// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/performance_manager/policies/page_discarding_helper.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/graph.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/page_node.h"
namespace performance_manager::policies {
// This class is responsible for sending the page process list to the resource
// manager daemon (resourced). The process list is used to estimate the memory
// usage of the browser. Based on the browser memory usage, resourced determines
// when to release memory from browser or VMs or container. When there are a lot
// of background processes in browser, resourced would avoid killing perceptible
// apps in VMs or container.
class ReportPageProcessesPolicy : public GraphOwned,
public PageNode::ObserverDefaultImpl {
struct PageState {
bool host_protected_page;
bool host_visible_page;
bool host_focused_page;
base::TimeTicks last_visible;
friend bool operator==(const PageState&, const PageState&) = default;
~ReportPageProcessesPolicy() override;
ReportPageProcessesPolicy(const ReportPageProcessesPolicy& other) = delete;
ReportPageProcessesPolicy& operator=(const ReportPageProcessesPolicy&) =
// GraphOwned implementation:
void OnPassedToGraph(Graph* graph) override;
void OnTakenFromGraph(Graph* graph) override;
// PageNode::ObserverDefaultImpl:
void OnPageNodeAdded(const PageNode* page_node) override;
void OnBeforePageNodeRemoved(const PageNode* page_node) override;
void OnIsVisibleChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override;
void OnTypeChanged(const PageNode* page_node,
PageType previous_type) override;
// These members are protected for testing.
void HandlePageNodeEvents();
// Reports the page process list to the resource manager daemon (resourced).
// Based on the process list, resourced determines when to release memory
// from Chrome or VMs or containers.
// It's virtual for testing.
virtual void ReportPageProcesses(
base::flat_map<base::ProcessId, PageState> processes);
// ReportPageProcessesPolicy is active when receiving page node events.
void HandlePageNodeEventsThrottled();
// Called by |delayed_report_timer_|.
void HandlePageNodeEventsDelayed();
// List the processes associated with the page nodes in |candidates|.
// The input |candidates| should be sorted with descending importance.
void ListPageProcesses(const std::vector<PageNodeSortProxy>& candidates);
// Indicates if there is an unhandled page node event.
bool has_delayed_events_;
// Delay the reporting if it's less than the minimum interval since last
// reporting.
base::RetainingOneShotTimer delayed_report_timer_;
base::flat_map<base::ProcessId, PageState> previously_reported_pages_;
} // namespace performance_manager::policies