// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/android/password_manager_lifecycle_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/android/password_store_android_backend_api_error_codes.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/android/password_store_android_backend_bridge_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/android/password_store_android_backend_dispatcher_bridge.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store/password_store_backend_metrics_recorder.h"
class PrefService;
namespace password_manager {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Update enums.xml whenever updating
// this enum.
enum class UnifiedPasswordManagerActiveStatus {
// UPM is active.
kActive = 0,
// UPM is inactive because passwords sync is off.
kInactiveSyncOff = 1,
// UPM is inactive because the client has been unenrolled due to unresolvable
// errors
kInactiveUnenrolledDueToErrors = 2,
kMaxValue = kInactiveUnenrolledDueToErrors
// This enum is used in the JobReturnHandler for tracking the store operation
// that started the job so that the correct operation can be retried when the
// job encountered an error.
enum class PasswordStoreOperation {
// Operations that are safe to retry because they are non-modifying and not
// visible to the user.
kGetAllLoginsAsync = 0,
kGetAutofillableLoginsAsync = 1,
// Obsolete
// kGetAllLoginsForAccountAsync = 2,
// Operation that is non-modifying, but not safe to retry because it is
// user-visible.
kFillMatchingLoginsAsync = 3,
// Operations that are not safe to retry because they are modifying.
kAddLoginAsync = 4,
kUpdateLoginAsync = 5,
// Obsolete
// kRemoveLoginForAccount = 6,
kRemoveLoginAsync = 7,
kRemoveLoginsByURLAndTimeAsync = 8,
kRemoveLoginsCreatedBetweenAsync = 9,
kDisableAutoSignInForOriginsAsync = 10,
// Deprecated
// kClearAllLocalPasswords = 11,
// Operation that is non-modifying, but not safe to retry because it is
// user-visible.
kGetGroupedMatchingLoginsAsync = 12,
kGetAllLoginsWithBrandingInfoAsync = 13,
kMaxValue = kGetAllLoginsWithBrandingInfoAsync,
// Android-specific password store backend that delegates every request to
// Google Mobile Service.
// It uses a `PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge` to send API requests
// for each method it implements from `PasswordStoreBackend`. The response will
// invoke a consumer method via `PasswordStoreAndroidBackendReceiverBridge` with
// an originally provided `JobId`. Based on that `JobId`, this class maps
// ongoing jobs to the callbacks of the methods that originally required the job
// since JNI itself can't preserve the callbacks.
class PasswordStoreAndroidBackend
: public PasswordStoreAndroidBackendReceiverBridge::Consumer {
std::unique_ptr<PasswordStoreAndroidBackendBridgeHelper> bridge_helper,
std::unique_ptr<PasswordManagerLifecycleHelper> lifecycle_helper,
PrefService* prefs);
~PasswordStoreAndroidBackend() override;
// Internal methods corresponding to PasswordStoreBackendInterface that take
// the account corresponding to the GMS Core storage as a param.
void Init(
PasswordStoreBackend::RemoteChangesReceived remote_form_changes_received);
void Shutdown(base::OnceClosure shutdown_completed);
void GetAllLoginsInternal(std::string account,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback,
PasswordStoreOperation operation =
base::TimeDelta delay = base::Seconds(0));
void GetAutofillableLoginsInternal(
std::string account,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback,
PasswordStoreOperation operation =
base::TimeDelta delay = base::Seconds(0));
void GetAllLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInternal(
std::string account,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback);
void GetLoginsInternal(std::string account,
const PasswordFormDigest& form,
bool include_psl,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback);
void AddLoginInternal(std::string account,
const PasswordForm& form,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback);
void UpdateLoginInternal(std::string account,
const PasswordForm& form,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback);
void RemoveLoginInternal(std::string account,
const PasswordForm& form,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback);
void FillMatchingLoginsInternal(std::string account,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback,
bool include_psl,
const std::vector<PasswordFormDigest>& forms);
void GetGroupedMatchingLoginsInternal(std::string account,
const PasswordFormDigest& form_digest,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback);
void RemoveLoginsByURLAndTimeInternal(
std::string account,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>& url_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback);
void RemoveLoginsCreatedBetweenInternal(std::string account,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback);
void DisableAutoSignInForOriginsInternal(
std::string account,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
base::OnceClosure completion);
// Cancels all the queued jobs because of `reason` and replies to them with
// `reply_error`.
void ClearAllTasksAndReplyWithReason(
const AndroidBackendError& reason,
const PasswordStoreBackendError& reply_error);
PasswordStoreAndroidBackendBridgeHelper* bridge_helper() {
return bridge_helper_.get();
PrefService* prefs() { return prefs_; }
// Subclasses can override this method
// to have a special handling for different errors.
virtual void RecoverOnError(AndroidBackendAPIErrorCode error) = 0;
// Subclasses can override this method to react when GMSCore responds
// successfully.
virtual void OnCallToGMSCoreSucceeded() = 0;
// Subclasses have to provide an account which will be used for retries.
virtual std::string GetAccountToRetryOperation() = 0;
// Subclasses have to provide a store backend type that is used for tracking
// metrics that are split for local and account.
virtual PasswordStoreBackendMetricsRecorder::PasswordStoreAndroidBackendType
GetStorageType() = 0;
// Wraps the handler for an asynchronous job (if successful or scheduled to be
// retried) and invokes the supplied metrics recorded upon completion. An
// object of this type shall be created and stored in |request_for_job_| once
// an asynchronous task begins, and destroyed once the job is finished.
// The handler stores an |operation| which determines whether the method
// matching the |operation| can be retried due to an error. The operations are
// retried with exponential backoff. The |delay| with which the job was
// started is stored in the handler so that the next retry of the job can
// increase the |delay|. NOTE: Currently only retries for operations which
// match 1-to-1 to methods are supported.
class JobReturnHandler {
using ErrorReply = base::OnceClosure;
JobReturnHandler(LoginsOrErrorReply callback,
PasswordStoreBackendMetricsRecorder metrics_recorder,
base::TimeDelta delay,
PasswordStoreOperation operation);
JobReturnHandler(PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback,
PasswordStoreBackendMetricsRecorder metrics_recorder,
base::TimeDelta delay,
PasswordStoreOperation operation);
JobReturnHandler& operator=(JobReturnHandler&&) = delete;
template <typename T>
bool Holds() const {
return absl::holds_alternative<T>(success_callback_);
template <typename T>
T&& Get() && {
return std::move(absl::get<T>(success_callback_));
void RecordMetrics(std::optional<AndroidBackendError> error) const;
base::TimeDelta GetElapsedTimeSinceStart() const;
base::TimeDelta GetDelay();
PasswordStoreOperation GetOperation();
absl::variant<LoginsOrErrorReply, PasswordChangesOrErrorReply>
PasswordStoreBackendMetricsRecorder metrics_recorder_;
base::TimeDelta delay_;
PasswordStoreOperation operation_;
// Wraps the `callback` to retry after the previous attempt to call
// the backend failed. Used to be able to cancel a posted delayed
// operation while also replying to its `reply_callback` that the
// delayed retry was cancelled. In order to cancel the retry, it's
// enough to destroy the wrapper object, which will invalidate the weak
// pointer bound to the delayed task.
class CancellableRetryCallback {
base::TimeDelta)> callback,
PasswordStoreOperation operation,
LoginsOrErrorReply reply_callback,
base::TimeDelta current_delay);
CancellableRetryCallback(CancellableRetryCallback&&) = delete;
CancellableRetryCallback& operator=(CancellableRetryCallback&&) = delete;
base::WeakPtr<CancellableRetryCallback> AsWeakPtr();
void Run();
LoginsOrErrorReply GetReplyCallbackAndCancel();
void(LoginsOrErrorReply, PasswordStoreOperation, base::TimeDelta)>
PasswordStoreOperation operation_;
LoginsOrErrorReply reply_callback_;
base::TimeDelta current_delay_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CancellableRetryCallback> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
using JobId = PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge::JobId;
// Using a small_map should ensure that we handle rare cases with many jobs
// like a bulk deletion just as well as the normal, rather small job load.
using JobMap = base::small_map<
std::unordered_map<JobId, JobReturnHandler, JobId::Hasher>>;
using DelayedRetryId = base::IdType32<CancellableRetryCallback>;
void(LoginsOrErrorReply, PasswordStoreOperation, base::TimeDelta)>
GetRetryCallbackForOperation(PasswordStoreOperation operation);
// Implements the retry mechanism for the operations that are safe to retry.
// It attempts to retry the |operation|. The given |delay| comes from the
// previous attempt to run the operation. The delay before the next retry will
// be double the value of |delay|, except for the first retry that has a delay
// of 1 second.
void RetryOperation(PasswordStoreOperation operation,
AndroidBackendAPIErrorCode api_error_code,
base::TimeDelta delay,
LoginsOrErrorReply reply);
void CleanupRetryAfterRun(DelayedRetryId retry_id);
// Implements PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge::Consumer interface.
void OnCompleteWithLogins(
PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge::JobId job_id,
std::vector<PasswordForm> passwords) override;
void OnLoginsChanged(
PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge::JobId task_id,
PasswordChanges changes) override;
void OnError(PasswordStoreAndroidBackendDispatcherBridge::JobId job_id,
AndroidBackendError error) override;
template <typename Callback>
// Calling this method can be delayed in the case when a retry is scheduled.
// Since the retry logic implements exponential backoff the duration of the
// |delay| is passed to QueueNewJob from its caller such that the |delay| can
// be stored in the JobReturnHandler and retrievable from it. QueueNewJob
// doesn't introduce any delay.
void QueueNewJob(JobId job_id,
Callback callback,
MethodName method_name,
PasswordStoreOperation operation,
base::TimeDelta delay);
std::optional<JobReturnHandler> GetAndEraseJob(JobId job_id);
// Filters |logins| created between |delete_begin| and |delete_end| time
// that match |url_filer| and asynchronously removes them.
// |operation| is the PasswordStoreOperation that invoked this method and
// |delay| is the amount of time by which the call to this method was delayed.
void FilterAndRemoveLogins(
std::string account,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>& url_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply reply,
LoginsResultOrError result);
// Filters logins that match |origin_filer| and asynchronously disables
// autosignin by updating stored logins.
void FilterAndDisableAutoSignIn(
std::string account,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply completion,
LoginsResultOrError result);
// Creates a metrics recorder that records latency and success metrics for
// logins retrieval operation with |method_name| name prior to calling
// |callback|.
static LoginsOrErrorReply ReportMetricsAndInvokeCallbackForLoginsRetrieval(
const MethodName& method_name,
LoginsOrErrorReply callback,
// Creates a metrics recorder that records latency and success metrics for
// store modification operation with |method_name| name prior to
// calling |callback|.
static PasswordChangesOrErrorReply
const MethodName& method_name,
PasswordChangesOrErrorReply callback,
// Invoked synchronously by `lifecycle_helper_` when Chrome is foregrounded.
// This should not cover the initial startup since the registration for the
// event happens afterwads and is not repeated. A "foreground session" starts
// when a Chrome activity resumes for the first time.
void OnForegroundSessionStart();
// Clears all `request_for_job_`s that haven't been completed yet at a moment
// when it's unlikely that they will still finish. It records an error for
// each task cleared this way that it could have failed.
void ClearZombieTasks();
// Observer to propagate potential password changes to.
PasswordStoreBackend::RemoteChangesReceived stored_passwords_changed_;
// Helper that receives lifecycle events via JNI and synchronously invokes a
// passed callback, e.g. `OnForegroundSessionStart`.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordManagerLifecycleHelper> lifecycle_helper_;
// TaskRunner to run responses on the correct thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
// Used to store callbacks for each invoked jobs since callbacks can't be
// called via JNI directly.
JobMap request_for_job_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(main_sequence_checker_);
// This object is the proxy to the dispatcher JNI bridge that performs the API
// requests.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordStoreAndroidBackendBridgeHelper> bridge_helper_;
// Used to store retry callbacks that will be executed as part of a
// posted delayed task.
std::map<DelayedRetryId, std::unique_ptr<CancellableRetryCallback>>
scheduled_retries_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(main_sequence_checker_);
// The id of the latest scheduled retry. Incremented when a new retry is
// scheduled.
DelayedRetryId::Generator delayed_retry_id_generator_;
raw_ptr<PrefService> prefs_ = nullptr;
base::Time initialized_at_ = base::Time::Now();
// This will be set to false once the first foregrounding has been handled.
bool should_delay_refresh_on_foregrounding_ = true;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PasswordStoreAndroidBackend> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace password_manager