
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import org.chromium.components.signin.identitymanager.ConsentLevel;
import org.chromium.components.sync.DataType;
import org.chromium.components.sync.SyncService;

import java.util.List;

 * An interface for providing and handling quick-delete operations, such as the browsing data
 * deletion.
abstract class QuickDeleteDelegate {
    /** A data-structure to hold the strings for the Browsing history row in the dialog. */
    static class DomainVisitsData {
        final String mLastVisitedDomain;
        final int mDomainsCount;

         * @param lastVisitedDomain The last visited domain shown inside the browsing history row of
         *                          the dialog.
         * @param domainsCount      The number of synced unique domains shown inside the browsing
         *  history
         *                          row of the dialog.
        DomainVisitsData(@NonNull String lastVisitedDomain, int domainsCount) {
            mLastVisitedDomain = lastVisitedDomain;
            mDomainsCount = domainsCount;

     * @param {@link Profile} from which to query the signed-in status.
     * @return A boolean indicating whether the user is signed in or not.
    static boolean isSignedIn(@NonNull Profile profile) {
        return IdentityServicesProvider.get()

     * @param {@link Profile} from which to query the syncing history status.
     * @return A boolean indicating whether the user is syncing history and history deletions are
     *     propagated.
    static boolean isSyncingHistory(@NonNull Profile profile) {
        SyncService syncService = SyncServiceFactory.getForProfile(profile);
        return syncService != null
                && syncService.getActiveDataTypes().contains(DataType.HISTORY_DELETE_DIRECTIVES);

     * Performs the data deletion for the quick delete feature.
     * @param onDeleteFinished A {@link Runnable} to be called once the browsing data has been
     *     cleared.
     * @param timePeriod The {@link TimePeriod} of the browsing data to delete.
    abstract void performQuickDelete(
            @NonNull Runnable onDeleteFinished, @TimePeriod int timePeriod);

     * Show the Quick Delete animation on the tab list.
     * @param onAnimationEnd Runnable that is invoked when the animation is completed.
     * @param tabs The tabs to fade with the animation. These tabs will get closed after the
     *     animation is complete.
    abstract void showQuickDeleteAnimation(
            @NonNull Runnable onAnimationEnd, @NonNull List<Tab> tabs);

     * @return True if the user has more than one restorable window.
    abstract boolean isInMultiWindowMode();