// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ash/input_method_manager.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/input_device.h"
#include "ui/events/event_rewriter.h"
namespace ui {
class EventRewriterAsh;
namespace ash {
class AccessibilityEventRewriterDelegate;
enum class SwitchAccessCommand;
enum class MagnifierCommand;
// AccessibilityEventRewriter sends key events to Accessibility extensions (such
// as ChromeVox and Switch Access) via the delegate when the corresponding
// extension is enabled. Continues dispatch of unhandled key events.
class ASH_EXPORT AccessibilityEventRewriter
: public ui::EventRewriter,
public input_method::InputMethodManager::Observer {
AccessibilityEventRewriter(ui::EventRewriterAsh* event_rewriter_ash,
AccessibilityEventRewriterDelegate* delegate);
AccessibilityEventRewriter(const AccessibilityEventRewriter&) = delete;
AccessibilityEventRewriter& operator=(const AccessibilityEventRewriter&) =
~AccessibilityEventRewriter() override;
// Continue dispatch of events that were unhandled by the ChromeVox extension.
// NOTE: These events may be delivered out-of-order from non-ChromeVox events.
void OnUnhandledSpokenFeedbackEvent(std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event) const;
// Sets what |key_codes| are captured for a given Switch Access command.
void SetKeyCodesForSwitchAccessCommand(
const std::map<int, std::set<std::string>>& key_codes,
SwitchAccessCommand command);
void set_chromevox_capture_all_keys(bool value) {
chromevox_capture_all_keys_ = value;
void set_send_mouse_events(bool value) { send_mouse_events_ = value; }
void set_suspend_switch_access_key_handling(bool suspend) {
suspend_switch_access_key_handling_ = suspend;
// For testing use only.
std::map<int, std::set<ui::InputDeviceType>>
switch_access_key_codes_to_capture_for_test() {
return switch_access_key_codes_to_capture_;
std::map<int, SwitchAccessCommand>
key_code_to_switch_access_command_map_for_test() {
return key_code_to_switch_access_command_;
friend class ChromeVoxAccessibilityEventRewriterTest;
friend class MouseKeysAccessibilityEventRewriterTest;
// Internal helpers to rewrite an event for a given accessibility feature.
// Returns true if the event is captured.
bool RewriteEventForChromeVox(const ui::Event& event,
const Continuation continuation);
bool RewriteEventForSwitchAccess(const ui::Event& event,
const Continuation continuation);
bool RewriteEventForMagnifier(const ui::Event& event,
const Continuation continuation);
void OnMagnifierKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent* event);
void OnMagnifierKeyReleased(const ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Maybe sends a mouse event to be dispatched to accessibility component
// extensions.
void MaybeSendMouseEvent(const ui::Event& event);
// ui::EventRewriter:
ui::EventDispatchDetails RewriteEvent(
const ui::Event& event,
const Continuation continuation) override;
// input_method::InputMethodManager::Observer:
void InputMethodChanged(input_method::InputMethodManager* manager,
Profile* profile,
bool show_message) override;
// Continuation saved for OnUnhandledSpokenFeedbackEvent().
Continuation chromevox_continuation_;
// The delegate used to send events to the ChromeVox and Switch Access
// extensions.
raw_ptr<AccessibilityEventRewriterDelegate> delegate_ = nullptr;
// Whether to send mouse events to accessibility component extensions.
bool send_mouse_events_ = false;
// Whether to capture all keys for ChromeVox.
bool chromevox_capture_all_keys_ = false;
// Maps a key to a set of devices which should be captured for Switch Access.
std::map<int, std::set<ui::InputDeviceType>>
// Maps a captured key from above to a Switch Access command.
std::map<int, SwitchAccessCommand> key_code_to_switch_access_command_;
// Used to rewrite events in special cases such as function keys for ChromeVox
// taylored behavior.
const raw_ptr<ui::EventRewriterAsh, DanglingUntriaged> event_rewriter_ash_;
// Suspends key handling for Switch Access during key assignment in web ui.
bool suspend_switch_access_key_handling_ = false;
// Whether to try and rewrite positional keys for ChromeVox.
bool try_rewriting_positional_keys_for_chromevox_ = true;
// Used to monitor input method changes.
} // namespace ash