// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <jni.h>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace password_manager {
struct AndroidBackendError;
} // namespace password_manager
// Interface for the native side of PasswordSyncControllerDelegate JNI bridge.
// Simplifies mocking in tests.
class PasswordSyncControllerDelegateBridge {
// Each bridge is created with a consumer that will be called when a job is
// completed.
class Consumer {
virtual ~Consumer() = default;
// Asynchronous response called when CredentialManager API calls are
// executed successfully.
virtual void OnCredentialManagerNotified() = 0;
// Asynchronous response called when CredentialManager API calls fail.
virtual void OnCredentialManagerError(
const password_manager::AndroidBackendError& error,
int api_error_code) = 0;
virtual ~PasswordSyncControllerDelegateBridge() = default;
// Sets the `consumer` that is notified on job completion.
virtual void SetConsumer(base::WeakPtr<Consumer> consumer) = 0;
// Triggers an asynchronous request to notify credential manager of
// the currently syncyng account. `OnCredentialManagerNotified` is called
// when the request succeeds. `account_email` is the email of the syncing
// account.
virtual void NotifyCredentialManagerWhenSyncing(
const std::string& account_email) = 0;
// Triggers an asynchronous request to notify credential manager when
// passwords are not synced. `OnCredentialManagerNotified` is called when the
// request succeeds.
virtual void NotifyCredentialManagerWhenNotSyncing() = 0;