
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace ash::prefs {

// Map of strings to values used for assistive input settings.
inline constexpr char kAssistiveInputFeatureSettings[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether assist personal info is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAssistPersonalInfoEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether assist predictive writing is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAssistPredictiveWritingEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether Google Calendar Integration is enabled.
// Disabling this pref disables calendar list and event list fetches from
// the user's Google Calendar, preventing them from viewing their Google
// Calendar events in the system tray - Calendar widget.
inline constexpr char kCalendarIntegrationEnabled[] =;

// Pref which stores a list of enabled Google integrations such as Calendar,
// Classroom, Tasks, etc. Individual integration names should not be changed
// because they are used in the `ContextualGoogleIntegrationsConfiguration`
// policy and metrics.
inline constexpr char kContextualGoogleIntegrationsConfiguration[] =;
inline constexpr char kGoogleCalendarIntegrationName[] =;
inline constexpr char kGoogleClassroomIntegrationName[] =;
inline constexpr char kGoogleTasksIntegrationName[] =;
inline constexpr char kChromeSyncIntegrationName[] =;
inline constexpr char kGoogleDriveIntegrationName[] =;
inline constexpr char kWeatherIntegrationName[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether emoji suggestion is enabled.
inline constexpr char kEmojiSuggestionEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether emoji suggestion is enabled for managed device.
inline constexpr char kEmojiSuggestionEnterpriseAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether MagicBoost is enabled.
inline constexpr char kMagicBoostEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether orca is enabled.
inline constexpr char kOrcaEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating the status of the orca feedback.
inline constexpr char kOrcaFeedbackEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref used by an admin policy to enable/disable Orca. See the
// policy at OrcaEnabled.yaml.
inline constexpr char kManagedOrcaEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether Help Me Read (HMR) is enabled.
inline constexpr char kHmrEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether feedback for Help Me Read (HMR) is allowed.
inline constexpr char kHmrFeedbackAllowed[] =;

// An integer pref used by an admin policy to control the settings of Help Me
// Read (HMR). See the policy at HelpMeReadSettings.yaml.
inline constexpr char kHmrManagedSettings[] =;

// An integer pref that stores the times the Mahi nudge has been shown.
inline constexpr char kMahiNudgeShownCount[] =;

// A time pref that stores the time the Mahi nudge was last shown.
inline constexpr char kMahiNudgeLastShownTime[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the HMR (Quick answers and Mahi) consent
// status from the user.
inline constexpr char kHMRConsentStatus[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the number of times the HMR (Quick answers
// and Mahi) consent window has been dismissed by the user.
inline constexpr char kHMRConsentWindowDismissCount[] =;

// A boolean pref used by an admin policy to enable/disable particular
// features on the physical keyboard. See the policy at
// PhysicalKeyboardAutocorrect.yml.
inline constexpr char kManagedPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref used by an admin policy to enable/disable particular
// features on the physical keyboard. See the policy at
// PhysicalKeyboardPredictiveWriting.yml.
inline constexpr char kManagedPhysicalKeyboardPredictiveWritingAllowed[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the orca consent status from the user.
inline constexpr char kOrcaConsentStatus[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the number of times the orca consent window
// has been dismissed by the user.
inline constexpr char kOrcaConsentWindowDismissCount[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether GIF support is enabled in emoji picker.
inline constexpr char kEmojiPickerGifSupportEnabled[] =;

// A dictionary storing the history of emoji picker inputs. The history is keyed
// by the emoji picker categories, i.e. "emoji", "symbol" and "emoticon". The
// history value for each category is a list of objects, each should at least
// contain a "text" field indicating the inputted emoji/symbol/emoticon.
inline constexpr char kEmojiPickerHistory[] =;

// A dictionary storing user preferences for emoji picker.
inline constexpr char kEmojiPickerPreferences[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the number of times the user selects the caps
// lock toggle in the picker. The number will be halved together with
// `caps_lock_displayed_count` whenever `caps_lock_displayed_count` reaches a
// threshold so that recent usages have more weights when calculating the ratio
// between them.
inline constexpr char kPickerCapsLockSelectedCountPrefName[] =;

// An integer pref which indicates the number of times the caps lock toggle is
// displayed in the picker zero state view. Only used to calculate the ratio
// between `caps_lock_selected_count` and itself. It will not grow infinitely
// but will be halved whenever it reaches a threshold.
inline constexpr char kPickerCapsLockDislayedCountPrefName[] =;

// Pref which stores a list of Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card
// (EUICC) D-Bus paths which have had their installed profiles refreshed from
// Hermes. Each path is stored as a string.
inline constexpr char kESimRefreshedEuiccs[] =;

// Pref which stores a list of eSIM profiles. Each entry in the list is created
// by serializing a CellularESimProfile.
inline constexpr char kESimProfiles[] =;

// Pref which stores metadata about enterprise managed cellular networks. The
// metadata includes the name of the network that was provided by policy, the
// activation code that was used to install an eSIM profile for this network,
// and the ICCID of the installed profile.
inline constexpr char kManagedCellularESimMetadata[] =;

// Pref which stores a dictionary of Integrated Circuit Card IDentifier (ICCID)
// and Subscription Management - Data Preparation (SMDP+) address pair for each
// managed cellular network.
inline constexpr char kManagedCellularIccidSmdpPair[] =;

// A boolean pref for whether playing charging sounds is enabled.
inline constexpr char kChargingSoundsEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled window snap suggestions.
inline constexpr char kSnapWindowSuggestions[] =;

// A boolean pref for whether playing a low battery sound is enabled.
inline constexpr char kLowBatterySoundEnabled[] =;

// A dictionary pref to hold the mute setting for all the currently known
// audio devices.
inline constexpr char kAudioDevicesMute[] =;

// A dictionary pref storing the gain settings for all the currently known
// audio input devices.
inline constexpr char kAudioDevicesGainPercent[] =;

// A dictionary pref storing the volume settings for all the currently known
// audio output devices.
inline constexpr char kAudioDevicesVolumePercent[] =;

// An integer pref to initially mute volume if 1. This pref is ignored if
// |kAudioOutputAllowed| is set to false, but its value is preserved, therefore
// when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored.  This setting
// is here only for migration purposes now. It is being replaced by the
// |kAudioDevicesMute| setting.
inline constexpr char kAudioMute[] =;

// A pref holding the value of the policy used to disable playing audio on
// ChromeOS devices. This pref overrides |kAudioMute| but does not overwrite
// it, therefore when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored.
inline constexpr char kAudioOutputAllowed[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps stable device id string to |AudioDeviceState|.
// Different state values indicate whether or not a device has been selected
// as the active one for audio I/O, or it's a new plugged device.
inline constexpr char kAudioDevicesState[] =;

// A dictionary maps each input device to a unique natural number
// representing the user preference priority among all.
// E.g {(0x9a, 1), (0xab, 2), (0xbc, 3), (0xcd, 4)}
inline constexpr char kAudioInputDevicesUserPriority[] =;

// A dictionary maps each input device to a unique natural number
// representing the user preference priority among all.
// E.g {(0x9a, 1), (0xab, 2), (0xbc, 3), (0xcd, 4)}
inline constexpr char kAudioOutputDevicesUserPriority[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps a set of input devices to the user-preferred
// device among this set. E.g {(0xab,0xbc -> 0xbc), (0xab,0xbc,0xcd -> 0xbc),
// (0xab,0xbc,0xcd,0xde -> 0xbc)}.
inline constexpr char kAudioInputDevicePreferenceSet[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps a set of output devices to the user-preferred
// device among this set. E.g {(0xab,0xbc -> 0xbc), (0xab,0xbc,0xcd -> 0xbc),
// (0xab,0xbc,0xcd,0xde -> 0xbc)}.
inline constexpr char kAudioOutputDevicePreferenceSet[] =;

// A list pref containing most recently activated input device id list, most
// recent in the back of the list. E.g {0xab,0xbc,0xcd}.
inline constexpr char kAudioMostRecentActivatedInputDeviceIds[] =;

// A list pref containing most recently activated output devices id list, most
// recent in the back of the list. E.g {0xab,0xbc,0xcd}.
inline constexpr char kAudioMostRecentActivatedOutputDeviceIds[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps device id string to the timestamp of the last
// time the audio device was connected, in
// `base::Time::InSecondsFSinceUnixEpoch()`'s format.
inline constexpr char kAudioDevicesLastSeen[] =;

// A string pref storing an identifier that is getting sent with parental
// consent in EDU account addition flow.
inline constexpr char kEduCoexistenceId[] =;

// A string pref containing valid version of Edu Coexistence Terms of Service.
// Controlled by EduCoexistenceToSVersion policy.
inline constexpr char kEduCoexistenceToSVersion[] =;

// A dictionary pref that associates the secondary edu accounts gaia id string
// with the corresponding accepted Edu Coexistence Terms of Service version
// number.
inline constexpr char kEduCoexistenceToSAcceptedVersion[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating if a notification about On Device App Controls
// has been shown to the user already.
inline constexpr char kOnDeviceAppControlsNotificationShown[] =;

// A string pref that stores the PIN used to unlock parental app controls.
inline constexpr char kOnDeviceAppControlsPin[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating if a PIN has been set up for on-device apps
// parental controls.
inline constexpr char kOnDeviceAppControlsSetupCompleted[] =;

// A list pref containing details of the apps blocked by on device controls.
inline constexpr char kOnDeviceAppControlsBlockedApps[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether welcome page should be skipped in
// in-session 'Add account' flow.
inline constexpr char kShouldSkipInlineLoginWelcomePage[] =;

// A dictionary of info for Quirks Client/Server interaction, mostly last server
// request times, keyed to display product_id's.
inline constexpr char kQuirksClientLastServerCheck[] =;

// Whether 802.11r Fast BSS Transition is currently enabled.
inline constexpr char kDeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether hotspot has been used before.
inline constexpr char kHasHotspotUsedBefore[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls whether input noise cancellation is enabled.
inline constexpr char kInputNoiseCancellationEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls whether input style transfer is enabled.
inline constexpr char kInputStyleTransferEnabled[] =;

// The name of an integer pref that counts the number of times we have shown
// the multitask menu education nudge.
inline constexpr char kMultitaskMenuNudgeClamshellShownCount[] =;
inline constexpr char kMultitaskMenuNudgeTabletShownCount[] =;

// The name of a time pref that stores the time we last showed the multitask
// menu education nudge.
inline constexpr char kMultitaskMenuNudgeClamshellLastShown[] =;
inline constexpr char kMultitaskMenuNudgeTabletLastShown[] =;

// The following SAML-related prefs are not settings that the domain admin can
// set, but information that the SAML Identity Provider can send us:

// A time pref - when the SAML password was last set, according to the SAML IdP.
inline constexpr char kSamlPasswordModifiedTime[] =;
// A time pref - when the SAML password did expire, or will expire, according to
// the SAML IDP.
inline constexpr char kSamlPasswordExpirationTime[] =;
// A string pref - the URL where the user can update their password, according
// to the SAML IdP.
inline constexpr char kSamlPasswordChangeUrl[] =;

// A dictionary pref that stores custom accelerators that overrides the default
// system-provided accelerators.
inline constexpr char kShortcutCustomizationOverrides[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether the user has completed (or skipped) the
// out-of-box experience (OOBE) sync consent screen. Before this pref is set
// both OS and browser sync will be disabled. After this pref is set it's
// possible to check sync state to see if the user enabled it.
inline constexpr char kSyncOobeCompleted[] =;

// A string representing the last version of Chrome that System Web Apps were
// updated for.
inline constexpr char kSystemWebAppLastUpdateVersion[] =;

// A string representing the last locale that System Web Apps were installed in.
// This is used to refresh System Web Apps i18n when the locale is changed.
inline constexpr char kSystemWebAppLastInstalledLocale[] =;

// An int representing the number of failures to install SWAs for a given
// version & locale pair. After 3 failures, we'll abandon this version to avoid
// bootlooping, and wait for a new version to come along.
inline constexpr char kSystemWebAppInstallFailureCount[] =;

// A string representing the latest Chrome version where an attempt was made
// to install. In the case of success, this and LastUpdateVersion will be the
// same. If there is an installation failure, they will diverge until a
// successful installation is made.
inline constexpr char kSystemWebAppLastAttemptedVersion[] =;

// A string representing the most recent locale that was attempted to be
// installed. In the case of success, this and LastUpdateVersion will be the
// same. If there is an installation failure, they will diverge until a
// successful installation is made.
inline constexpr char kSystemWebAppLastAttemptedLocale[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the display password
// button on the login/lock screen.
inline constexpr char kLoginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabled[] =;

// A boolean user profile pref which indicates that the current Managed Guest
// Session is lockable. Set by the chrome.login extension API and read by
// `UserManager`.
inline constexpr char kLoginExtensionApiCanLockManagedGuestSession[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether the user has enabled Suggested Content in
// OS settings > Privacy > "Suggest new content to explore".
inline constexpr char kSuggestedContentEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating the user has hidden the launcher continue section
// (usually because they want more visual space available for apps).
inline constexpr char kLauncherContinueSectionHidden[] =;

// Boolean value that indicates that the user has given feedback for removing
// items from the continue section.
inline constexpr char kLauncherFeedbackOnContinueSectionSent[] =;

// A time pref indicating the last time a request was made to update the
// Continue section.
inline constexpr char kLauncherLastContinueRequestTime[] =;

// Boolean pref recording whether a search result has ever been launched from
// the Chrome OS launcher.
inline constexpr char kLauncherResultEverLaunched[] =;

// A dictionary pref that determines if each user-facing category result should
// show in launcher.
inline constexpr char kLauncherSearchCategoryControlStatus[] =;

// A time pref indicating the last time a local file scan is logged in launcher
// search.
inline constexpr char kLauncherSearchLastFileScanLogTime[] =;

// Dictionary pref to store data on the distribution of provider relevance
// scores for the launcher normalizer.
inline constexpr char kLauncherSearchNormalizerParameters[] =;

// Whether or not to use a long delay for Continue section requests.
inline constexpr char kLauncherUseLongContinueDelay[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether system-wide trace collection using the
// Perfetto system tracing service is allowed.
inline constexpr char kDeviceSystemWideTracingEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether the large cursor feature is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityLargeCursorEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref that specifies the size of large cursor for accessibility.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityLargeCursorDipSize[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the sticky keys feature is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityStickyKeysEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether spoken feedback is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySpokenFeedbackEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether automatic reading for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxAutoRead[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether announce download notifications for
// ChromeVox is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxAnnounceDownloadNotifications[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether announce rich text attributes for
// ChromeVox is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxAnnounceRichTextAttributes[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current audio strategy for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxAudioStrategy[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether braille side by side for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleSideBySide[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current braille table for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleTable[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current 6-dot braille for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleTable6[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current 8-dot braille for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleTable8[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current braille table type for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleTableType[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether braille word wrap for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxBrailleWordWrap[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current capital strategy for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxCapitalStrategy[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current capital strategy backup for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxCapitalStrategyBackup[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether braille logging for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxEnableBrailleLogging[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether earcon logging for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxEnableEarconLogging[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether event stream logging for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxEnableEventStreamLogging[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether speech logging for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxEnableSpeechLogging[] =;
// A dictionary pref that defines which event stream filters in ChromeVox are
// enabled. (e.g. {clicked: true, focus: false, hover: true})
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxEventStreamFilters[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether language switching for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxLanguageSwitching[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether menu braille commands for ChromeVox
// are enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxMenuBrailleCommands[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current number reading style for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxNumberReadingStyle[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current preferred braille display address for
// ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxPreferredBrailleDisplayAddress[] =;
// An integer pref which holds the value for the current state of punctuation
// echo for ChromeVox. (0 = None, 1 = Some, 2 = All)
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxPunctuationEcho[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether smart sticky mode for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxSmartStickyMode[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether speak text under mouse for ChromeVox
// is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxSpeakTextUnderMouse[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether use pitch changes for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxUsePitchChanges[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether use verbose mode for ChromeVox is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxUseVerboseMode[] =;
// An integer pref which holds the value for the number of virtual braille
// columns for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxVirtualBrailleColumns[] =;
// An integer pref which holds the value for the number of virtual braille rows
// for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxVirtualBrailleRows[] =;
// A string pref which holds the current voice name for ChromeVox.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityChromeVoxVoiceName[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the disable trackpad feature is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityDisableTrackpadEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which determines the mode of the disabled internal
// trackpad. Values are from the ash::kDisableTrackpadMode enum.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityDisableTrackpadMode[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether high contrast is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityHighContrastEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier is enabled.
// NOTE: We previously had prefs named settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type and
// settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type2, but we only shipped one type (full).
// See for history.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether focus following for screen magnifier
// is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierFocusFollowingEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the magnifiers should follow
// ChromeVox focus changes.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsChromeVox[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the magnifiers should follow
// select to speak focus changes.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsSts[] =;
// An integer pref which indicates the mouse following mode for screen
// magnifier. This maps to AccessibilityController::MagnifierMouseFollowingMode.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierMouseFollowingMode[] =;
// A double pref which determines a zooming scale of the screen magnifier.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierScale[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the virtual keyboard is enabled for
// accessibility.  This feature is separate from displaying an onscreen keyboard
// due to lack of a physical keyboard.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityVirtualKeyboardEnabled[] =;
// A pref that identifies which kind of features are enabled for the Web Kiosk
// session.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityVirtualKeyboardFeatures[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the mono audio output is enabled for
// accessibility.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMonoAudioEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines if mouse keys are enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMouseKeysEnabled[] =;
// A double pref which determines the acceleration of mouse keys as a scale
// factor ranging from 0-1 (0%-100%) inclusive.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMouseKeysAcceleration[] =;
// A double pref which determines the max speed of mouse keys as a factor of the
// minimum speed.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMouseKeysMaxSpeed[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines if you use mouse keys with the primary keys
// or the num pad.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMouseKeysUsePrimaryKeys[] =;
// An integer pref which determines if mouse keys uses left or right hand keys.
// Values are from the ash::MouseKeysDominantHand enum.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityMouseKeysDominantHand[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether autoclick is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility shortcuts are
// enabled or not.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityShortcutsEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which determines time in ms between when the mouse cursor
// stops and when an autoclick event is triggered.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickDelayMs[] =;
// An integer pref which determines the event type for an autoclick event. This
// maps to AccessibilityController::AutoclickEventType.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickEventType[] =;
// Whether Autoclick should immediately return to left click after performing
// another event type action, or whether it should stay as the other event type.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickRevertToLeftClick[] =;
// Whether Autoclick should stabilize the cursor movement before a click occurs
// or not.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickStabilizePosition[] =;
// The default threshold of mouse movement, measured in DIP, that will initiate
// a new autoclick.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickMovementThreshold[] =;
// The Autoclick menu position on the screen, an AutoclickMenuPosition.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityAutoclickMenuPosition[] =;
// Whether to enable color filtering settings.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityColorCorrectionEnabled[] =;
// Whether color filtering has been set up yet. It should be set up on first
// use.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityColorCorrectionHasBeenSetup[] =;
// The amount of a color vision correction filter to apply.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityColorVisionCorrectionAmount[] =;
// The type of color vision correction to apply.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityColorVisionCorrectionType[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether caret highlighting is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityCaretHighlightEnabled[] =;
// A TimeDelta pref which stores the user's preferred caret blink interval. If
// 0, the caret will not blink.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityCaretBlinkInterval[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether cursor highlighting is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityCursorHighlightEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether custom cursor color is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityCursorColorEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which determines the custom cursor color.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityCursorColor[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether flash screen for notifications is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFlashNotificationsEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which determines the flash screen color.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFlashNotificationsColor[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether floating accessibility menu is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFloatingMenuEnabled[] =;
// Floating a11y menu position, a FloatingMenuPosition;
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFloatingMenuPosition[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether focus highlighting is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFocusHighlightEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether Select-to-speak is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which indicates whether the Select to Speak confirmation
// dialog has ever been accepted.
inline constexpr char kSelectToSpeakAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether Switch Access is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessEnabled[] =;
// A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
// for the "select" action.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessSelectDeviceKeyCodes[] =;
// A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
// for the "next" action.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessNextDeviceKeyCodes[] =;
// A dictionary pref keyed on a key code mapped to a list value of device types
// for the "previous" action.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessPreviousDeviceKeyCodes[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether auto-scanning is enabled within
// Switch Access.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which determines time delay in ms before automatically
// scanning forward (when auto-scan is enabled).
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanSpeedMs[] =;
// An integer pref which determines time delay in ms before automatically
// scanning forward while navigating the keyboard (when auto-scan is
// enabled).
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessAutoScanKeyboardSpeedMs[] =;
// An integer pref which determines speed in dips per second that the gliding
// point scan cursor in switch access moves across the screen.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessPointScanSpeedDipsPerSecond[] =;
// A boolean pref which, if set, indicates that shelf navigation buttons (home,
// back and overview button) should be shown in tablet mode. Note that shelf
// buttons might be shown even if the pref value is false - for example, if
// spoken feedback, autoclick or switch access are enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityTabletModeShelfNavigationButtonsEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether dictation is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityDictationEnabled[] =;
// A string pref which determines the locale used for dictation speech
// recognition. Should be BCP-47 format, e.g. "en-US" or "es-ES".
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityDictationLocale[] =;
// A dictionary pref which keeps track of which locales the user has seen an
// offline dictation upgrade nudge. A nudge will be shown once whenever a
// new language becomes available offline in the background, without repeating
// showing nudges where the language was already available. A locale code will
// map to a value of true if the nudge has been shown, false if it needs to be
// shown upon download completion, and will be absent from the map otherwise.
// Locales match kAccessibilityDictationLocale and are in BCP-47 format.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityDictationLocaleOfflineNudge[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the enhanced network voices feature
// in Select-to-speak is allowed. This pref can only be set by policy.
inline constexpr char
    kAccessibilityEnhancedNetworkVoicesInSelectToSpeakAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether Select-to-speak shades the background
// contents that aren't being read.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakBackgroundShading[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether enhanced network TTS voices are
// enabled for Select-to-speak.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnhancedNetworkVoices[] =;

// A string pref which determines the user's preferred enhanced voice for
// Select-to-speak.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnhancedVoiceName[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether the initial popup authorizing
// enhanced network voices for Select-to-speak has been shown to the user.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnhancedVoicesDialogShown[] =;

// A string pref which determines the user's word highlighting color preference
// for Select-to-speak, stored as a hex color string. (e.g. "#ae003f")
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakHighlightColor[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether Select-to-speak shows navigation
// controls that allow the user to navigate to next/previous sentences,
// paragraphs, and more.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakNavigationControls[] =;

// A string pref which determines the user's preferred voice for
// Select-to-speak.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakVoiceName[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether Select-to-speak enables automatic
// voice switching between different languages.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakVoiceSwitching[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether Select-to-speak highlights each word
// as it is read.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakWordHighlight[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether ReducedAnimations is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityReducedAnimationsEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether FaceGaze is enabled.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeEnabled[] =;
// An integer pref which scales the cursor speed when moving up.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorSpeedUp[] =;
// An integer pref which scales the cursor speed when moving down.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorSpeedDown[] =;
// An integer pref which scales the cursor speed when moving left.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorSpeedLeft[] =;
// An integer pref which scales the cursor speed when moving right.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorSpeedRight[] =;
// An integer pref which determines how much FaceGaze should smooth cursor
// movements.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorSmoothing[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether FaceGaze should use cursor
// acceleration, which makes the cursor move faster when the tracked point moves
// quickly.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorUseAcceleration[] =;
// A dictionary pref which maps facial gestures to key combinations defined by
// the user. Facial gestures are strings like 'browDownLeft', and key
// combinations are stringified JSON objects that define the key combination.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeGesturesToKeyCombos[] =;
// A dictionary pref which maps facial gestures to action macros. Facial
// gestures are strings like 'browDownLeft', and actions are enums from
// macro_names.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeGesturesToMacros[] =;
// A dictionary pref which maps facial gestures to confidence thresholds. Facial
// gestures are strings like 'browDownLeft', and confidence thresholds are
// integers between 0 and 100 representing percentages.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeGesturesToConfidence[] =;
// A boolean pref which controls whether FaceGaze controls the cursor position.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeCursorControlEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which controls whether FaceGaze can execute actions.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeActionsEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref which controls whether users can adjust the cursor speed
// separately or whether speeds in all directions should be adjusted together.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeAdjustSpeedSeparately[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the FaceGaze confirmation dialog has
// ever been accepted.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityFaceGazeAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the FaceGaze DLC success notification
// has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kFaceGazeDlcSuccessNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the FaceGaze DLC failure notification
// has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kFaceGazeDlcFailureNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility menu shows
// regardless of the state of a11y features.
inline constexpr char kShouldAlwaysShowAccessibilityMenu[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether alt-tab should show only windows in
// the current desk or all windows.
inline constexpr char kAltTabPerDesk[] =;

// A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time all contextual
// tooltips have been shown.
inline constexpr char kContextualTooltips[] =;

// A list containing the stored virtual desks names in the same order of the
// desks in the overview desks bar. This list will be used to restore the desks,
// their order, and their names for the primary user on first signin. If a desk
// hasn't been renamed by the user (i.e. it uses one of the default
// automatically-assigned desk names such as "Desk 1", "Desk 2", ... etc.), its
// name will appear in this list as an empty string. The desk names are stored
// as UTF8 strings.
inline constexpr char kDesksNamesList[] =;
// A list containing the stored virtual desks guids in the same order of the
// desks in the overview desks bar. This list will be used to restore desk guids
// for the primary user on first sign-in. The guids are stored as lowercase
// strings.
inline constexpr char kDesksGuidsList[] =;
// A list containing the lacros profile ID associations for desks in the same
// order of the desks in the overview desks bar. This is used so that desk <->
// profile associations can be restored. The profile IDs are logically unsigned
// integers, but stored as strings since they can (and will) be 64-bits large.
inline constexpr char kDesksLacrosProfileIdList[] =;
// This list stores the metrics of virtual desks. Like |kDesksNamesList|, this
// list stores entries in the same order of the desks in the overview desks bar.
// Values are stored as dictionaries.
inline constexpr char kDesksMetricsList[] =;
// A dict pref storing the metrics related to the weekly active desks of a user.
inline constexpr char kDesksWeeklyActiveDesksMetrics[] =;
// An integer index of a user's active desk.
inline constexpr char kDesksActiveDesk[] =;

// A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the Docked Magnifier feature.
inline constexpr char kDockedMagnifierEnabled[] =;
// A double pref storing the scale value of the Docked Magnifier feature by
// which the screen is magnified.
inline constexpr char kDockedMagnifierScale[] =;
// A double pref storing the screen height divisor value of the Docked Magnifier
// feature defining what proportion of the screen the docked magnifier viewport
// occupies.
inline constexpr char kDockedMagnifierScreenHeightDivisor[] =;

// A boolean pref which indicates whether the docked magnifier confirmation
// dialog has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kDockedMagnifierAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the high contrast magnifier
// confirmation dialog has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kHighContrastAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the screen magnifier confirmation
// dialog has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kScreenMagnifierAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the dictation confirmation dialog has
// ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kDictationAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the Dictation DLC success notification
// has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kDictationDlcSuccessNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the Dictation DLC only Pumpkin
// downloaded notification has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char
    kDictationDlcOnlyPumpkinDownloadedNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the Dictation DLC only SODA
// downloaded notification has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char
    kDictationDlcOnlySodaDownloadedNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;
// A boolean pref which indicates whether the Dictation No DLCs downloaded
// notification has ever been shown.
inline constexpr char kDictationNoDlcsDownloadedNotificationHasBeenShown[] =;

// A boolean pref which indicates whether the display rotation confirmation
// dialog has ever been shown.
// Renamed 10/2019 to force reset the pref to false.
inline constexpr char kDisplayRotationAcceleratorDialogHasBeenAccepted2[] =;

// A dictionary pref that stores the mixed mirror mode parameters.
inline constexpr char kDisplayMixedMirrorModeParams[] =;
// Power state of the current displays from the last run.
inline constexpr char kDisplayPowerState[] =;
// A dictionary pref that stores per display preferences.
inline constexpr char kDisplayProperties[] =;
// Boolean controlling whether privacy screen is enabled.
inline constexpr char kDisplayPrivacyScreenEnabled[] =;
// A dictionary pref that specifies the state of the rotation lock, and the
// display orientation, for the internal display.
inline constexpr char kDisplayRotationLock[] =;
// A dictionary pref that stores the touch associations for the device.
inline constexpr char kDisplayTouchAssociations[] =;
// A dictionary pref that stores the port mapping for touch devices.
inline constexpr char kDisplayTouchPortAssociations[] =;
// A list pref that stores the mirror info for each external display.
inline constexpr char kExternalDisplayMirrorInfo[] =;
// A dictionary pref that specifies per-display layout/offset information.
// Its key is the ID of the display and its value is a dictionary for the
// layout/offset information.
inline constexpr char kSecondaryDisplays[] =;
// A boolean pref which determines whether the display configuration set by
// managed guest session should be stored in local state.
inline constexpr char kAllowMGSToStoreDisplayProperties[] =;

// A list of all displays used by the user and reported to popularity metrics.
const char kDisplayPopularityUserReportedDisplays[] =;
// A list of all displays used by the user and reported to popularity metrics.
const char kDisplayPopularityRevNumber[] =;

// A double pref which stores the current screen brightness of the internal
// display.
const char kInternalDisplayScreenBrightnessPercent[] =;

// A boolean pref which stores whether the ambient light sensor is enabled for
// the internal display.
inline constexpr char kDisplayAmbientLightSensorEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which stores whether the ambient light sensor is enabled for
// the internal display. This is a synced profile pref that stores the most
// recent value for a given user.
inline constexpr char kDisplayAmbientLightSensorLastEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref which stores the reason that the ambient light sensor was
// disabled. This pref can be used if we need to systematically re-enable the
// ambient light sensor for a subset of users (e.g. those who didn't manually
// disable the sensor from the Settings app).
// Values are from `power_manager::AmbientLightSensorChange_Cause`.
inline constexpr char kAmbientLightSensorDisabledReason[] =;

// A double pref which stores the current keyboard brightness.
const char kKeyboardBrightnessPercent[] =;

// A boolean pref which stores whether the keyboard ambient light sensor is
// enabled.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardAmbientLightSensorEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which stores whether the keyboard ambient light sensor is
// enabled. This is a synced profile pref that stores the most recent value for
// a given user.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardAmbientLightSensorLastEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref which stores the reason that the keyboard ambient light
// sensor was disabled. This pref can be used if we need to systematically
// re-enable the keyboard ambient light sensor for a subset of users (e.g. those
// who didn't manually disable the sensor from the Settings app). Values are
// from `power_manager::AmbientLightSensorChange_Cause`.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardAmbientLightSensorDisabledReason[] =;

// A boolean pref that enable fullscreen alert bubble.
// TODO(zxdan): Change to an allowlist in M89.
inline constexpr char kFullscreenAlertEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref which stores whether a stylus has been seen before.
inline constexpr char kHasSeenStylus[] =;
// A boolean pref which stores whether a the palette warm welcome bubble
// (displayed when a user first uses a stylus) has been shown before.
inline constexpr char kShownPaletteWelcomeBubble[] =;
// A boolean pref that specifies if the stylus tools should be enabled/disabled.
inline constexpr char kEnableStylusTools[] =;
// A boolean pref that specifies if the ash palette should be launched after an
// eject input event has been received.
inline constexpr char kLaunchPaletteOnEjectEvent[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether the PCI tunneling is allowed for external
// Thunderbolt/USB4 peripherals. This pref is only used if the policy
// "DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabled" is set to "unset".
inline constexpr char kLocalStateDevicePeripheralDataAccessEnabled[] =;

// The timestamps (in milliseconds since UNIX Epoch, aka JavaTime) of the user
// pressed the shutdown button from shelf.
// static
inline constexpr char kLoginShutdownTimestampPrefName[] =;

// The number of times we have shown the informed restore education nudge.
inline constexpr char kInformedRestoreNudgeShownCount[] =;

// The last time we showed the informed restore education nudge.
inline constexpr char kInformedRestoreNudgeLastShown[] =;

// A `TimeDelta` pref indicates the length of time for taking the informed
// restore screenshot on shutdown. Pine is the old name for informed restore.
inline constexpr char kInformedRestoreScreenshotTakenDuration[] =;

// A `TimeDelta` pref indicates the length of time for encoding and writing the
// informed restore screenshot to the disk. Pine is the old name for informed
// restore.
inline constexpr char kInformedRestoreScreenshotEncodeAndSaveDuration[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether the informed restore onboarding dialog
// should be shown. Pine is the old name for informed restore.
inline constexpr char kShowInformedRestoreOnboarding[] =;

// A string pref that stores the last software version. Used to notify users if
// there has been an update.
inline constexpr char kInformedRestoreLastVersion[] =;

// A boolean pref that specifies if the cellular setup notification can be
// shown or not. This notification should be shown post-OOBE if the user has a
// cellular-capable device but no available cellular networks. It should only be
// shown at most once per user.
inline constexpr char kCanCellularSetupNotificationBeShown[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether the privacy warning of the managed-guest
// session on both; the login screen and inside the auto-launched session,
// should be displayed or not.
inline constexpr char kManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsEnabled[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether the user has enabled detection of snooping
// over their shoulder, and hiding of notifications when a snooper is detected.
inline constexpr char kSnoopingProtectionEnabled[] =;
inline constexpr char kSnoopingProtectionNotificationSuppressionEnabled[] =;

// A string pref storing the type of lock screen notification mode.
// "show" -> show notifications on the lock screen
// "hide" -> hide notifications at all on the lock screen (default)
// "hideSensitive" -> hide sensitive content on the lock screen
// (other values are treated as "hide")
inline constexpr char kMessageCenterLockScreenMode[] =;

// Value of each options of the lock screen notification settings. They are
// used the pref of ash::prefs::kMessageCenterLockScreenMode.
inline constexpr char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeShow[] =;
inline constexpr char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeHide[] =;
inline constexpr char kMessageCenterLockScreenModeHideSensitive[] =;

// A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the ambient color feature.
inline constexpr char kAmbientColorEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether dark mode is enabled.
inline constexpr char kDarkModeEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that indicates the color scheme used to calculate the dynamic
// color palette.
inline constexpr char kDynamicColorColorScheme[] =;

// A uint64 pref that indicates the seed color used to calculate the dynamic
// color palette. It is an ARGB 32-bit unsigned integer stored as a uint64.
inline constexpr char kDynamicColorSeedColor[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether to use the k means color calculation
// for the seed color. This pref cannot be set by users -- it will be used to
// slowly migrate existing users to new dynamic colors.
inline constexpr char kDynamicColorUseKMeans[] =;

// An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of turning on and
// off the dark mode feature similar to `kNightLightScheduleType`, but
// custom scheduling (2) is the same as sunset to sunrise scheduling (1)
// because dark mode does not support custom scheduling.
inline constexpr char kDarkModeScheduleType[] =;

// A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the NightLight feature.
inline constexpr char kNightLightEnabled[] =;

// A double pref storing the screen color temperature set by the NightLight
// feature. The expected values are in the range of 0.0 (least warm) and 1.0
// (most warm).
inline constexpr char kNightLightTemperature[] =;

// An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of turning on and
// off the NightLight feature. Valid values are:
// 0 -> NightLight is never turned on or off automatically.
// 1 -> NightLight is turned on and off at the sunset and sunrise times
// respectively.
// 2 -> NightLight schedule times are explicitly set by the user.
// See ash::ScheduleType.
inline constexpr char kNightLightScheduleType[] =;

// Integer prefs storing the start and end times of the automatic schedule at
// which NightLight turns on and off respectively when the schedule type is set
// to a custom schedule. The times are represented as the number of minutes from
// 00:00 (12:00 AM) regardless of the date or the timezone.
// See ash::TimeOfDayTime.
inline constexpr char kNightLightCustomStartTime[] =;
inline constexpr char kNightLightCustomEndTime[] =;

// A boolean pref storing whether the AutoNightLight notification has ever been
// dismissed by the user, which we use to stop showing it again.
inline constexpr char kAutoNightLightNotificationDismissed[] =;

// Whether the Chrome OS lock screen is allowed.
inline constexpr char kAllowScreenLock[] =;

// A boolean pref that turns on automatic screen locking.
inline constexpr char kEnableAutoScreenLock[] =;

// Screen brightness percent values to be used when running on AC power.
// Specified by the policy.
inline constexpr char kPowerAcScreenBrightnessPercent[] =;

// Inactivity time in milliseconds while the system is on AC power before
// the screen should be dimmed, turned off, or locked, before an
// IdleActionImminent D-Bus signal should be sent, or before
// kPowerAcIdleAction should be performed.  0 disables the delay (N/A for
// kPowerAcIdleDelayMs).
inline constexpr char kPowerAcScreenDimDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerAcScreenOffDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerAcScreenLockDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerAcIdleWarningDelayMs[] =;

// Boolean pref of whether adaptive charging (i.e. holding battery at a sub-100%
// charge until necessary to extend battery life) is enabled.
inline constexpr char kPowerAdaptiveChargingEnabled[] =;
// Boolean pref of whether adaptive charging educational nudge is shown to the
// user.
inline constexpr char kPowerAdaptiveChargingNudgeShown[] =;

// Boolean pref for if ChromeOS battery saver is active.
inline constexpr char kPowerBatterySaver[] =;

// Pref recording the charge percent while battery saver is enabled, used to
// detect charging during sleep or when shut down.
inline constexpr char kPowerBatterySaverPercent[] =;

// Screen brightness percent values to be used when running on battery power.
// Specified by the policy.
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryScreenBrightnessPercent[] =;

// Similar delays while the system is on battery power.
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryScreenDimDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryScreenOffDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryScreenLockDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryIdleWarningDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryIdleDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerAcIdleDelayMs[] =;

// Inactivity delays used to dim the screen or turn it off while the screen is
// locked.
inline constexpr char kPowerLockScreenDimDelayMs[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerLockScreenOffDelayMs[] =;

// Action that should be performed when the idle delay is reached while the
// system is on AC power or battery power.
// Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
inline constexpr char kPowerAcIdleAction[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerBatteryIdleAction[] =;

// Action that should be performed when the lid is closed.
// Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
inline constexpr char kPowerLidClosedAction[] =;

// Should audio and video activity be used to disable the above delays?
inline constexpr char kPowerUseAudioActivity[] =;
inline constexpr char kPowerUseVideoActivity[] =;

// Should extensions, ARC apps, and other code within Chrome be able to override
// system power management (preventing automatic actions like sleeping, locking,
// or screen dimming)?
inline constexpr char kPowerAllowWakeLocks[] =;

// Should extensions, ARC apps, and other code within Chrome be able to override
// display-related power management? (Disallowing wake locks in general takes
// precedence over this.)
inline constexpr char kPowerAllowScreenWakeLocks[] =;

// Amount by which the screen-dim delay should be scaled while the system
// is in presentation mode. Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
inline constexpr char kPowerPresentationScreenDimDelayFactor[] =;

// Amount by which the screen-dim delay should be scaled when user activity is
// observed while the screen is dimmed or soon after the screen has been turned
// off.  Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
inline constexpr char kPowerUserActivityScreenDimDelayFactor[] =;

// Whether the power management delays should start running only after the first
// user activity has been observed in a session.
inline constexpr char kPowerWaitForInitialUserActivity[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether the panel backlight should be forced to a
// nonzero level when user activity is observed.
inline constexpr char kPowerForceNonzeroBrightnessForUserActivity[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether a shorter suspend delay should be used after the
// user forces the display off by pressing the power button. Provided to allow
// policy to control this behavior.
inline constexpr char kPowerFastSuspendWhenBacklightsForcedOff[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether smart dim model is enabled.
inline constexpr char kPowerSmartDimEnabled[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether ALS logging is enabled.
inline constexpr char kPowerAlsLoggingEnabled[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether quick dim is enabled.
inline constexpr char kPowerQuickDimEnabled[] =;

// Quick lock delay is used inside powerd to control the delay time for a screen
// lock to happen if the user is detected to be absent.
inline constexpr char kPowerQuickLockDelay[] =;

// A `TimeDelta` pref for the duration when the critical notification is
// displayed to when no outcome has occurred yet. Updates every 15 seconds.
inline constexpr char kCriticalStateDuration[] =;

// A boolean pref that reflects the value of the policy
// DeviceEphemeralNetworkPoliciesEnabled.
inline constexpr char kDeviceEphemeralNetworkPoliciesEnabled[] =;

// Copy of the `proxy_config::prefs::kProxy` definition; available at compile
// time.
inline constexpr char kProxy[] =;

// Boolean controlling whether the settings is enabled. This pref is intended to
// be set only by policy not by user.
inline constexpr char kOsSettingsEnabled[] =;

// |kShelfAlignment| and |kShelfAutoHideBehavior| have a local variant. The
// local variant is not synced and is used if set. If the local variant is not
// set its value is set from the synced value (once prefs have been
// synced). This gives a per-machine setting that is initialized from the last
// set value.
// These values are default on the machine but can be overridden by per-display
// values in kShelfPreferences (unless overridden by managed policy).
// String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAlignment (e.g. "Bottom").
inline constexpr char kShelfAlignment[] =;
inline constexpr char kShelfAlignmentLocal[] =;
// String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAutoHideBehavior (e.g. "Never").
inline constexpr char kShelfAutoHideBehavior[] =;
inline constexpr char kShelfAutoHideBehaviorLocal[] =;
inline constexpr char kShelfAutoHideTabletModeBehavior[] =;
inline constexpr char kShelfAutoHideTabletModeBehaviorLocal[] =;

// Dictionary value that determines when the launcher navigation nudge should
// show to the users.
inline constexpr char kShelfLauncherNudge[] =;

// Dictionary value that holds per-display preference of shelf alignment and
// auto-hide behavior. Key of the dictionary is the id of the display, and
// its value is a dictionary whose keys are kShelfAlignment and
// kShelfAutoHideBehavior.
inline constexpr char kShelfPreferences[] =;

// String pref indicating that the user has manually chosen to show or hide the
// desk button.
inline constexpr char kShowDeskButtonInShelf[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating that a virtual desk (other than the default desk)
// has been used on this device at any point in time after the addition of this
// pref.
inline constexpr char kDeviceUsesDesks[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether to show a logout button in the system tray.
inline constexpr char kShowLogoutButtonInTray[] =;

// Integer pref indicating the length of time in milliseconds for which a
// confirmation dialog should be shown when the user presses the logout button.
// A value of 0 indicates that logout should happen immediately, without showing
// a confirmation dialog.
inline constexpr char kLogoutDialogDurationMs[] =;

// A boolean pref that when set to true, displays the logout confirmation
// dialog. If set to false, it prevents showing the dialog and the subsequent
// logout after closing the last window.
inline constexpr char kSuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps usernames to wallpaper info.
inline constexpr char kUserWallpaperInfo[] =;

// An ordered list of hashed representations of IDs of Google Photos recently
// used as wallpapers for Daily Refresh.
inline constexpr char kRecentDailyGooglePhotosWallpapers[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps usernames to versioned wallpaper info.
// This is for wallpapers that are syncable across devices.
inline constexpr char kSyncableVersionedWallpaperInfo[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps usernames to wallpaper info.
// This is for wallpapers that are syncable across devices. It is being replaced
// by `kSyncableVersionedWallpaperInfo`. Data from this pref will be migrated to
// the new pref.
inline constexpr char kSyncableWallpaperInfo[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their prominent colors.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperColors[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their k mean colors.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperMeanColors[] =;

// A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their celebi colors.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperCelebiColors[] =;

// A boolean pref used to initiate the wallpaper daily refresh scheduled
// feature. Unlike other scheduled features, the value is unimportant and should
// NOT be used to determine whether daily refresh mode is enabled. The change in
// this pref's value is used as a signal to check whether the user's wallpaper
// should be refreshed. Even though there are 2 changes per day, only one change
// (0->1) is meant to result in the update of the wallpaper. The other
// change is meant to be a retry in case this change fails.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperDailyRefreshCheck[] =;

// An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of wallpaper daily
// refresh mode. The value will always be 2, which indicates that this scheduled
// feature runs on a custom schedule.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperDailyRefreshScheduleType[] =;

// Integer prefs storing the primary and secondary check times of the wallpaper
// daily refresh mode. The times are represented as the number of minutes from
// 00:00 (12:00 AM) regardless of the date or the timezone.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperDailyRefreshFirstCheckTime[] =;
inline constexpr char kWallpaperDailyRefreshSecondCheckTime[] =;

// Prefs required by `ScheduledFeature` for the time of day wallpaper to follow
// a sunset-to-sunrise schedule. Nothing in the system ultimately uses them.
// TODO(b/309020921): Remove these once ScheduledFeature doesn't require prefs
// to operate.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperTimeOfDayStatus[] =;
inline constexpr char kWallpaperTimeOfDayScheduleType[] =;

// Integer pref that tracks whether user SeaPen images have been moved to
// cryptohome. SeaPen initially stored images in the global wallpaper directory,
// but now only stores a copy of the active (currently set as wallpaper) image
// in global wallpaper directory. All other SeaPen images are in cryptohome so
// that they are encrypted upon logout.
// @see SeaPenWallpaperManager::MigrationStatus enum.
inline constexpr char kWallpaperSeaPenMigrationStatus[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the bluetooth adapter.
inline constexpr char kUserBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating system-wide setting for bluetooth adapter power.
inline constexpr char kSystemBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref counting the number of times bluetooth connection toast has
// been displayed.
inline constexpr char kBluetoothConnectionToastShownCount[] =;

// A time pref storing the start time for counting the number of times the
// bluetooth connection toast has been displayed.
inline constexpr char kBluetoothToastCountStartTime[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether the camera is allowed to be used.
inline constexpr char kUserCameraAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref remembering the previous value of `kUserCameraAllowed`.
// Set to ensure we can restore the previous value (even after a crash) when the
// preference is temporary changed through the `ForceDisableCameraAccess` API.
inline constexpr char kUserCameraAllowedPreviousValue[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether the microphone is allowed to be used.
inline constexpr char kUserMicrophoneAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the speak-on-mute
// detection.
inline constexpr char kUserSpeakOnMuteDetectionEnabled[] =;
// A boolean pref indicating whether a speak-on-mute detection opt-in nudge
// should be displayed to the user.
inline constexpr char kShouldShowSpeakOnMuteOptInNudge[] =;
// An integer pref counting the number of times speak-on-mute detection opt-in
// nudge has been displayed to the user.
inline constexpr char kSpeakOnMuteOptInNudgeShownCount[] =;

// An enum pref, indicating whether the geolocation is allowed inside user
// session. Values are from `ash::GeolocationAccessLevel`.
inline constexpr char kUserGeolocationAccessLevel[] =;
// An enum pref indicating whether the geolocation is allowed outside user
// session. Values are from `ash::GeolocationAccessLevel`.
inline constexpr char kDeviceGeolocationAllowed[] =;
// A pref that saves the previous geolocation access level.
// It has to be different value than the current level saved in
// `kUserGeolocationAccessLevel`.
inline constexpr char kUserPreviousGeolocationAccessLevel[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the improve location
// toggle.
inline constexpr char kUserGeolocationAccuracyEnabled[] =;

// Double prefs storing the most recent valid geoposition, which is only used
// when the device lacks connectivity and we're unable to retrieve a valid
// geoposition to calculate the sunset / sunrise times.
// Note the night light feature will be migrated to use `GeolocationController`
// eventually, at which time `kNightLightCachedLatitude|Longitude` will be
// superseded by these prefs.
inline constexpr char kDeviceGeolocationCachedLatitude[] =;
inline constexpr char kDeviceGeolocationCachedLongitude[] =;

// A boolean pref which determines whether tap-dragging is enabled.
inline constexpr char kTapDraggingEnabled[] =;

// Boolean prefs for the status of the touchscreen and the touchpad.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadEnabled[] =;
inline constexpr char kTouchscreenEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the ai intro screen should be shown to the
// user during oobe common or add person flow.
inline constexpr char kShowAiIntroScreenEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the gemini intro screen should be shown to the
// user during oobe common or add person flow.
inline constexpr char kShowGeminiIntroScreenEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the touchpad scroll direction screen should be
// shown to the user during oobe.
inline constexpr char kShowTouchpadScrollScreenEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the human presence sesnsor screen should be
// shown to the user during oobe.
inline constexpr char kShowHumanPresenceSensorScreenEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the Display size screen should be
// shown to the user during the first sign-in.
inline constexpr char kShowDisplaySizeScreenEnabled[] =;

// Integer prefs indicating the minimum and maximum lengths of the lock screen
// pin.
inline constexpr char kPinUnlockMaximumLength[] =;
inline constexpr char kPinUnlockMinimumLength[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating whether users are allowed to set easy pins.
inline constexpr char kPinUnlockWeakPinsAllowed[] =;

// An integer pref. Indicates the number of fingerprint records registered.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockFingerprintRecord[] =;

// A list of allowed quick unlock modes. A quick unlock mode can only be used if
// its type is on this list, or if type all (all quick unlock modes enabled) is
// on this list.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockModeAllowlist[] =;

// A list of allowed WebAuthn factors. A WebAuthn factor can only be
// used if its type is on this list, or if type all (all WebAuthn factors
// enabled) is on this list.
inline constexpr char kWebAuthnFactors[] =;

// String pref storing the salt for the pin quick unlock mechanism.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockPinSalt[] =;

// The hash for the pin quick unlock mechanism.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockPinSecret[] =;

// Counter of failed pin quick unlock attempts.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockPinFailedAttempts[] =;

// Enum that specifies how often a user has to enter their password to continue
// using quick unlock. These values are the same as the ones in
// `quick_unlock::PasswordConfirmationFrequency`.
// 0 - six hours. Users will have to enter their password every six hours.
// 1 - twelve hours. Users will have to enter their password every twelve hours.
// 2 - two days. Users will have to enter their password every two days.
// 3 - week. Users will have to enter their password every week.
inline constexpr char kQuickUnlockTimeout[] =;

// Dictionary prefs in local state that keeps information about detachable
// bases - for example the last used base per user.
inline constexpr char kDetachableBaseDevices[] =;

// Pref storing the number of sessions in which Assistant onboarding was shown.
inline constexpr char kAssistantNumSessionsWhereOnboardingShown[] =;

// Pref storing the time of the last Assistant interaction.
inline constexpr char kAssistantTimeOfLastInteraction[] =;

// Whether the user is allowed to disconnect and configure VPN connections.
inline constexpr char kVpnConfigAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether power peak shift is enabled.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kPowerPeakShiftEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that specifies the power peak shift battery threshold in
// percent.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kPowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold[] =;

// A dictionary pref that specifies the power peak shift day configs.
// For details see "DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig" in policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kPowerPeakShiftDayConfig[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether boot on AC is enabled.
inline constexpr char kBootOnAcEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether advanced battery charge mode is
// enabled.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled[] =;

// A dictionary pref that specifies the advanced battery charge mode day config.
// For details see "DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig" in
// policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig[] =;

// An integer pref that specifies the battery charge mode.
// For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeMode" in policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kBatteryChargeMode[] =;

// An integer pref that specifies the battery charge custom start charging in
// percent.
// For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging" in
// policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging[] =;

// An integer pref that specifies the battery charge custom stop charging in
// percent.
// For details see "DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging" in
// policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether USB power share is enabled.
// For details see "DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabled" in policy_templates.json.
// Ignored unless powerd is configured to honor charging-related prefs.
inline constexpr char kUsbPowerShareEnabled[] =;

// A bool pref to block the USB-C cable limiting device speed notification if it
// has already been clicked by the user.
inline constexpr char kUsbPeripheralCableSpeedNotificationShown[] =;

// A dictionary value that determines whether the reorder nudge in app list
// should show to the users.
inline constexpr char kAppListReorderNudge[] =;

// An integer pref that stores the experimental arm that the user belongs to in
// the AppsCollections experiment. Used for metrics.
inline constexpr char kLauncherAppsCollectionsExperimentArm[] =;

// A dictionary pref that stores information related to the privacy notice in
// the continue files section for the launcher.
inline constexpr char kLauncherFilesPrivacyNotice[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether lock screen media controls are enabled.
// Controlled by user policy.
inline constexpr char kLockScreenMediaControlsEnabled[] =;

// Boolean pref which indicates if long press diacritics is in use
inline constexpr char kLongPressDiacriticsEnabled[] =;

// Boolean pref which determines whether key repeat is enabled.
inline constexpr char kXkbAutoRepeatEnabled[] =;

// Integer pref which determines key repeat delay (in ms).
inline constexpr char kXkbAutoRepeatDelay[] =;

// Integer pref which determines key repeat interval (in ms).
inline constexpr char kXkbAutoRepeatInterval[] =;
// "_r2" suffixes were added to the three prefs above when we changed the
// preferences to not be user-configurable or sync with the cloud. The prefs are
// now user-configurable and syncable again, but we don't want to overwrite the
// current values with the old synced values, so we continue to use this suffix.

// A boolean pref that causes top-row keys to be interpreted as function keys
// instead of as media keys.
inline constexpr char kSendFunctionKeys[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls the value of the setting "Use the
// launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys".
inline constexpr char kDeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabled[] =;

// An enum pref that controls the value of the setting "How can applications
// capture and override the ChromeOS system shortcuts".
inline constexpr char kSystemShortcutBehavior[] =;

// A string-enum-list pref that controls if the WiFi firmware dump is allowed to
// be included in user feedback report.
inline constexpr char kUserFeedbackWithLowLevelDebugDataAllowed[] =;

// A boolean pref which is true if touchpad reverse scroll is enabled.
inline constexpr char kNaturalScroll[] =;
// A boolean pref which is true if mouse reverse scroll is enabled.
inline constexpr char kMouseReverseScroll[] =;

// A time pref storing the last time the multipaste menu was shown.
inline constexpr char kMultipasteMenuLastTimeShown[] =;

// A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time the multipaste
// contextual nudge was shown.
inline constexpr char kMultipasteNudges[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether app badging is shown in launcher and
// shelf.
inline constexpr char kAppNotificationBadgingEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref for whether Isolated Web Apps are enabled by the OS.
inline constexpr char kIsolatedWebAppsEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that indicates whether global media controls is pinned to
// shelf or it's unset and need to be determined by screen size during runtime.
inline constexpr char kGlobalMediaControlsPinned[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times the user is able to click on
// PciePeripheral-related notifications before hiding new notifications.
inline constexpr char kPciePeripheralDisplayNotificationRemaining[] =;

// Boolean prefs storing whether various IME-related keyboard shortcut reminders
// have previously been dismissed or not.
inline constexpr char kLastUsedImeShortcutReminderDismissed[] =;
inline constexpr char kNextImeShortcutReminderDismissed[] =;

// Boolean pref to indicate whether to use i18n shortcut mapping and deprecate
// legacy shortcuts.
inline constexpr char kDeviceI18nShortcutsEnabled[] =;

// If a user installs an extension which controls the proxy settings in the
// primary profile of Chrome OS, this dictionary will contain information about
// the extension controlling the proxy (name, id and if it can be disabled by
// the user). Used to show the name and icon of the extension in the "Proxy"
// section of the OS Settings>Network dialog.
inline constexpr char kLacrosProxyControllingExtension[] =;

// A boolean pref which is true if Fast Pair is enabled.
inline constexpr char kFastPairEnabled[] =;

// Boolean pref indicating a user entered Bluetooth pairing flow from a fast
// pair entry point.
inline constexpr char kUserPairedWithFastPair[] =;

// A list pref that contains predefined automation configured by policy
// administrators.
inline constexpr char kAppLaunchAutomation[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls whether the user is allowed to use the Desk
// Templates feature - including creating Desks templates and using predefined
// Desks templates.
inline constexpr char kDeskTemplatesEnabled[] =;

// A string pref which contains download URLs and hashes for files containing
// predefined Desks templates configured by policy administrators.
inline constexpr char kPreconfiguredDeskTemplates[] =;

// An unsigned integer pref which contains the last used marker color for
// Projector.
inline constexpr char kProjectorAnnotatorLastUsedMarkerColor[] =;

// A boolean pref that tracks whether the user has enabled Projector creation
// flow during onboarding.
inline constexpr char kProjectorCreationFlowEnabled[] =;

// A string pref that tracks the language installed for the Projector creation
// flow.
inline constexpr char kProjectorCreationFlowLanguage[] =;

// An integer pref counting the number of times the Onboarding flow has been
// shown to the user inside the Projector Gallery.
inline constexpr char kProjectorGalleryOnboardingShowCount[] =;

// An integer pref counting the number of times the Onboarding flow has been
// shown to the user inside the Projector Viewer.
inline constexpr char kProjectorViewerOnboardingShowCount[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates the the exclude-transcript dialog has been
// shown.
inline constexpr char kProjectorExcludeTranscriptDialogShown[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates the Projector has been enabled by admin
// policy.
inline constexpr char kProjectorAllowByPolicy[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls Projector dogfood for Family Link users.
// Set with an enterprise user policy.
inline constexpr char kProjectorDogfoodForFamilyLinkEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref to keep track that the shelf-pin preferences have been
// migrated to the new app id based on chrome-untrusted://projector.
inline constexpr char kProjectorSWAUIPrefsMigrated[] =;

// List of Drive Folder Shortcuts in the Files app. Used to sync the shortcuts
// across devices.
inline constexpr char kFilesAppFolderShortcuts[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates if the Files app UI prefs have migrated from
// the Chrome app to System Web App.
inline constexpr char kFilesAppUIPrefsMigrated[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates if files can be trashed (on a supported
// filesystem) or must be always permanently deleted.
inline constexpr char kFilesAppTrashEnabled[] =;

// Boolean value for the DeviceLoginScreenWebUILazyLoading device policy.
inline constexpr char kLoginScreenWebUILazyLoading[] =;

// Boolean value for the FloatingWorkspaceV2Enabled policy
inline constexpr char kFloatingWorkspaceV2Enabled[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that post reboot notification should be shown to the
// user.
inline constexpr char kShowPostRebootNotification[] =;

// Boolean value indicating that the USB device detected notification should be
// shown to the user.
inline constexpr char kUsbDetectorNotificationEnabled[] =;

// This integer pref indicates which color for the backlight keyboard is
// currently selected. A pref with this name is registered in two different
// contexts:
// - User profile:
//   Indicates the color selected by the user for their profile.
//   Can be "recommended" through device policy DeviceKeyboardBacklightColor.
// - Local state:
//   Indicates the color used on the sign-in screen.
//   Can be "recommended" through device policy DeviceKeyboardBacklightColor
//   (but as there is no UI to change the color on the sign-in screen,
//   it's effectively policy-mandated then).
inline constexpr char kPersonalizationKeyboardBacklightColor[] =;

// A dictionary pref storing the color of each zone of the RGB keyboard. The key
// specifies the zone .e.g. `zone-1`, `zone-2`, whereas the value is a
// `personalization_app::mojom::BacklightColor`.
inline constexpr char kPersonalizationKeyboardBacklightZoneColors[] =;

// This integer pref indicates the display type of the keyboard backlight color.
// The value is one of `KeyboardBacklightColorController::DisplayType`.
inline constexpr char kPersonalizationKeyboardBacklightColorDisplayType[] =;

// An integer pref used by an admin policy to enable/disable GenAI wallpaper
// feature. See the policy at GenAIWallpaperEnabled.yaml.
inline constexpr char kGenAIWallpaperSettings[] =;

// An integer pref used by an admin policy to enable/disable GenAI VC Background
// feature. See the policy at GenAIVcBackgroundSettings.yaml.
inline constexpr char kGenAIVcBackgroundSettings[] =;

// Integer pref corresponding to the autozoom state, the value should be one of
// cros::mojom::CameraAutoFramingState.
inline constexpr char kAutozoomState[] =;

// A dictionary storing the number of times and most recent time the autozoom
// nudge was shown.
inline constexpr char kAutozoomNudges[] =;

// Boolean pref to record if the DevTools should be opened with the camera app
// by default.
inline constexpr char kCameraAppDevToolsOpen[] =;

// A boolean pref that specifies the recovery service activation for user.
// When the pref is set to `true`, the user data recovery is activated. When the
// pref is set to `false`, the user data recovery is not activated. The default
// value of the pref is `true`. Controlled by RecoveryFactorBehavior policy.
inline constexpr char kRecoveryFactorBehavior[] =;

// Pref which stores ICCIDs of cellular networks that have been migrated to the
// APN Revamp feature.
inline constexpr char kApnMigratedIccids[] =;

// An integer pref that indicates the background blur level that is applied.
// -1 means disabled.
inline constexpr char kBackgroundBlur[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether background replacement is applied.
inline constexpr char kBackgroundReplace[] =;

// An string pref that indicates the image path of the camera background.
inline constexpr char kBackgroundImagePath[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether portrait relighting is applied.
inline constexpr char kPortraitRelighting[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether face retouch is applied.
inline constexpr char kFaceRetouch[] =;

// A boolean pref that indicates whether Studio Look is applied.
inline constexpr char kStudioLook[] =;

// Specifies if ARC app sync metrics should be recorded, i.e. this is the
// initial session after sync consent screen.
inline constexpr char kRecordArcAppSyncMetrics[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if primary mouse button is the left button.
inline constexpr char kPrimaryMouseButtonRight[] =;

// A integer pref for the touchpad sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kMouseSensitivity[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if mouse acceleration is enabled. When disabled
// only simple linear scaling is applied based on sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kMouseAcceleration[] =;

// A integer pref for the touchpad scroll sensitivity, in the range
// [PointerSensitivity::kLowest, PointerSensitivity::kHighest].
inline constexpr char kMouseScrollSensitivity[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if mouse scroll acceleration is enabled. When
// disabled, only simple linear scaling is applied based on sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kMouseScrollAcceleration[] =;

// A integer pref for the touchpad sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadSensitivity[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad acceleration is enabled. When
// disabled only simple linear scaling is applied based on sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadAcceleration[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad three-finger-click is enabled.
inline constexpr char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerClick[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad tap-to-click is enabled.
inline constexpr char kTapToClickEnabled[] =;

// A integer pref for the touchpad scroll sensitivity, in the range
// [PointerSensitivity::kLowest, PointerSensitivity::kHighest].
inline constexpr char kTouchpadScrollSensitivity[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad scroll acceleration is enabled. When
// disabled only simple linear scaling is applied based on sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadScrollAcceleration[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad haptic feedback is enabled.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadHapticFeedback[] =;

// A integer pref for the touchpad haptic click sensitivity ranging from Soft
// feedback to Firm feedback [1, 3, 5].
inline constexpr char kTouchpadHapticClickSensitivity[] =;

// A integer pref for pointing stick sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kPointingStickSensitivity[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if primary pointing stick button is the left
// button.
inline constexpr char kPrimaryPointingStickButtonRight[] =;

// A boolean pref set to true if pointing stick acceleration is enabled. When
// disabled only simple linear scaling is applied based on sensitivity.
inline constexpr char kPointingStickAcceleration[] =;

// A syncable time pref that stores the time of last session activation.
// Starting in M119, rounded down to the nearest day since Windows epoch to
// reduce syncs.
inline constexpr char kTimeOfLastSessionActivation[] =;

// Copy of owner swap mouse buttons option to use on login screen.
inline constexpr char kOwnerPrimaryMouseButtonRight[] =;

// Copy of the primary pointing stick buttons option to use on login screen.
inline constexpr char kOwnerPrimaryPointingStickButtonRight[] =;

// Copy of owner tap-to-click option to use on login screen.
inline constexpr char kOwnerTapToClickEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that is incremented anytime a user simulates a right click
// using their keyboard and touchpad with Alt+Click.
inline constexpr char kAltEventRemappedToRightClick[] =;

// An integer pref that is incremented anytime a user simulates a right click
// using their keyboard and touchpad with Search+Click.
inline constexpr char kSearchEventRemappedToRightClick[] =;

// An integer pref for tracking Alt and Search based key event rewrites for
// the Delete "six pack" key. The value of this pref will be used to set the
// default behavior for remapping a key event to Delete.
// Default setting:
//  Pref contains a positive value: Alt+BackSpace
//  Pref contains a negative value: Search+BackSpace
inline constexpr char kKeyEventRemappedToSixPackDelete[] =;

// An integer pref for tracking Alt and Search based key event rewrites for
// the Home "six pack" key. The value of this pref will be used to set the
// default behavior for remapping a key event to Home.
// Default setting:
//  Pref contains a positive value: Control+Alt+Up
//  Pref contains a negative value: Search+Left
inline constexpr char kKeyEventRemappedToSixPackHome[] =;

// An integer pref for tracking Alt and Search based key event rewrites for
// the End "six pack" key. The value of this pref will be used to set the
// default behavior for remapping a key event to End.
// Default setting:
//  Pref contains a positive value: Control+Alt+Down
//  Pref contains a negative value: Search+Right
inline constexpr char kKeyEventRemappedToSixPackEnd[] =;

// An integer pref for tracking Alt and Search based key event rewrites for
// the PageUp "six pack" key. The value of this pref will be used to set the
// default behavior for remapping a key event to PageUp.
// Default setting:
//  Pref contains a positive value: Alt+Up
//  Pref contains a negative value: Search+Up
inline constexpr char kKeyEventRemappedToSixPackPageUp[] =;

// An integer pref for tracking Alt and Search based key event rewrites for
// the PageDown "six pack" key. The value of this pref will be used to set the
// default behavior for remapping a key event to PageDown.
// Default setting:
//  Pref contains a positive value: Alt+Down
//  Pref contains a negative value: Search+Down
inline constexpr char kKeyEventRemappedToSixPackPageDown[] =;

// This pref saves the absolute session start time for UMA.
inline constexpr char kAshLoginSessionStartedTime[] =;

// This pref saves the "first user session after user was added to the device"
// flag for UMA.
inline constexpr char kAshLoginSessionStartedIsFirstSession[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls whether input force respect ui gains is enabled.
inline constexpr char kInputForceRespectUiGainsEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming event would have been remapped to a right
// click but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the matched
// modifier key or remapping to right click is disabled before hiding new
// notifications.
inline constexpr char kRemapToRightClickNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// Delete "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the
// matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the Delete key
// action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyDeleteNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// Home "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the
// matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the Home key
// action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyHomeNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// End "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the
// matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the End key
// action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyEndNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// Page Up "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the
// matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the Page Up key
// action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyPageUpNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// Page Down "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with
// the the matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the Page
// Down key action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyPageDownNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks how many times (3) we'll show the user a
// notification when an incoming key event would have been remapped to the
// Insert "six pack" key but either the user's setting is inconsistent with the
// matched modifier key or using a key combination to simulate the Insert key
// action is disabled.
inline constexpr char kSixPackKeyInsertNotificationsRemaining[] =;

// A boolean pref that controls whether hands-free profile input super
// resolution is enabled.
inline constexpr char kHandsFreeProfileInputSuperResolution[] =;

// A boolean pref used by an admin policy to allow/disallow user to customize
// system shortcut. See the policy at ShortcutCustomizationAllowed.yaml.
inline constexpr char kShortcutCustomizationAllowed[] =;

// A dictionary pref used to record the number of times each deprecated
// accelerator notification has shown.
inline constexpr char kDeprecatedAcceleratorNotificationsShownCounts[] =;
// A dictionary pref used to record the timestamp each deprecated accelerator
// notification last shown.
inline constexpr char kDeprecatedAcceleratorNotificationsLastShown[] =;

// A `TimeDelta` pref for the session duration Focus Mode should default to.
// Based off of the last session, if any.
inline constexpr char kFocusModeSessionDuration[] =;
// A boolean pref of whether Focus Mode should default to turning on DND. Based
// off of the last session, if any.
inline constexpr char kFocusModeDoNotDisturb[] =;
// A dictionary pref containing the data pertaining to the task selected by the
// user for a focus session.
inline constexpr char kFocusModeSelectedTask[] =;
// A dictionary pref containing the set of sound section settings for the user.
// This is synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kFocusModeSoundSection[] =;
// An string enum pref containing the enabled sound types.
inline constexpr char kFocusModeSoundsEnabled[] =;

// An integer pref that holds enum value of current demo mode configuration.
// Values are defined by DemoSession::DemoModeConfig enum.
inline constexpr char kDemoModeConfig[] =;

// A string pref holding the value of the current country for demo sessions.
inline constexpr char kDemoModeCountry[] =;

// A string pref holding the value of the retailer name input for demo sessions.
// This is now mostly called "retailer_name" in code other than in this pref and
// in Omaha request attributes
inline constexpr char kDemoModeRetailerId[] =;

// A string pref holding the value of the store number input for demo sessions.
// This is now mostly called "store_number" in code other than in this pref and
// in Omaha request attributes
inline constexpr char kDemoModeStoreId[] =;

// A string pref holding the value of the default locale for demo sessions.
inline constexpr char kDemoModeDefaultLocale[] =;

// A string pref holding the version of the installed demo mode app.
inline constexpr char kDemoModeAppVersion[] =;

// A string pref holding the version of the installed demo mode resources.
inline constexpr char kDemoModeResourcesVersion[] =;

// A string list pref holding the collection of user intested perk IDs. The
// values are used to filter campaign in growth framework.
inline constexpr char kGrowthPerksInterested[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of touchpad settings for the user. This
// is synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadInternalSettings[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of pointing stick settings for the user.
// This is synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kPointingStickInternalSettings[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of default mouse settings for the user.
// This is always configured to the settings for the mouse the user last used.
// These are applied to new mice that are connected to the system. This is
// synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kMouseDefaultSettings[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of default ChromeOS keyboard settings
// for the user. This is always configured to the settings for the ChromeOS
// keyboard the user last used. These are applied to new ChromeOS keyboards that
// are connected to the system. This is synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardDefaultChromeOSSettings[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of default non-ChromeOS keyboard
// settings for the user. This is always configured to the settings for the
// non-ChromeOS keyboard the user last used. These are applied to new
// non-ChromeOS keyboards that are connected to the system. This is synced for
// all user devices.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardDefaultNonChromeOSSettings[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of default split modifier keyboard
// settings for the user. This is always configured to the settings for the
// split modifier keyboard the user last used. These are applied to new
// split modifier keyboards that are connected to the system. This is synced for
// all user devices.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardDefaultSplitModifierSettings[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether the user has used a split modifier keyboard before.
inline constexpr char kKeyboardHasSplitModifierKeyboard[] =;

// A dictionary pref containing the set of default touchpad settings for the
// user. These are applied to new touchpads that are connected to the system.
// This is synced for all user devices.
inline constexpr char kTouchpadDefaultSettings[] =;

// An integer pref that counts the number of times we have shown a form of
// screen capture education (a nudge or tutorial).
inline constexpr char kCaptureModeEducationShownCount[] =;

// A time pref that tracks the most recent instance when we have shown a form of
// screen capture education (a nudge or tutorial).
inline constexpr char kCaptureModeEducationLastShown[] =;

// A string pref that is set by enterprise policy when admin forces or
// recommends a custom path to save screen captures.
inline constexpr char kCaptureModePolicySavePath[] =;

// A dictionary that stores app icons' light vibrant colors.
inline constexpr char kAshAppIconLightVibrantColorCache[] =;

// A dictionary that stores the color group component of app icons' sortable
// colors.
inline constexpr char kAshAppIconSortableColorGroupCache[] =;

// A dictionary that stores the hue component of app icons' sortable colors.
inline constexpr char kAshAppIconSortableColorHueCache[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the state (Disabled, Ctrl, etc) of the
// F11 setting found in the customize keyboard keys subpage in device
// settings. Can be controlled through the F11KeyModifier policy.
inline constexpr char kF11KeyModifier[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the state (Disabled, Ctrl, etc) of the
// F12 setting found in the customize keyboard keys subpage in device
// settings. Can be controlled through the F12KeyModifier policy.
inline constexpr char kF12KeyModifier[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the default shortcut (Alt/Search/Disabled) for
// remapping a key event to the Home/End "six pack" keys. These settings can be
// controlled through policy HomeAndEndKeysModifier.
inline constexpr char kHomeAndEndKeysModifier[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the default shortcut (Alt/Search/Disabled) for
// remapping a key event to the PageUp/PageUp "six pack" keys. These settings
// can be controlled through policy PageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier.
inline constexpr char kPageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the default shortcut (Alt/Search/Disabled) for
// remapping a key event to the Delete "six pack" key. This setting can be
// controlled through policy DeleteKeyModifier.
inline constexpr char kDeleteKeyModifier[] =;

// An integer pref that controls the default shortcut (Search/Disabled) for
// remapping a key event to the Insert "six pack" key. This setting can be
// controlled through policy InsertKeyModifier.
inline constexpr char kInsertKeyModifier[] =;

// An integer pref to define whether restore apps and web pages on startup.
// Refer to `ash::full_restore::RestoreOption`.
inline constexpr char kRestoreAppsAndPagesPrefName[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether the Game Dashboard should show the welcome dialog
// on app startup.
inline constexpr char kGameDashboardShowWelcomeDialog[] =;

// A boolean pref of whether the Game Dashboard should show the toolbar.
inline constexpr char kGameDashboardShowToolbar[] =;

// An integer pref indicating the system's software scanning mode. Options:
// (0) Never, (1) Always, (2) Only when charging.
static constexpr char kSoftwareScanningEnabled[] =;

// A boolean pref that tracks whether the Birch context menu has been shown.
inline constexpr char kBirchContextMenuShown[] =;

// An integer pref that tracks the number of times the Birch privacy nudge has
// been shown.
inline constexpr char kBirchPrivacyNudgeShownCount[] =;

// A time pref that stores the time the Birch privacy nudge was last shown.
inline constexpr char kBirchPrivacyNudgeLastShownTime[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether to show Birch suggestions in Overview mode.
inline constexpr char kBirchShowSuggestions[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether to use Celsius temperatures in the weather
// suggestion.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseCelsius[] =;

// LINT.IfChange

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use Google Calendar data.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseCalendar[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use file suggestions.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseFileSuggest[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use Chrome tab data, from
// recent tabs on other devices, last active URL, or most visited URL.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseChromeTabs[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use lost media data.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseLostMedia[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use weather data.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseWeather[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use release notes data.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseReleaseNotes[] =;

// A boolean pref indicating whether Birch should use coral data.
inline constexpr char kBirchUseCoral[] =;

// LINT.ThenChange(/chrome/browser/ui/ash/birch/

// A boolean pref that holds whether the user dismissed the extended updates
// notification.
inline constexpr char kExtendedUpdatesNotificationDismissed[] =;

// An integer value that indicates the last expanded (opened) glanceables time
// management UI, which could be Tasks or Classroom.
inline constexpr char kGlanceablesTimeManagementLastExpandedBubble[] =;

// Lists of strings containing excluded and included domains for DNS-over-HTTPs.
inline constexpr char kDnsOverHttpsExcludedDomains[] =;
inline constexpr char kDnsOverHttpsIncludedDomains[] =;

// Dictionary pref representing information related to whether the Graduation
// app should be enabled for a user. This corresponds to the policy defined in
// GraduationEnablementStatus.yaml.
inline constexpr char kGraduationEnablementStatus[] =;

// Language related Prefs

// A string pref set to the current input method.
inline constexpr char kLanguageCurrentInputMethod[] =;

// A string pref (comma-separated list) that corresponds to the set of enabled
// 1P input method engine IDs.
inline constexpr char kLanguagePreloadEngines[] =;

// NOTE: New prefs should start with the "ash." prefix. Existing prefs moved
// into this file should not be renamed, since they may be synced.

}  // namespace ash::prefs