
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/display/mouse_warp_controller.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;

namespace display {
class Display;

namespace gfx {
class Point;

namespace ash {

class SharedDisplayEdgeIndicator;

// A MouseWarpController used in extended display mode.
class ASH_EXPORT ExtendedMouseWarpController : public MouseWarpController {
  explicit ExtendedMouseWarpController(aura::Window* drag_source);

  ExtendedMouseWarpController(const ExtendedMouseWarpController&) = delete;
  ExtendedMouseWarpController& operator=(const ExtendedMouseWarpController&) =

  ~ExtendedMouseWarpController() override;

  // MouseWarpController:
  bool WarpMouseCursor(ui::MouseEvent* event) override;
  void SetEnabled(bool enable) override;

  friend class AshTestBase;
  friend class ExtendedMouseWarpControllerTest;

  // Defined in header file because tests need access.
  class ASH_EXPORT WarpRegion {
    WarpRegion(int64_t a_display_id,
               int64_t b_display_id,
               const gfx::Rect& a_indicator_bounds,
               const gfx::Rect& b_indicator_bounds);

    WarpRegion(const WarpRegion&) = delete;
    WarpRegion& operator=(const WarpRegion&) = delete;


    const gfx::Rect& a_indicator_bounds() { return a_indicator_bounds_; }
    const gfx::Rect& b_indicator_bounds() { return b_indicator_bounds_; }

    const gfx::Rect& GetIndicatorBoundsForTest(int64_t id) const;
    const gfx::Rect& GetIndicatorNativeBoundsForTest(int64_t id) const;

    friend class ExtendedMouseWarpController;

    // If the mouse cursor is in |a_edge_bounds_in_native|, then it will be
    // moved to |b_display_id|. Similarly, if the cursor is in
    // |b_edge_bounds_in_native|, then it will be moved to |a_display_id|.

    // The id for the displays. Used for warping the cursor.
    int64_t a_display_id_;
    int64_t b_display_id_;

    gfx::Rect a_edge_bounds_in_native_;
    gfx::Rect b_edge_bounds_in_native_;

    // The bounds for warp hole windows. These are kept in the instance for
    // testing.
    gfx::Rect a_indicator_bounds_;
    gfx::Rect b_indicator_bounds_;

    // Shows the area where a window can be dragged in to/out from another
    // display.
    std::unique_ptr<SharedDisplayEdgeIndicator> shared_display_edge_indicator_;

  // Registers the WarpRegion; also displays a drag indicator on the screen if
  // |has_drag_source| is true.
  void AddWarpRegion(std::unique_ptr<WarpRegion> region, bool has_drag_source);

  // Warps the mouse cursor to an alternate root window when the
  // mouse location in |event|, hits the edge of the event target's root and
  // the mouse cursor is considered to be in an alternate display.
  // If |update_mouse_location_now| is true,
  // Returns true if/ the cursor was moved.
  bool WarpMouseCursorInNativeCoords(const gfx::Point& point_in_native,
                                     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
                                     bool update_mouse_location_now);

  // Creates WarpRegion between display |a| and |b|.
  // |drag_source_dispaly_id| is used to indicate in which display a
  // drag is started, or invalid id passed if this is not for
  // dragging. Returns null scoped_ptr if two displays do not share
  // the edge.
  std::unique_ptr<WarpRegion> CreateWarpRegion(const display::Display& a,
                                               const display::Display& b,
                                               int64_t drag_source_dispay_id);

  void allow_non_native_event_for_test() { allow_non_native_event_ = true; }

  // The root window in which the dragging started.
  raw_ptr<aura::Window> drag_source_root_;

  bool enabled_;

  bool allow_non_native_event_;

  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WarpRegion>> warp_regions_;

}  // namespace ash