// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string_view>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/affiliations/affiliation_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_check/android/password_check_ui_status.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_entry_edit/android/credential_edit_bridge.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/account_password_store_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/bulk_leak_check_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/profile_password_store_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/leak_detection/bulk_leak_check_service.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/leak_detection/bulk_leak_check_service_interface.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/bulk_leak_check_service_adapter.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/credential_ui_entry.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/insecure_credentials_manager.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/saved_passwords_presenter.h"
class PasswordCheckManager
: public password_manager::SavedPasswordsPresenter::Observer,
public password_manager::InsecureCredentialsManager::Observer,
public password_manager::BulkLeakCheckServiceInterface::Observer {
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
virtual void OnSavedPasswordsFetched(int count) = 0;
virtual void OnCompromisedCredentialsChanged(int count) = 0;
virtual void OnPasswordCheckStatusChanged(
password_manager::PasswordCheckUIStatus status) = 0;
virtual void OnPasswordCheckProgressChanged(int already_processed,
int remaining_in_queue) = 0;
struct CompromisedCredentialForUI : password_manager::CredentialUIEntry {
explicit CompromisedCredentialForUI(
const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& credential_entry);
CompromisedCredentialForUI(const CompromisedCredentialForUI& other);
CompromisedCredentialForUI(CompromisedCredentialForUI&& other);
CompromisedCredentialForUI& operator=(
const CompromisedCredentialForUI& other);
CompromisedCredentialForUI& operator=(CompromisedCredentialForUI&& other);
std::u16string display_username;
std::u16string display_origin;
std::string package_name;
std::string change_password_url;
// `observer` must outlive `this`.
PasswordCheckManager(Profile* profile, Observer* observer);
~PasswordCheckManager() override;
// Requests to start the password check.
void StartCheck();
// Stops a running check.
void StopCheck();
// Called by java to retireve the timestamp of the last password check.
base::Time GetLastCheckTimestamp();
// Called by java to retrieve the number of compromised credentials. If the
// credentials haven't been fetched yet, this will return 0.
int GetCompromisedCredentialsCount() const;
// Called by java to retrieve the number of saved passwords.
// If the saved passwords haven't been fetched yet, this will return 0.
int GetSavedPasswordsCount() const;
// Called by java to retrieve the compromised credentials.
std::vector<CompromisedCredentialForUI> GetCompromisedCredentials() const;
// Called by java to update the given compromised `credential` and set its
// password to `new_password`.
void UpdateCredential(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& credential,
std::string_view new_password);
// Called by java to launch the edit credential UI for `credential`.
void OnEditCredential(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& credential,
const base::android::JavaParamRef<jobject>& context);
// Called by java to remove the given compromised `credential` and trigger a
// UI update on completion.
void RemoveCredential(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& credential);
// Checks if user is signed into their account to perform the check.
bool HasAccountForRequest();
// Not copyable or movable
PasswordCheckManager(const PasswordCheckManager&) = delete;
PasswordCheckManager& operator=(const PasswordCheckManager&) = delete;
PasswordCheckManager(PasswordCheckManager&&) = delete;
PasswordCheckManager& operator=(PasswordCheckManager&&) = delete;
// Helps to track which preconditions are fulfilled.
enum CheckPreconditions {
// No preconditions have been fulfilled.
kNone = 0,
// Saved passwords can be accessed.
kSavedPasswordsAvailable = 1 << 0,
// Already known compromised credentials were loaded.
kKnownCredentialsFetched = 1 << 1,
// All preconditions have been fulfilled.
kAll = kSavedPasswordsAvailable | kKnownCredentialsFetched,
// Class remembering the state required to update the progress of an ongoing
// Password Check.
class PasswordCheckProgress {
size_t remaining_in_queue() const { return remaining_in_queue_; }
size_t already_processed() const { return already_processed_; }
// Increments the counts corresponding to `password`. Intended to be called
// for each credential that is passed to the bulk check.
void IncrementCounts(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& password);
// Updates the counts after a `credential` has been processed by the bulk
// check.
void OnProcessed(const password_manager::LeakCheckCredential& credential);
// Count variables needed to correctly show the progress of the check to the
// user. `already_processed_` contains the number of credentials that have
// been checked already, while `remaining_in_queue_` remembers how many
// passwords still need to be checked.
// Since the bulk leak check tries to be as efficient as possible, it
// performs a deduplication step before starting to check passwords. In this
// step it canonicalizes each credential, and only processes the
// combinations that are unique. Since this number likely does not match the
// total number of saved passwords, we remember in `counts_` how many saved
// passwords a given canonicalized credential corresponds to.
size_t already_processed_ = 0;
size_t remaining_in_queue_ = 0;
std::map<password_manager::CanonicalizedCredential, size_t> counts_;
// password_manager::SavedPasswordsPresenter::Observer:
void OnSavedPasswordsChanged(
const password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList& changes) override;
// InsecureCredentialsManager::Observer
void OnInsecureCredentialsChanged() override;
// BulkLeakCheckServiceInterface::Observer
void OnStateChanged(
password_manager::BulkLeakCheckServiceInterface::State state) override;
void OnCredentialDone(const password_manager::LeakCheckCredential& credential,
password_manager::IsLeaked is_leaked) override;
void OnBulkCheckServiceShutDown() override;
// Turns a `CredentialUIEntry` into a `CompromisedCredentialForUI`,
// getting suitable strings for all display elements (e.g. url, app name,
// app package, username, etc.).
CompromisedCredentialForUI MakeUICredential(
const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry& credential) const;
// Converts the state retrieved from the check service into a state that
// can be used by the UI to display appropriate messages.
password_manager::PasswordCheckUIStatus GetUIStatus(
password_manager::BulkLeakCheckServiceInterface::State state) const;
// Returns true if the user has their passwords available in their Google
// Account. Used to determine whether the user could use the password check
// in the account if the quota limit was reached.
bool CanUseAccountCheck() const;
// Returns true if the passed |condition| was already met.
bool IsPreconditionFulfilled(CheckPreconditions condition) const;
// Marks the passed |condition| as fulfilled and runs a check if applicable.
void FulfillPrecondition(CheckPreconditions condition);
// Resets the passed |condition| so that it's expected to happen again.
void ResetPrecondition(CheckPreconditions condition);
// Destroys the edit ui bridge.
void OnEditUIDismissed();
// Obsever being notified of UI-relevant events.
// It must outlive `this`.
raw_ptr<Observer> observer_ = nullptr;
// The profile for which the passwords are checked.
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_ = nullptr;
// Object storing the progress of a running password check.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordCheckProgress> progress_;
// Used by `insecure_credentials_manager_` to obtain the list of saved
// passwords.
password_manager::SavedPasswordsPresenter saved_passwords_presenter_{
// Used to obtain the list of insecure credentials.
password_manager::InsecureCredentialsManager insecure_credentials_manager_{
// Adapter used to start, monitor and stop a bulk leak check.
// The check can be run only of this is CheckPreconditions::kAll;
int fulfilled_preconditions_ = CheckPreconditions::kNone;
// Whether the check start was requested.
bool was_start_requested_ = false;
// Whether a check is currently running.
bool is_check_running_ = false;
// Used to open the view/edit/delete UI.
std::unique_ptr<CredentialEditBridge> credential_edit_bridge_;
// A scoped observer for `saved_passwords_presenter_`.
// A scoped observer for `insecure_credentials_manager_`.
// A scoped observer for the BulkLeakCheckService.
// Weak pointer factory for callback binding safety.
base::WeakPtrFactory<PasswordCheckManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};