
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (c) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Alan Liu
* Created: April 26, 2004
* Since: ICU 3.0
#ifndef __MEASUREUNIT_H__
#define __MEASUREUNIT_H__

#include "unicode/utypes.h"



#include <utility>
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/localpointer.h"

 * \file
 * \brief C++ API: A unit for measuring a quantity.


class StringEnumeration;
class MeasureUnitImpl;

namespace number {
namespace impl {
class LongNameHandler;
} // namespace number

 * Enumeration for unit complexity. There are three levels:
 * - SINGLE: A single unit, optionally with a power and/or SI or binary prefix.
 *           Examples: hectare, square-kilometer, kilojoule, per-second, mebibyte.
 * - COMPOUND: A unit composed of the product of multiple single units. Examples:
 *             meter-per-second, kilowatt-hour, kilogram-meter-per-square-second.
 * - MIXED: A unit composed of the sum of multiple single units. Examples: foot+inch,
 *          hour+minute+second, degree+arcminute+arcsecond.
 * The complexity determines which operations are available. For example, you cannot set the power
 * or prefix of a compound unit.
 * @stable ICU 67
enum UMeasureUnitComplexity {};

 * Enumeration for SI and binary prefixes, e.g. "kilo-", "nano-", "mebi-".
 * Enum values should be treated as opaque: use umeas_getPrefixPower() and
 * umeas_getPrefixBase() to find their corresponding values.
 * @stable ICU 69
 * @see umeas_getPrefixBase
 * @see umeas_getPrefixPower

 * Returns the base of the factor associated with the given unit prefix: the
 * base is 10 for SI prefixes (kilo, micro) and 1024 for binary prefixes (kibi,
 * mebi).
 * @stable ICU 69
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 umeas_getPrefixBase(UMeasurePrefix unitPrefix);

 * Returns the exponent of the factor associated with the given unit prefix, for
 * example 3 for kilo, -6 for micro, 1 for kibi, 2 for mebi, 3 for gibi.
 * @stable ICU 69
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 umeas_getPrefixPower(UMeasurePrefix unitPrefix);

 * A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc.  A unit is
 * coupled with a numeric amount to produce a Measure.
 * @author Alan Liu
 * @stable ICU 3.0
class U_I18N_API MeasureUnit: public UObject {};

// inline impl of @stable ICU 68 method
inline std::pair<LocalArray<MeasureUnit>, int32_t>
MeasureUnit::splitToSingleUnits(UErrorCode& status) const {}




#endif // __MEASUREUNIT_H__