
<script src="resources/testharness.js"></script>
// Tell testharness.js to not wait for 'real' tests; we only want
// testharness.js for its assertion helpers.
setup({'output': false});

  // 'AsyncBuffer' serves as a helper to buffer LCP reports asynchronously.
  class AsyncBuffer {
    constructor() {
      // 'pending' is an array that will buffer entries reported through the
      // PerformanceObserver and can be collected with 'pop'.
      this.pending = [];

      // 'resolve_fn' is a reference to the 'resolve' function of a
      // Promise that blocks for new entries to arrive via 'push()'. Calling
      // the function resolves the promise and unblocks calls to 'pop()'.
      this.resolve_fn = null;

    // Concatenates the given 'entries' list to this AsyncBuffer.
    push(entries) {
      if (entries.length == 0) {
        throw new Error("Must not push an empty list of entries!");
      this.pending = this.pending.concat(entries);

      // If there are calls to 'pop' that are blocked waiting for items, signal
      // that they can continue.
      if (this.resolve_fn != null) {
        this.resolve_fn = null;

    // Takes the current pending entries from this AsyncBuffer. If there are no
    // entries queued already, this will block until some show up.
    async pop() {
      if (this.pending.length == 0) {
        // Need to instantiate a promise to block on. The next call to 'push'
        // will resolve the promise once it has queued the entries.
        await new Promise(resolve => {
          this.resolve_fn = resolve;
      assert_true(this.pending.length > 0);

      const result = this.pending;
      this.pending = [];
      return result;

  const buffer = new AsyncBuffer();
  const po = new PerformanceObserver(entryList => {
  po.observe({type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true});

  const block_for_next_lcp = async () => {
    const seen_events = await buffer.pop();
    assert_equals(seen_events.length, 1);
    return seen_events[0].size;

  const trigger_repaint_and_block_for_next_lcp = async () => {
    let new_div = document.createElement("div");
    new_div.innerText = "Medium text";
    return await block_for_next_lcp();

<div id="firstDiv" style='width: 600px; height: 10000px'>Short text</div>
<div style='width: 600px; height: 500px'>Loooooooooooong offscreen text that shouldn't count for LCP computation</div>