// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/printing/web_api/in_progress_jobs_storage_chromeos.h"
#include "base/check_deref.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/map_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/printing/local_printer_utils_chromeos.h"
namespace printing {
namespace {
using PrintJobStatus = crosapi::mojom::PrintJobStatus;
using WebPrintJobState = blink::mojom::WebPrintJobState;
// Accepted job states. The ones not listed here are silently discarded.
static constexpr auto kJobStatusToJobStateMapping =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<PrintJobStatus, WebPrintJobState>({
// clang-format off
{PrintJobStatus::kStarted, WebPrintJobState::kProcessing},
{PrintJobStatus::kDone, WebPrintJobState::kCompleted},
{PrintJobStatus::kCancelled, WebPrintJobState::kCanceled},
{PrintJobStatus::kError, WebPrintJobState::kAborted},
// clang-format on
// Terminal states. Once the job reaches one of these, it will no longer be
// tracked (and hence removed from the storage).
static constexpr auto kTerminalJobStates =
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
} // namespace
InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS() {
crosapi::mojom::PrintJobSource::kIsolatedWebApp, base::DoNothing());
// Disconnects might happen if the corresponding frame is going away or the
// renderer process crashes.
InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::~InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS() = default;
void InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::Cancel() {
const auto& [printer_id, job_id] = controllers_.current_context();
GetLocalPrinterInterface()->CancelPrintJob(printer_id, job_id,
void InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::OnPrintJobUpdateDeprecated(
const std::string& printer_id,
uint32_t job_id,
crosapi::mojom::PrintJobStatus status) {
void InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::OnPrintJobUpdate(
const std::string& printer_id,
uint32_t job_id,
crosapi::mojom::PrintJobUpdatePtr update) {
auto id_pair_itr =
job_id_to_observer_controller_id_pair_.find({printer_id, job_id});
if (id_pair_itr == job_id_to_observer_controller_id_pair_.end()) {
// This job doesn't belong to us or has already been discarded.
// See invariant description in the header.
const auto& [observer_id, controller_id] = id_pair_itr->second;
auto& observer = CHECK_DEREF(state_observers_.Get(observer_id));
// Updates are forwarded to the renderer if either the `state` can be mapped
// directly or printing is in progress (indicated by `pages_printed` > 0).
// Cases are possible where the received `state` is unmapped; then it's
// assumed to be `kProcessing` due to `pages_printed` being greater than zero.
// Lastly, the notification might end up being equal to the existing job
// configuration both in terms of `state` and `pages_printed`; in this case it
// will be silently discarded by the renderer.
auto* state = base::FindOrNull(kJobStatusToJobStateMapping, update->status);
if (state || update->pages_printed > 0) {
auto out_update = blink::mojom::WebPrintJobUpdate::New();
out_update->state =
state ? *state : blink::mojom::WebPrintJobState::kProcessing;
if (update->pages_printed > 0) {
out_update->pages_printed = update->pages_printed;
if (state && base::Contains(kTerminalJobStates, *state)) {
void InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::PrintJobAcknowledgedByThePrintSystem(
const std::string& printer_id,
uint32_t job_id,
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::WebPrintJobStateObserver> observer,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::WebPrintJobController> controller) {
PrintJobUniqueId composite_id(printer_id, job_id);
auto controller_id =
controllers_.Add(this, std::move(controller), composite_id);
auto observer_id = state_observers_.Add(std::move(observer));
job_id_to_observer_controller_id_pair_[composite_id] =
ObserverControllerIdPair(observer_id, controller_id);
auto update = blink::mojom::WebPrintJobUpdate::New();
update->state = blink::mojom::WebPrintJobState::kPending;
void InProgressJobsStorageChromeOS::OnStateObserverDisconnected(
mojo::RemoteSetElementId observer_id_in) {
// By the time we get here `observer_id_in` will have already been removed
// from `state_observers_`.
base::EraseIf(job_id_to_observer_controller_id_pair_, [&](const auto& entry) {
const auto& [observer_id, controller_id] = entry.second;
return observer_id_in == observer_id;
} // namespace printing