// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.page_load_metrics;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
* Receives the page load metrics updates from AndroidPageLoadMetricsObserver, and notifies the
* observers.
* Threading: everything here must happen on the UI thread.
public class PageLoadMetrics {
public static final String FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT = "firstContentfulPaint";
public static final String LARGEST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT = "largestContentfulPaint";
public static final String LARGEST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_SIZE = "largestContentfulPaintSize";
public static final String NAVIGATION_START = "navigationStart";
public static final String LOAD_EVENT_START = "loadEventStart";
public static final String FIRST_INPUT_DELAY = "firstInputDelay";
public static final String LAYOUT_SHIFT_SCORE = "layoutShiftScore";
public static final String DOMAIN_LOOKUP_START = "domainLookupStart";
public static final String DOMAIN_LOOKUP_END = "domainLookupEnd";
public static final String CONNECT_START = "connectStart";
public static final String CONNECT_END = "connectEnd";
public static final String REQUEST_START = "requestStart";
public static final String SEND_START = "sendStart";
public static final String SEND_END = "sendEnd";
public static final String EFFECTIVE_CONNECTION_TYPE = "effectiveConnectionType";
public static final String HTTP_RTT = "httpRtt";
public static final String TRANSPORT_RTT = "transportRtt";
/** Observer for page load metrics. */
public interface Observer {
* Called when the new navigation is started. It's guaranteed to be called before any other
* function with the same navigationId.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param isFirstNavigationInWebContents whether this is the first nav in the WebContents.
default void onNewNavigation(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
boolean isFirstNavigationInWebContents) {}
* Called when the navigated page is activated.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param prerenderingNavigationId the unique id of a prerendering navigation this
* activation is related to.
* @param activatingNavigationId the unique id of a activating navigation.
* @param activationStartMicros Absolute activation start time, in microseconds, in
* the same timebase as {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} and
* {@link System#nanoTime()}.
default void onActivation(
WebContents webContents,
long prerenderingNavigationId,
long activatingNavigationId,
long activationStartMicros) {}
* Called when Network Quality Estimate is available, once per page load, when the
* load is started. This is guaranteed to be called before any other metric event
* below. If Chromium has just been started, this will likely be determined from
* the current connection type rather than actual network measurements and so
* probably similar to what the ConnectivityManager reports.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param effectiveConnectionType the effective connection type, see
* net::EffectiveConnectionType.
* @param httpRttMs an estimate of HTTP RTT, in milliseconds. Will be zero if unknown.
* @param transportRttMs an estimate of transport RTT, in milliseconds. Will be zero
* if unknown.
default void onNetworkQualityEstimate(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
int effectiveConnectionType,
long httpRttMs,
long transportRttMs) {}
* Called when the first contentful paint page load metric is available.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationStartMicros Absolute navigation start time, in microseconds, in
* the same timebase as {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} and
* {@link System#nanoTime()}.
* @param firstContentfulPaintMs Time to first contentful paint from navigation start.
default void onFirstContentfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long firstContentfulPaintMs) {}
* Called when the largest contentful paint page load metric is available.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationStartMicros Absolute navigation start time, in microseconds, in
* the same timebase as {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} and
* {@link System#nanoTime()}.
* @param largestContentfulPaintMs Time to largest contentful paint from navigation start.
* @param largestContentfulPaintSize Size of largest contentful paint, in CSS pixels.
default void onLargestContentfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long largestContentfulPaintMs,
long largestContentfulPaintSize) {}
* Called when the first meaningful paint page load metric is available. See
* FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector.cpp
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationStartMicros Absolute navigation start time, in microseconds, in
* the same timebase as {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} and
* {@link System#nanoTime()}.
* @param firstMeaningfulPaintMs Time to first meaningful paint from navigation start.
default void onFirstMeaningfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long firstMeaningfulPaintMs) {}
* Called when the first input delay page load metric is available.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param firstInputDelayMs First input delay.
default void onFirstInputDelay(
WebContents webContents, long navigationId, long firstInputDelayMs) {}
* Called when the load event start metric is available.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationStartMicros Absolute navigation start time, in microseconds, in
* the same timebase as {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis()} and
* {@link System#nanoTime()}.
* @param loadEventStartMs Time to load event start from navigation start.
default void onLoadEventStart(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long loadEventStartMs) {}
* Called when the main resource is loaded.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* Remaining parameters are timing information in milliseconds from a common
* arbitrary point (such as, but not guaranteed to be, system start).
default void onLoadedMainResource(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long dnsStartMs,
long dnsEndMs,
long connectStartMs,
long connectEndMs,
long requestStartMs,
long sendStartMs,
long sendEndMs) {}
* Called when the layout shift score is available.
* @param webContents the WebContents this metrics is related to.
* @param navigationId the unique id of a navigation this metrics is related to.
* @param layoutShiftScoreBeforeInputOrScroll the cumulative layout shift score, before user
* input or scroll.
* @param layoutShiftScoreOverall the cumulative layout shift score over the lifetime of the
* web page.
default void onLayoutShiftScore(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
float layoutShiftScoreBeforeInputOrScroll,
float layoutShiftScoreOverall) {}
private static ObserverList<Observer> sObservers = new ObserverList<>();
private static ObserverList<Observer> sPrerenderObservers = new ObserverList<>();
private static boolean sIsPrerendering;
/** Checks if the current observer handles an event for prerendered pages. */
public static boolean isPrerendering() {
return sIsPrerendering;
* Adds an observer. supportPrerendering flag is introduced for incremental migration and new
* code should support prerendering. TODO(crbug.com/40238907): Deprecate supportPrerendering.
* @param observer the Observer instance to be added.
* @param supportPrerendering specifis if the observer recognizes prerendering navigations.
public static Void addObserver(Observer observer, boolean supportPrerendering) {
if (supportPrerendering) sPrerenderObservers.addObserver(observer);
return null;
/** Removes an observer. */
public static Void removeObserver(Observer observer) {
return null;
static void onNewNavigation(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
boolean isFirstNavigationInWebContents,
boolean isPrerendering) {
ObserverList<Observer> observers = isPrerendering ? sPrerenderObservers : sObservers;
sIsPrerendering = isPrerendering;
for (Observer observer : observers) {
observer.onNewNavigation(webContents, navigationId, isFirstNavigationInWebContents);
private static void onActivation(
WebContents webContents,
long prerenderingNavigationId,
long activatingNavigationId,
long activationStartMicros) {
sIsPrerendering = false;
for (Observer observer : sPrerenderObservers) {
private static void onNetworkQualityEstimate(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
int effectiveConnectionType,
long httpRttMs,
long transportRttMs,
boolean isPrerendering) {
ObserverList<Observer> observers = isPrerendering ? sPrerenderObservers : sObservers;
sIsPrerendering = isPrerendering;
for (Observer observer : observers) {
webContents, navigationId, effectiveConnectionType, httpRttMs, transportRttMs);
private static void onFirstContentfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long firstContentfulPaintMs) {
sIsPrerendering = false;
for (Observer observer : sObservers) {
webContents, navigationId, navigationStartMicros, firstContentfulPaintMs);
private static void onLargestContentfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long largestContentfulPaintMs,
long largestContentfulPaintSize) {
sIsPrerendering = false;
for (Observer observer : sObservers) {
private static void onFirstMeaningfulPaint(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long firstMeaningfulPaintMs) {
sIsPrerendering = false;
for (Observer observer : sObservers) {
webContents, navigationId, navigationStartMicros, firstMeaningfulPaintMs);
private static void onFirstInputDelay(
WebContents webContents, long navigationId, long firstInputDelayMs) {
sIsPrerendering = false;
for (Observer observer : sObservers) {
observer.onFirstInputDelay(webContents, navigationId, firstInputDelayMs);
private static void onLoadEventStart(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long navigationStartMicros,
long loadEventStartMs,
boolean isPrerendering) {
ObserverList<Observer> observers = isPrerendering ? sPrerenderObservers : sObservers;
sIsPrerendering = isPrerendering;
for (Observer observer : observers) {
webContents, navigationId, navigationStartMicros, loadEventStartMs);
private static void onLoadedMainResource(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
long dnsStartMs,
long dnsEndMs,
long connectStartMs,
long connectEndMs,
long requestStartMs,
long sendStartMs,
long sendEndMs,
boolean isPrerendering) {
ObserverList<Observer> observers = isPrerendering ? sPrerenderObservers : sObservers;
sIsPrerendering = isPrerendering;
for (Observer observer : observers) {
private static void onLayoutShiftScore(
WebContents webContents,
long navigationId,
float layoutShiftScoreBeforeInputOrScroll,
float layoutShiftScoreOverall,
boolean isPrerendering) {
ObserverList<Observer> observers = isPrerendering ? sPrerenderObservers : sObservers;
sIsPrerendering = isPrerendering;
for (Observer observer : observers) {
private PageLoadMetrics() {}