
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ash/constants/url_constants.h"

namespace chrome {

const char kAndroidMessagesLearnMoreURL[] =

const char16_t kApnSettingsLearnMoreUrl[] =

const char kChromeUIFocusModeMediaHost[] = "focus-mode-media";
const char kChromeUIFocusModeMediaURL[] = "chrome://focus-mode-media";

const char kChromeUIFocusModePlayerHost[] = "focus-mode-player";
const char kChromeUIFocusModePlayerURL[] =

const char kHelpMeReadWriteLearnMoreURL[] =

const char kLinuxExportImportHelpURL[] =

const char kMultiDeviceLearnMoreURL[] =

}  // namespace chrome