// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "ash/fast_ink/fast_ink_view.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"
namespace ash {
// CursorView class can be used to display cursor images with minimal
// latency/jank.
class CursorView : public FastInkView {
CursorView(const CursorView&) = delete;
CursorView& operator=(const CursorView&) = delete;
~CursorView() override;
static views::UniqueWidgetPtr Create(const gfx::Point& initial_location,
aura::Window* container);
void SetCursorImages(const std::vector<gfx::ImageSkia>& cursor_image,
const gfx::Size& cursor_size,
const gfx::Point& cursor_hotspot);
void SetLocation(const gfx::Point& location);
const gfx::Rect& get_cursor_rect_for_test() const { return cursor_rect_; }
CursorView(const gfx::Point& initial_location);
// Initialize CursorView after FaskInkHost is setup.
void Init();
// Update cursor animation.
void UpdateAnimation();
// Advance `cursor_image_index_` to the next frame.
void AdvanceFrame();
// Draw the current cursor.
void Draw();
// Stop the `stationary_timer_`.
void OnStationary();
// Update `cursor_rect_` and `damage_rect_` and draw cursor.
void UpdateCursor();
gfx::Transform buffer_to_screen_transform_;
float device_scale_factor_ = 1.0f;
gfx::Point cursor_location_;
std::vector<gfx::ImageSkia> cursor_images_;
int cursor_image_index_ = 0;
// Cursor hotspot relative to the origin of cursor image in dp.
// It is the single point within the cursor image that is considered to be the
// cursor's point of interaction with other elements on the screen
gfx::Point cursor_hotspot_;
// Cursor size in dp.
gfx::Size cursor_size_;
// Cursor image bounds in root window coordinates.
gfx::Rect cursor_rect_;
// Damage rect in root window coordinates.
gfx::Rect damage_rect_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
// Timer for cursor's stationary status. The cursor gets into stationary state
// after it is not moved for a certain period of time, which is tracked by
// this timer.
std::optional<base::RetainingOneShotTimer> stationary_timer_;
// Timer for animated cursor drawing.
base::RepeatingTimer animated_cursor_timer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CursorView> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash