// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store/password_store_backend.h"
class PrefService;
namespace password_manager {
// Instantiate this object to migrate all stored passwords between the built-in
// and the Android backends. Migration is potentially an expensive operation
// and shouldn't start during the hot phase of Chrome start.
class BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator {
// The type of operation triggered on backend during the migration. Used for
// the metrics reporting.
enum class BackendOperationForMigration {
// |built_in_backend| and |android_backend| must not be null and must outlive
// the migrator.
BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator(PasswordStoreBackend* built_in_backend,
PasswordStoreBackend* android_backend,
PrefService* prefs);
const BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator&) = delete;
BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator& operator=(
const BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator&) = delete;
BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator&&) = delete;
BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator& operator=(
BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator&&) = delete;
// Starts migration from |built_in_backend| to |android_backend| if time from
// last attempt is enough.
void StartMigrationOfLocalPasswords();
void OnSyncServiceInitialized(syncer::SyncService* sync_service);
bool migration_in_progress() const { return migration_in_progress_; }
base::WeakPtr<BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator> GetWeakPtr();
struct IsPasswordLess;
struct BackendAndLoginsResults;
class MigrationMetricsReporter;
using PasswordFormPtrFlatSet =
base::flat_set<const PasswordForm*, IsPasswordLess>;
// Migrates password from the profile store |built_in_backend_| to the Gms
// core local store |android_backend_|. |result| consists of passwords from
// the |built_in_backend_| let's call them |A|. If the password from |A| is
// already present in |android_backend_|, then the latest version of the
// credential is adopted by |android_backend_|.
void MigrateLocalPasswordsBetweenAndroidAndBuiltInBackends(
std::vector<BackendAndLoginsResults> result);
// Updates both |built_in_backend_| and |android_backend_| such that both
// contain the same set of passwords without deleting any password. In
// addition, it marks the initial migration as completed.
void MergeBuiltInBackendIntoAndroidBackend(
PasswordFormPtrFlatSet built_in_backend_logins,
PasswordFormPtrFlatSet android_logins);
// Helper methods to {Add,Update,Remove} |form| in |backend|. This is used to
// ensure that all the operations are happening inside
// BuiltInBackendToAndroidBackendMigrator life-scope.
void AddLoginToBackend(PasswordStoreBackend* backend,
const PasswordForm& form,
base::OnceClosure callback);
void UpdateLoginInBackend(PasswordStoreBackend* backend,
const PasswordForm& form,
base::OnceClosure callback);
void RemoveLoginFromBackend(PasswordStoreBackend* backend,
const PasswordForm& form,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// If |changelist| is an empty changelist, migration is aborted by calling
// MigrationFinished() indicating the migration is *not* successful.
// Otherwise, |callback| is invoked. |backend| is used to know on which
// backend the operation was performed, for the purpose of recording metrics.
void RunCallbackOrAbortMigration(
base::OnceClosure callback,
const std::string& backend_infix,
BackendOperationForMigration backend_operation,
PasswordChangesOrError changelist);
// Reports metrics and deletes |metrics_reporter_|
void MigrationFinished(bool is_success);
// Removes blocklisted forms with non-empty |username_value| or
// |password_value| from |backend|.
// |result_callback| is called with the |LoginsResult| containing valid forms
// only or |PasswordStoreBackendError| if it contained in |logins_or_error|.
// |logins_or_error| is modified in place.
void RemoveBlocklistedFormsWithValues(PasswordStoreBackend* backend,
LoginsOrErrorReply result_callback,
LoginsResultOrError logins_or_error);
// Returns the string to be used in recording metrics for this |backend|.
std::string GetMetricInfixFromBackend(PasswordStoreBackend* backend);
const raw_ptr<PasswordStoreBackend> built_in_backend_;
const raw_ptr<PasswordStoreBackend> android_backend_;
const raw_ptr<PrefService> prefs_;
std::unique_ptr<MigrationMetricsReporter> metrics_reporter_;
raw_ptr<const syncer::SyncService> sync_service_ = nullptr;
bool migration_in_progress_ = false;
} // namespace password_manager