// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(crbug.com/40285824): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "ash/fast_ink/fast_ink_points.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
constexpr SkColor kDefaultPointColor = SkColorSetRGB(0x42, 0x85, 0xF4);
constexpr int kDefaultOpacity = 0xCC;
} // namespace
const SkColor FastInkPoints::kDefaultColor =
SkColorSetA(kDefaultPointColor, kDefaultOpacity);
FastInkPoints::FastInkPoints(base::TimeDelta life_duration)
: life_duration_(life_duration) {}
FastInkPoints::~FastInkPoints() = default;
void FastInkPoints::AddPoint(const gfx::PointF& point,
const base::TimeTicks& time) {
FastInkPoint new_point;
new_point.location = point;
new_point.time = time;
void FastInkPoints::AddPoint(const gfx::PointF& point,
const base::TimeTicks& time,
SkColor color) {
FastInkPoint new_point;
new_point.location = point;
new_point.time = time;
new_point.color = color;
void FastInkPoints::AddGap() {
// Not doing anything special regarding prediction, as in real usage there
// will be a gap in timestamps, and the prediction algorithm will reject the
// points that are too old.
points_.back().gap_after = true;
void FastInkPoints::MoveForwardToTime(const base::TimeTicks& latest_time) {
DCHECK_GE(latest_time, collection_latest_time_);
collection_latest_time_ = latest_time;
if (!points_.empty() && !life_duration_.is_zero()) {
// Remove obsolete points.
const base::TimeTicks expiration = latest_time - life_duration_;
auto first_alive_point = base::ranges::lower_bound(
points_, expiration, base::ranges::less_equal(), &FastInkPoint::time);
points_.erase(points_.begin(), first_alive_point);
gfx::Rect FastInkPoints::UndoLastStroke() {
if (points_.empty())
return gfx::Rect();
gfx::PointF min_point = GetNewest().location;
gfx::PointF max_point = min_point;
// Skip the last gap to delete until the penultimate gap.
if (points_.back().gap_after)
while (!points_.empty() && !points_.back().gap_after) {
const gfx::PointF& location = points_.back().location;
return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(gfx::BoundingRect(min_point, max_point));
void FastInkPoints::Clear() {
gfx::Rect FastInkPoints::GetBoundingBox() const {
return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(GetBoundingBoxF());
gfx::RectF FastInkPoints::GetBoundingBoxF() const {
if (IsEmpty())
return gfx::RectF();
gfx::PointF min_point = GetOldest().location;
gfx::PointF max_point = min_point;
for (const FastInkPoint& point : points_) {
return gfx::BoundingRect(min_point, max_point);
FastInkPoints::FastInkPoint FastInkPoints::GetOldest() const {
return points_.front();
FastInkPoints::FastInkPoint FastInkPoints::GetNewest() const {
return points_.back();
bool FastInkPoints::IsEmpty() const {
return points_.empty();
int FastInkPoints::GetNumberOfPoints() const {
return points_.size();
const base::circular_deque<FastInkPoints::FastInkPoint>& FastInkPoints::points()
const {
return points_;
float FastInkPoints::GetFadeoutFactor(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, GetNumberOfPoints());
const base::TimeDelta age = collection_latest_time_ - points_[index].time;
return std::min(age / life_duration_, 1.0);
void FastInkPoints::Predict(const FastInkPoints& real_points,
const base::TimeTicks& current_time,
base::TimeDelta prediction_duration,
const gfx::Size& screen_size) {
if (real_points.IsEmpty() || prediction_duration.is_zero())
gfx::Vector2dF scale(1.0f / screen_size.width(), 1.0f / screen_size.height());
// Create a new set of predicted points based on the last four points added.
// We add enough predicted points to fill the time between the new point and
// the expected presentation time. Note that estimated presentation time is
// based on current time and inefficient rendering of points can result in an
// actual presentation time that is later.
// TODO(reveman): Determine interval based on history when event time stamps
// are accurate. b/36137953
const float kPredictionIntervalMs = 5.0f;
const float kMaxPointIntervalMs = 10.0f;
base::TimeDelta prediction_interval =
base::TimeDelta max_point_interval = base::Milliseconds(kMaxPointIntervalMs);
const FastInkPoint newest_real_point = real_points.GetNewest();
base::TimeTicks last_point_time = newest_real_point.time;
gfx::PointF last_point_location =
gfx::ScalePoint(newest_real_point.location, scale.x(), scale.y());
// Use the last four points for prediction.
using PositionArray = std::array<gfx::PointF, 4>;
PositionArray position;
PositionArray::iterator it = position.begin();
for (const auto& point : base::Reversed(real_points.points())) {
// Stop adding positions if interval between points is too large to provide
// an accurate history for prediction.
if ((last_point_time - point.time) > max_point_interval)
last_point_time = point.time;
last_point_location = gfx::ScalePoint(point.location, scale.x(), scale.y());
*it++ = last_point_location;
// Stop when no more positions are needed.
if (it == position.end())
const size_t valid_positions = it - position.begin();
if (valid_positions < 2) // Not enough reliable data, bail out.
// Note: Currently there's no need to divide by the time delta between
// points as we assume a constant delta between points that matches the
// prediction point interval.
gfx::Vector2dF velocity[3];
for (size_t i = 0; i < valid_positions - 1; ++i)
velocity[i] = position[i] - position[i + 1];
// velocity[0] is always valid, since |valid_positions| >=2
gfx::Vector2dF acceleration[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < valid_positions - 2; ++i)
acceleration[i] = velocity[i] - velocity[i + 1];
// acceleration[0] is always valid (zero if |valid_positions| < 3).
gfx::Vector2dF jerk;
if (valid_positions > 3)
jerk = acceleration[0] - acceleration[1];
// |jerk| is aways valid (zero if |valid_positions| < 4).
// Adjust max prediction time based on speed as prediction data is not great
// at lower speeds.
const float kMaxPredictionScaleSpeed = 1e-5;
double speed = velocity[0].LengthSquared();
base::TimeTicks max_prediction_time =
current_time +
std::min(prediction_duration * (speed / kMaxPredictionScaleSpeed),
// Add predicted points until we reach the max prediction time.
gfx::PointF location = position[0];
for (base::TimeTicks time = newest_real_point.time + prediction_interval;
time < max_prediction_time; time += prediction_interval) {
// Note: Currently there's no need to multiply by the prediction interval
// as the velocity is calculated based on a time delta between points that
// is the same as the prediction interval.
velocity[0] += acceleration[0];
acceleration[0] += jerk;
location += velocity[0];
AddPoint(gfx::ScalePoint(location, 1 / scale.x(), 1 / scale.y()), time,
// Always stop at three predicted points as a four point history doesn't
// provide accurate prediction of more points.
if (GetNumberOfPoints() == 3)
} // namespace ash