// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
// A catalog that registers all the buttons on the Quick Settings page. This
// catalog should be kept in sync with the buttons on the Quick Settings page.
// Current values should not be renumbered or removed, because they are recorded
// in histograms (histograms' enums.xml `QsButtonCatalogName`). To deprecate use
// `_DEPRECATED` post-fix on the name.
enum class QsButtonCatalogName {
kUnknown = 0,
kSignOutButton = 1,
kLockButton = 2,
kPowerButton = 3,
kSettingsButton = 4,
kDateViewButton = 5,
kBatteryButton = 6,
kManagedButton = 7,
kAvatarButton = 8, // To be deprecated
kCollapseButton = 9, // To be deprecated
kFeedBackButton = 10,
kVersionButton = 11,
kPowerOffMenuButton = 12,
kPowerRestartMenuButton = 13,
kPowerSignoutMenuButton = 14,
kPowerLockMenuButton = 15,
kSupervisedButton = 16,
kEolNoticeButton = 17,
kPowerEmailMenuButton = 18,
kExtendedUpdatesNoticeButton = 19,
kMaxValue = kExtendedUpdatesNoticeButton
// A catalog that registers all the features on the Quick Settings page. This
// catalog should be kept in sync with the pods on the Quick Settings page.
// Current values should not be renumbered or removed, because they are recorded
// in histograms (histograms' enums.xml `QsFeatureCatalogName`). To deprecate
// use `_DEPRECATED` post-fix on the name.
enum class QsFeatureCatalogName {
kUnknown = 0,
kNetwork = 1,
kBluetooth = 2,
kAccessibility = 3,
kQuietMode = 4,
kRotationLock = 5,
kPrivacyScreen = 6,
kCaptureMode = 7,
kNearbyShare = 8,
kNightLight = 9,
kCast = 10,
kVPN = 11,
kIME = 12,
kLocale = 13,
kDarkMode = 14,
kShelfParty_DEPRECATED = 15,
kAutozoom = 16,
kHotspot = 17,
kFocusMode = 18,
kMaxValue = kFocusMode
// A catalog that registers all the sliders on the Quick Settings page (also
// includes the slider bubble which is a separate bubble from the quick settings
// page). This catalog should be kept in sync with the sliders on the Quick
// Settings page. Current values should not be renumbered or removed, because
// they are recorded in histograms (histograms' enums.xml
// `QsSliderCatalogName`). To deprecate use `_DEPRECATED` post-fix on the name.
enum class QsSliderCatalogName {
kUnknown = 0,
kVolume = 1,
kBrightness = 2,
kMicGain = 3,
kKeyboardBrightness = 4,
kMaxValue = kKeyboardBrightness
} // namespace ash