome/notification_helper/notification_helper_process_unittest.cc. In
// addition to testing launching notification_helper.exe by the OS via registry
// which is what notification_helper_process_unittest is all about, this test
// also tests if chrome.exe can be successfully launched by
// notification_helper.exe via the NotificationActivator::Activate function.
// This test is compiled into unit_tests.exe rather than
// notification_helper_unittests.exe. This is because unit_tests.exe has data
// dependency on chrome.exe which is required by this test, and it's undesired
// to make notification_helper_unittests.exe have data dependency on chrome.exe.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <NotificationActivationCallback.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include "base/base_paths.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/process/process_iterator.h"
#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/install_worker.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/work_item.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/process_inspector_win.h"
#include "content/public/common/result_codes.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
constexpr wchar_t kLaunchId[] =
// Returns a handle to the process of id |pid| if it is an immediate child of
// |parent|.
base::Process OpenProcessIfChildOf(base::ProcessId pid,
const base::Process& parent) {
// PROCESS_VM_READ access right is required for ProcessInspector::Create()
// below.
auto process = base::Process::OpenWithExtraPrivileges(pid);
if (!process.IsValid())
return process;
auto inspector = ProcessInspector::Create(process);
if (!inspector || inspector->GetParentPid() != parent.Pid())
return process;
// Used to filter all the descendant processes of the given process.
class ProcessTreeFilter : public base::ProcessFilter {
explicit ProcessTreeFilter(base::Process process)
: parent_pid_(process.Pid()) {
ancestor_processes_[process.Pid()] = std::move(process);
ProcessTreeFilter(const ProcessTreeFilter&) = delete;
ProcessTreeFilter& operator=(const ProcessTreeFilter&) = delete;
bool Includes(const base::ProcessEntry& entry) const override {
auto iter = ancestor_processes_.find(entry.parent_pid());
if (iter != ancestor_processes_.end()) {
base::Process process = OpenProcessIfChildOf(entry.pid(), iter->second);
// If the process is invalid, it could be an immediate child of
// iter->second but has been killed resulting from its parent proc's being
// killed. Despite this, its child processes may not be killed yet. So in
// theory, we need to add its pid to ancestor_processes_ map and continue
// hunting for its descendant processes.
// However, it is possible that the pid was reused, and we don't want to
// kill the new proc's child processes. With this possibility, we choose
// not to kill the new process if it is invalid. This works fine for this
// test as chrome puts its sub-procs in a job object so that they all
// should die with the parent.
if (!process.IsValid())
return false;
has_child_process_alive_ = true;
ancestor_processes_[entry.pid()] = std::move(process);
return true;
return false;
bool has_child_process_alive() { return has_child_process_alive_; }
void set_has_child_process_alive(bool has_child_process_alive) {
has_child_process_alive_ = has_child_process_alive;
// The handles of the ancestor processes, indexed by process id.
// Must be mutable because override function Includes() is const.
mutable base::flat_map<base::ProcessId, base::Process> ancestor_processes_;
// Id of the parent process.
const base::ProcessId parent_pid_;
// A flag indicating if there is any child process alive.
// Must be mutable because override function Includes() is const.
mutable bool has_child_process_alive_ = false;
// Kills |process| and all of its descendants. Child processes are explicitly
// killed to ensure that they do not outlive the test.
void KillProcessTree(base::Process process) {
ProcessTreeFilter process_tree_filter(process.Duplicate());
// Start by explicitly killing the main process.
ASSERT_TRUE(process.Terminate(content::RESULT_CODE_KILLED, true /* wait */));
// base::KillProcesses used in conjuction with KillProcessTree kills
// processes from parent to child. Loop until all descendant processes are
// killed with no more than kMaxTries tries.
static constexpr int kMaxTries = 10;
int num_tries = 0;
base::FilePath::StringType exe_name = installer::kChromeExe;
do {
base::KillProcesses(exe_name, content::RESULT_CODE_KILLED,
} while (process_tree_filter.has_child_process_alive() &&
++num_tries < kMaxTries);
DLOG_IF(ERROR, num_tries >= kMaxTries) << "Failed to kill all processes!";
// Returns the process with name |name| if it is found.
base::Process FindProcess(const std::wstring& name) {
unsigned int pid;
base::NamedProcessIterator iter(name, nullptr);
const auto* entry = iter.NextProcessEntry();
if (!entry)
return base::Process();
pid = entry->pid();
auto process = base::Process::Open(pid);
if (!process.IsValid())
return process;
// Since the process could go away suddenly before we open a handle to it,
// it's possible that a different process was just opened and assigned the
// same PID due to aggressive PID reuse. Now that a handle is held to *some*
// process, take another run through the snapshot to see if the process with
// this PID has the right exe name.
base::NamedProcessIterator iter(name, nullptr);
while (const auto* entry = iter.NextProcessEntry()) {
if (entry->pid() == pid)
return process; // PID was not reused since the PID's match.
return base::Process(); // The PID was reused.
// Used to filter all the immediate child processes by process id.
class ChildProcessFilter : public base::ProcessFilter {
explicit ChildProcessFilter(base::ProcessId parent_pid)
: parent_pid_(parent_pid) {}
ChildProcessFilter(const ChildProcessFilter&) = delete;
ChildProcessFilter& operator=(const ChildProcessFilter&) = delete;
bool Includes(const base::ProcessEntry& entry) const override {
return parent_pid_ == entry.parent_pid();
const base::ProcessId parent_pid_;
} // namespace
class NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome : public testing::Test {
NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome(const NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome&) =
NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome& operator=(
const NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome&) = delete;
NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome() : root_(HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {}
~NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome() override = default;
void SetUp() override { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RegisterServer()); }
void TearDown() override {
// The test creates a notification_helper process. When the test fails, this
// process and its child processes can be left behind. We should clean it up
// in this scenario.
base::Process process = FindProcess(installer::kNotificationHelperExe);
if (process.IsValid())
// Registers notification_helper.exe as the server.
void RegisterServer() {
// Notification_helper.exe is in the build output directory next to this
// test executable, as the test build target has a data_deps dependency on
// it.
base::FilePath dir_exe;
ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &dir_exe));
base::FilePath notification_helper_path =
work_item_list_ = base::WrapUnique(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
installer::AddNativeNotificationWorkItems(root_, notification_helper_path,
// Unregisters the server by rolling back the work item list.
void UnregisterServer() {
if (work_item_list_)
// Predefined handle to the registry.
const HKEY root_;
// A list of work items on the registry.
std::unique_ptr<WorkItemList> work_item_list_;
base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer scoped_com_initializer_;
TEST_F(NotificationHelperLaunchesChrome, ChromeLaunchTest) {
// There isn't a way to directly correlate the notification_helper.exe server
// to this test. So we need to hunt for the server.
base::Process notification_helper_process =
install_static::GetToastActivatorClsid(), nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
// The notification_helper server is now invoked upon the request of creating
// the object instance. The server module now holds a reference of the
// instance object, the notification_helper.exe process is alive waiting for
// that reference to be released.
notification_helper_process = FindProcess(installer::kNotificationHelperExe);
// This relies on |notification_helper_process| outliving |filter| to ensure
// that its pid isn't reused.
ChildProcessFilter filter(notification_helper_process.Pid());
int child_chrome_process_count = 0;
base::Process notification_helper_crashpad;
base::NamedProcessIterator iter(installer::kChromeExe, &filter);
while (const auto* entry = iter.NextProcessEntry()) {
notification_helper_crashpad =
OpenProcessIfChildOf(entry->pid(), notification_helper_process);
// The notification_helper process has launched a child chrome process as its
// crashpad handler.
ASSERT_EQ(child_chrome_process_count, 1);
// Launch chrome.exe with the launch id from notification_helper.
notification_activator->Activate(L"", kLaunchId, nullptr, 0));
// Now the notification_helper process has another immediate child process, in
// addition to the crashpad child process as mentioned above. Note that
// notification_helper has more than two descendant chrome processes. Kill all
// notification_helper's child processes except for the crashpad child process
// while counting.
child_chrome_process_count = 0;
base::NamedProcessIterator iter(installer::kChromeExe, &filter);
while (const auto* entry = iter.NextProcessEntry()) {
if (entry->pid() == notification_helper_crashpad.Pid())
base::Process process =
OpenProcessIfChildOf(entry->pid(), notification_helper_process);
ASSERT_EQ(child_chrome_process_count, 1);
// The crashpad process should be the only living child process of
// notification_helper.
child_chrome_process_count = 0;
base::NamedProcessIterator iter(installer::kChromeExe, &filter);
while (iter.NextProcessEntry())
ASSERT_EQ(child_chrome_process_count, 1);
// Release the instance object. Now that the last (and the only) instance
// object of the module is released, the event living in the server
// process is signaled, which allows the notification_helper process and its
// crashpad child process to exit.
TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), nullptr));
TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), nullptr));