// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/components/arc/timer/arc_timer_bridge.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/components/arc/mojom/timer.mojom.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_bridge_service.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/arc_service_manager.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/session/connection_holder.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/test/connection_holder_util.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/test/fake_timer_instance.h"
#include "ash/components/arc/timer/arc_timer_mojom_traits.h"
#include "base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/posix/unix_domain_socket.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/test_future.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/upstart/fake_upstart_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/power_manager_client.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_keyed_service_factory.h"
#include "components/user_prefs/test/test_browser_context_with_prefs.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_task_environment.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/platform_handle.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace arc {
namespace {
// Converts a system file descriptor to a mojo handle that can be sent to the
// host.
mojo::ScopedHandle WrapPlatformFd(base::ScopedFD scoped_fd) {
mojo::ScopedHandle handle = mojo::WrapPlatformFile(std::move(scoped_fd));
if (!handle.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wrap platform handle";
return mojo::ScopedHandle();
return handle;
// Callback for D-Bus operations.
void TimerOperationCallback(base::OnceClosure quit_callback,
bool* op_result,
mojom::ArcTimerResult result) {
*op_result = (result == mojom::ArcTimerResult::SUCCESS);
// Stores clock ids and their corresponding file descriptors. These file
// descriptors indicate when a timer corresponding to the clock has expired on
// a read.
class ArcTimerStore {
ArcTimerStore() = default;
ArcTimerStore(const ArcTimerStore&) = delete;
ArcTimerStore& operator=(const ArcTimerStore&) = delete;
bool AddTimer(clockid_t clock_id, base::ScopedFD read_fd) {
return arc_timers_.emplace(clock_id, std::move(read_fd)).second;
void ClearTimers() { return arc_timers_.clear(); }
std::optional<int> GetTimerReadFd(clockid_t clock_id) {
if (!HasTimer(clock_id))
return std::nullopt;
return std::optional<int>(arc_timers_[clock_id].get());
bool HasTimer(clockid_t clock_id) const {
auto it = arc_timers_.find(clock_id);
return it != arc_timers_.end() && it->second.is_valid();
// Map of a clock id to read fd that is signalled when the timer corresponding
// the clock expires.
std::map<clockid_t, base::ScopedFD> arc_timers_;
class ArcTimerTest : public testing::Test {
: task_environment_(content::BrowserTaskEnvironment::IO_MAINLOOP) {
timer_bridge_ = ArcTimerBridge::GetForBrowserContextForTesting(&context_);
// This results in ArcTimerBridge::OnInstanceReady being called.
ArcTimerTest(const ArcTimerTest&) = delete;
ArcTimerTest& operator=(const ArcTimerTest&) = delete;
~ArcTimerTest() override {
// Destroys the FakeTimerInstance. This results in
// ArcTimerBridge::OnInstanceClosed being called.
// Returns true iff timer creation of each clock type succeeded.
bool CreateTimers(const std::vector<clockid_t>& clocks);
// Returns true iff a timer for |clock_id| is successfully scheduled.
bool StartTimer(clockid_t clock_id, base::TimeTicks absolute_expiration_time);
// Returns true iff the read descriptor of a timer is signalled. If the
// signalling is incorrect returns false. Blocks otherwise.
bool WaitForExpiration(clockid_t clock_id);
mojom::TimerHost* GetTimerHost() { return timer_instance_.GetTimerHost(); }
// Stores |read_fds| corresponding to clock ids in |clocks| in
// |arc_timer_store_|.
bool StoreReadFds(const std::vector<clockid_t> clocks,
std::vector<base::ScopedFD> read_fds);
content::BrowserTaskEnvironment task_environment_;
ArcServiceManager arc_service_manager_;
user_prefs::TestBrowserContextWithPrefs context_;
FakeTimerInstance timer_instance_;
ArcTimerStore arc_timer_store_;
raw_ptr<ArcTimerBridge> timer_bridge_;
bool ArcTimerTest::StoreReadFds(const std::vector<clockid_t> clocks,
std::vector<base::ScopedFD> read_fds) {
auto read_fd_iter = read_fds.begin();
for (auto clock_id : clocks) {
// This should never fail because at this point timers have been created by
// powerd and |clocks| doesn't have any duplicate clock ids.
if (!arc_timer_store_.AddTimer(clock_id, std::move(*read_fd_iter))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error while adding clock=" << clock_id << " to store";
return false;
return true;
bool ArcTimerTest::CreateTimers(const std::vector<clockid_t>& clocks) {
// Create requests to create a timer for each clock.
std::vector<mojom::CreateTimerRequestPtr> arc_timer_requests;
std::vector<base::ScopedFD> read_fds;
for (auto clock_id : clocks) {
mojom::CreateTimerRequestPtr request = mojom::CreateTimerRequest::New();
// Create a socket pair for each clock. One socket will be part of the
// mojo argument and will be used by the host to indicate when the timer
// expires. The other socket will be used to detect the expiration of the
// timer by epolling and reading.
base::ScopedFD read_fd;
base::ScopedFD write_fd;
if (!base::CreateSocketPair(&read_fd, &write_fd)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create socket pair for ARC timers";
return false;
request->clock_id = clock_id;
request->expiration_fd = WrapPlatformFd(std::move(write_fd));
// Clear local test state before creating timers.
// Call the host to create timers. Safe to use base::Unretained(this) as the
// class is guaranteed to exist for the duration of the test.
bool result;
base::RunLoop loop;
base::BindOnce(&TimerOperationCallback, loop.QuitClosure(), &result));
if (!result)
return false;
// If timer creation succeeded, store the read fds associated with each clock
// in the store. The read fd will be used to wait on for a timer expiration.
if (!StoreReadFds(clocks, std::move(read_fds))) {
return false;
return true;
bool ArcTimerTest::StartTimer(clockid_t clock_id,
base::TimeTicks absolute_expiration_time) {
// Call the host to start a timer corresponding to |clock_id|. Safe to use
// base::Unretained(this) as the class is guaranteed to exist for the
// duration of the test.
base::RunLoop loop;
bool result;
clock_id, absolute_expiration_time,
base::BindOnce(&TimerOperationCallback, loop.QuitClosure(), &result));
return result;
bool ArcTimerTest::WaitForExpiration(clockid_t clock_id) {
if (!arc_timer_store_.HasTimer(clock_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Timer of clock=" << clock_id << " not present";
return false;
// Wait for the host to indicate expiration by watching the read end of the
// socket pair.
std::optional<int> timer_read_fd_opt =
// This should never happen if the timer was present in the store.
if (!timer_read_fd_opt.has_value()) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Clock=" << clock_id << " read fd not found";
return false;
int timer_read_fd = timer_read_fd_opt.value();
base::RunLoop loop;
watch_readable_controller = base::FileDescriptorWatcher::WatchReadable(
timer_read_fd, loop.QuitClosure());
// The timer expects 8 bytes to be written from the host upon expiration and
// the number of expirations to be 1.
uint64_t num_expirations;
std::vector<base::ScopedFD> fds;
ssize_t bytes_read = base::UnixDomainSocket::RecvMsg(
timer_read_fd, &num_expirations, sizeof(num_expirations), &fds);
if (bytes_read < static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(num_expirations))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Incorrect timer wake up bytes_read=" << bytes_read;
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(num_expirations, 1ULL);
// TODO(fdoray): Remove this hack once WatchReadable fixes crbug.com/74118.
// This is required for |watch_readable_controller| to clean up properly.
base::RunLoop run_loop;
return true;
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, StartTimerTest) {
std::vector<clockid_t> clocks = {CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM, CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM};
// Create timers before starting it.
// Start timer and check if timer expired.
base::TimeDelta delay = base::Milliseconds(20);
EXPECT_TRUE(StartTimer(CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM, base::TimeTicks::Now() + delay));
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, InvalidCreateTimersArgsTest) {
std::vector<clockid_t> clocks = {CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM, CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM,
// Timers with duplicate clock ids shouldn't succeed.
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, InvalidStartTimerArgsTest) {
std::vector<clockid_t> clocks = {CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM};
// Start timer should fail due to un-registered clock id.
base::TimeDelta delay = base::Milliseconds(20);
StartTimer(CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM, base::TimeTicks::Now() + delay));
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, CheckMultipleCreateTimersTest) {
std::vector<clockid_t> clocks = {CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM};
// The power manager implicitly deletes old timers associated with a tag
// during a create call. Thus, consecutive create calls should succeed.
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, SetTimeTest_RequestedTimeIsInvalid) {
// Time::Now() + 25 hours should be rejected.
base::Time time_to_set =
base::Time::Now() + kArcSetTimeMaxTimeDelta + base::Hours(1);
base::test::TestFuture<mojom::ArcTimerResult> future;
GetTimerHost()->SetTime(time_to_set, future.GetCallback());
EXPECT_EQ(future.Get(), mojom::ArcTimerResult::FAILURE);
// Time::Now() - 25 hours should be rejected.
time_to_set = base::Time::Now() - kArcSetTimeMaxTimeDelta - base::Hours(1);
base::test::TestFuture<mojom::ArcTimerResult> future2;
GetTimerHost()->SetTime(time_to_set, future2.GetCallback());
EXPECT_EQ(future2.Get(), mojom::ArcTimerResult::FAILURE);
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, SetTimeTest_RequestedTimeIsValid) {
// Time::Now() + 23 hours should be accepted.
const base::Time time_to_set =
base::Time::Now() + kArcSetTimeMaxTimeDelta - base::Hours(1);
[time_to_set](const std::string& job_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& env) {
EXPECT_EQ(job_name, kArcSetTimeJobName);
EXPECT_EQ(env.size(), 1U); // Can't use ASSERT_EQ inside the closure.
if (env.size() >= 1) {
EXPECT_EQ(env[0], base::StringPrintf("UNIXTIME_TO_SET=%ld",
return ash::FakeUpstartClient::StartJobResult(true /* success */);
base::test::TestFuture<mojom::ArcTimerResult> future;
GetTimerHost()->SetTime(time_to_set, future.GetCallback());
EXPECT_EQ(future.Get(), mojom::ArcTimerResult::SUCCESS);
TEST_F(ArcTimerTest, SetTimeTest_UpstartJobFails) {
const base::Time time_to_set =
base::Time::Now() + kArcSetTimeMaxTimeDelta - base::Hours(1);
[](const std::string& job_name, const std::vector<std::string>& env) {
// Upstart job fails.
return ash::FakeUpstartClient::StartJobResult(false /* success */);
base::test::TestFuture<mojom::ArcTimerResult> future;
GetTimerHost()->SetTime(time_to_set, future.GetCallback());
EXPECT_EQ(future.Get(), mojom::ArcTimerResult::FAILURE);
} // namespace
} // namespace arc