
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/policy_certificate_provider.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"

class Profile;
class PrefRegistrySimple;

namespace base {
class FilePath;

namespace net {
class X509Certificate;
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<X509Certificate>> CertificateList;
}  // namespace net

namespace network {
class NSSTempCertsCacheChromeOS;

namespace policy {

// This service is responsible for pushing the current list of policy-provided
// certificates to ProfileNetworkContextService.
// This service / its factory keep track of which Profile has used a
// policy-provided trust anchor.
class PolicyCertService : public KeyedService,
                          public ash::PolicyCertificateProvider::Observer {
  // Constructs a PolicyCertService for |profile| using
  // |policy_certificate_provider| as the source of certificates.
  // If |may_use_profile_wide_trust_anchors| is true, certificates from
  // |policy_certificate_provider| that have requested "Web" trust and have
  // profile-wide scope will be used for |profile|.
  PolicyCertService(Profile* profile,
                    ash::PolicyCertificateProvider* policy_certificate_provider,
                    bool may_use_profile_wide_trust_anchors);

  PolicyCertService(const PolicyCertService&) = delete;
  PolicyCertService& operator=(const PolicyCertService&) = delete;

  ~PolicyCertService() override;

  // Returns true if the profile that owns this service has used certificates
  // installed via policy to establish a secure connection before. This means
  // that it may have cached content from an untrusted source.
  bool UsedPolicyCertificates() const;

  // Sets the flag that the current profile used certificates pushed by policy
  // before.
  void SetUsedPolicyCertificates();

  // Returns true if the profile that owns this service has at least one
  // policy-provided trust anchor configured.
  bool has_policy_certificates() const {
    return !profile_wide_trust_anchors_.empty();

  // PolicyCertificateProvider::Observer:
  void OnPolicyProvidedCertsChanged() override;

  // PolicyCertificateProvider::OnDestroying:
  void OnPolicyCertificateProviderDestroying() override;

  // Fills *|out_all_server_and_authority_certificates| and *|out_trust_anchors|
  // with policy-provided certificates that should be used when verifying a
  // server certificate for Web requests from the StoragePartition identified by
  // |partition_path|.
  void GetPolicyCertificatesForStoragePartition(
      const base::FilePath& partition_path,
      net::CertificateList* out_all_server_and_authority_certificates,
      net::CertificateList* out_trust_anchors) const;

  static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);

  static std::unique_ptr<PolicyCertService> CreateForTesting(Profile* profile);

  // Sets the profile-wide policy-provided trust anchors reported by this
  // PolicyCertService. This is only callable for instances created through
  // CreateForTesting.
  void SetPolicyTrustAnchorsForTesting(
      const net::CertificateList& trust_anchors);

  // Constructor used by CreateForTesting.
  explicit PolicyCertService(Profile* profile);

  // Returns all allowed policy-provided certificates that have requested "Web"
  // trust and have profile-wide scope. If |may_use_profile_wide_trust_anchors_|
  // is false, always returns an empty list.
  net::CertificateList GetAllowedProfileWideTrustAnchors();

  // Stops listening for updates from `policy_certificate_provider_`, if
  // `policy_certificate_provider_` is set. Otherwise it does nothing.
  void StopListeningToPolicyCertificateProvider();

  const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;

  // The source of certificates for this PolicyCertService.
  raw_ptr<ash::PolicyCertificateProvider> policy_certificate_provider_;

  // If true, CA certificates |policy_certificate_provider_| that have requested
  // "Web" trust and have profile-wide scope may be used for |profile_|.
  const bool may_use_profile_wide_trust_anchors_;

  // Caches all server and CA certificates that have profile-wide scope from
  // |policy_certificate_provider_|.
  net::CertificateList profile_wide_all_server_and_authority_certs_;
  // Caches CA certificates that have requested "Web" trust and have
  // profile-wide scope from |policy_certificate_provider_|.
  net::CertificateList profile_wide_trust_anchors_;

  // Holds all policy-provided server and authority certificates and makes them
  // available to NSS as temp certificates. This is needed so they can be used
  // as intermediates when NSS verifies a certificate.

}  // namespace policy