// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/renderer_host/chrome_render_widget_host_view_mac_history_swiper.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/history_overlay_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_gesture_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_mouse_wheel_event.h"
#include "ui/events/blink/did_overscroll_params.h"
namespace {
// The horizontal distance required to cause the browser to perform a history
// navigation.
const CGFloat kHistorySwipeThreshold = 0.08;
// The horizontal distance required for this class to start consuming events,
// which stops the events from reaching the renderer.
const CGFloat kConsumeEventThreshold = 0.01;
// If there has been sufficient vertical motion, the gesture can't be intended
// for history swiping.
const CGFloat kCancelEventVerticalThreshold = 0.24;
// If there has been sufficient vertical motion, and more vertical than
// horizontal motion, the gesture can't be intended for history swiping.
const CGFloat kCancelEventVerticalLowerThreshold = 0.01;
// Once we call `[NSEvent trackSwipeEventWithOptions:]`, we cannot reliably
// expect NSTouch callbacks. We set this variable to YES and ignore NSTouch
// callbacks.
BOOL forceMagicMouse = NO;
} // namespace
@interface HistorySwiper ()
// Given a touch event, returns the average touch position.
- (NSPoint)averagePositionInEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
// Updates internal state with the location information from the touch event.
- (void)updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
// Updates the state machine with the given touch event.
// Returns NO if no further processing of the event should happen.
- (BOOL)processTouchEventForHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)event;
// Returns whether the wheel event should be consumed, and not passed to the
// renderer.
- (BOOL)shouldConsumeWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
// Shows the history swiper overlay.
- (void)showHistoryOverlay:(history_swiper::NavigationDirection)direction;
// Removes the history swiper overlay.
- (void)removeHistoryOverlay;
// Returns YES if the event was consumed or NO if it should be passed on to the
// renderer. If |event| was generated by a Magic Mouse, this method forwards to
// handleMagicMouseWheelEvent. Otherwise, this method attempts to transition
// the state machine from kPending -> kPotential. If it performs the
// transition, it also shows the history overlay. In order for a history swipe
// gesture to be recognized, the transition must occur.
// There are 4 types of scroll wheel events:
// 1. Magic mouse swipe events.
// These are identical to magic trackpad events, except that there are no
// -[NSView touches*WithEvent:] callbacks. The only way to accurately
// track these events is with the `trackSwipeEventWithOptions:` API.
// scrollingDelta{X,Y} is not accurate over long distances (it is computed
// using the speed of the swipe, rather than just the distance moved by
// the fingers).
// 2. Magic trackpad swipe events.
// These are the most common history swipe events. The logic of this
// method is predominantly designed to handle this use case.
// 3. Traditional mouse scrollwheel events.
// These should not initiate scrolling. They can be distinguished by the
// fact that `phase` and `momentumPhase` both return NSEventPhaseNone.
// 4. Momentum swipe events.
// After a user finishes a swipe, the system continues to generate
// artificial callbacks. `phase` returns NSEventPhaseNone, but
// `momentumPhase` does not. Unfortunately, the callbacks don't work
// properly (OSX 10.9). Sometimes, the system start sending momentum swipe
// events instead of trackpad swipe events while the user is still
// 2-finger swiping.
- (BOOL)handleScrollWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
// Returns YES if the event was consumed or NO if it should be passed on to the
// renderer. Attempts to initiate history swiping for Magic Mouse events.
- (BOOL)handleMagicMouseWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent;
@implementation HistorySwiper {
// This controller will exist if and only if the UI is in history swipe mode.
HistoryOverlayController* __strong _historyOverlay;
// The location of the fingers when the gesture started.
NSPoint _gestureStartPoint;
// The current location of the fingers in the gesture.
NSPoint _gestureCurrentPoint;
// The total Y distance moved since the beginning of the gesture.
CGFloat _gestureTotalY;
// A flag that indicates that there is an ongoing gesture. Only used to
// determine whether swipe events are coming from a Magic Mouse.
BOOL _inGesture;
// A flag that indicates that Chrome is receiving a series of touch events.
BOOL _receivingTouches;
// Each time a new gesture begins, we must get a new start point.
// This ivar determines whether the start point is valid.
int _gestureStartPointValid;
// The user's intended direction with the history swipe. Set during the
// transition from kPending -> kPotential.
history_swiper::NavigationDirection _historySwipeDirection;
// Whether the history swipe gesture has its direction inverted. Set during
// the transition from kPending -> kPotential.
BOOL _historySwipeDirectionInverted;
// Whether:
// 1) When wheel gestures are disabled if the wheel event with phase
// NSEventPhaseBegan was consumed by the renderer.
// 2) When wheel gestures are enabled and if the first gesture
// scroll was not consumed by the renderer.
// This variables defaults to NO for new gestures.
BOOL _firstScrollUnconsumed;
// Whether the overscroll has been triggered by renderer and is not disabled
// by CSSOverscrollBehavior.
BOOL _overscrollTriggeredByRenderer;
// Whether we have received a gesture scroll begin and are awaiting the first
// gesture scroll update to determine if the event was consumed by the
// renderer.
BOOL _waitingForFirstGestureScroll;
// What state the gesture recognition is in.
history_swiper::RecognitionState _recognitionState;
// Cumulative scroll delta since scroll gesture start. Only valid during
// scroll gesture handling. Only used to trigger Magic Mouse history swiping.
NSSize _mouseScrollDelta;
@synthesize delegate = _delegate;
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<HistorySwiperDelegate>)delegate {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_delegate = delegate;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self removeHistoryOverlay];
- (BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
if (event.type != NSEventTypeScrollWheel) {
return NO;
return [self handleScrollWheelEvent:event];
- (void)rendererHandledWheelEvent:(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent&)event
consumed:(BOOL)consumed {
if (event.phase != blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseBegan) {
_firstScrollUnconsumed = !consumed;
- (void)rendererHandledGestureScrollEvent:(const blink::WebGestureEvent&)event
consumed:(BOOL)consumed {
switch (event.GetType()) {
case blink::WebInputEvent::Type::kGestureScrollBegin:
if (event.data.scroll_begin.synthetic ||
event.data.scroll_begin.inertial_phase ==
blink::WebGestureEvent::InertialPhaseState::kMomentum) {
_waitingForFirstGestureScroll = YES;
case blink::WebInputEvent::Type::kGestureScrollUpdate:
if (_waitingForFirstGestureScroll) {
_firstScrollUnconsumed = !consumed;
_waitingForFirstGestureScroll = NO;
- (void)onOverscrolled:(const ui::DidOverscrollParams&)params {
_overscrollTriggeredByRenderer =
params.overscroll_behavior.x == cc::OverscrollBehavior::Type::kAuto;
- (void)beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
_inGesture = YES;
// Reset state pertaining to Magic Mouse swipe gestures.
_mouseScrollDelta = NSZeroSize;
- (void)endGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
_inGesture = NO;
// This method assumes that there is at least 1 touch in the event.
// The event must correspond to a valid gesture, or else
// [NSEvent touchesMatchingPhase:inView:] will fail.
- (NSPoint)averagePositionInEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
NSPoint position = NSMakePoint(0, 0);
int pointCount = 0;
for (NSTouch* touch in [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseAny
inView:nil]) {
position.x += touch.normalizedPosition.x;
position.y += touch.normalizedPosition.y;
if (pointCount > 1) {
position.x /= pointCount;
position.y /= pointCount;
return position;
- (void)updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
NSPoint averagePosition = [self averagePositionInEvent:event];
// If the start point is valid, then so is the current point.
if (_gestureStartPointValid) {
_gestureTotalY += fabs(averagePosition.y - _gestureCurrentPoint.y);
// Update the current point of the gesture.
_gestureCurrentPoint = averagePosition;
// If the gesture doesn't have a start point, set one.
if (!_gestureStartPointValid) {
_gestureStartPointValid = YES;
_gestureStartPoint = _gestureCurrentPoint;
// Ideally, we'd set the gestureStartPoint_ here, but this method only gets
// called before the gesture begins, and the touches in an event are only
// available after the gesture begins.
- (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
_receivingTouches = YES;
// Reset state pertaining to previous trackpad gestures.
_gestureStartPointValid = NO;
_gestureTotalY = 0;
_firstScrollUnconsumed = NO;
_overscrollTriggeredByRenderer = NO;
_waitingForFirstGestureScroll = NO;
_recognitionState = history_swiper::kPending;
- (void)touchesMovedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
[self processTouchEventForHistorySwiping:event];
- (void)touchesCancelledWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
_receivingTouches = NO;
if (![self processTouchEventForHistorySwiping:event]) {
[self cancelHistorySwipe];
- (void)touchesEndedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
_receivingTouches = NO;
if (![self processTouchEventForHistorySwiping:event]) {
if (_historyOverlay) {
BOOL finished = [self updateProgressBar];
// If the gesture was completed, perform a navigation.
if (finished) {
[self navigateBrowserInDirection:_historySwipeDirection];
[self removeHistoryOverlay];
// The gesture was completed.
_recognitionState = history_swiper::kCompleted;
- (BOOL)processTouchEventForHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)event {
NSEventType type = event.type;
if (type != NSEventTypeBeginGesture && type != NSEventTypeEndGesture &&
type != NSEventTypeGesture) {
return NO;
switch (_recognitionState) {
case history_swiper::kCancelled:
case history_swiper::kCompleted:
return NO;
case history_swiper::kPending:
case history_swiper::kPotential:
case history_swiper::kTracking:
[self updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:event];
// Consider cancelling the history swipe gesture.
if ([self shouldCancelHorizontalSwipeWithCurrentPoint:_gestureCurrentPoint
startPoint:_gestureStartPoint]) {
[self cancelHistorySwipe];
return NO;
// Don't do any more processing if the state machine is in the pending state.
if (_recognitionState == history_swiper::kPending) {
return NO;
if (_recognitionState == history_swiper::kPotential) {
// The user is in the process of doing history swiping. If the history
// swipe has progressed sufficiently far, stop sending events to the
// renderer.
BOOL sufficientlyFar = fabs(_gestureCurrentPoint.x - _gestureStartPoint.x) >
if (sufficientlyFar) {
_recognitionState = history_swiper::kTracking;
if (_historySwipeDirection == history_swiper::kBackwards) {
[_delegate backwardsSwipeNavigationLikely];
if (_historyOverlay) {
[self updateProgressBar];
return YES;
// Consider cancelling the horizontal swipe if the user was intending a
// vertical swipe.
- (BOOL)shouldCancelHorizontalSwipeWithCurrentPoint:(NSPoint)currentPoint
startPoint:(NSPoint)startPoint {
CGFloat yDelta = _gestureTotalY;
CGFloat xDelta = fabs(currentPoint.x - startPoint.x);
// The gesture is pretty clearly more vertical than horizontal.
if (yDelta > 2 * xDelta) {
return YES;
// There's been more vertical distance than horizontal distance.
if (yDelta * 1.3 > xDelta && yDelta > kCancelEventVerticalLowerThreshold) {
return YES;
// There's been a lot of vertical distance.
if (yDelta > kCancelEventVerticalThreshold) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)cancelHistorySwipe {
[self removeHistoryOverlay];
_recognitionState = history_swiper::kCancelled;
- (void)removeHistoryOverlay {
[_historyOverlay dismiss];
_historyOverlay = nil;
// Returns whether the progress bar has been 100% filled.
- (BOOL)updateProgressBar {
NSPoint currentPoint = _gestureCurrentPoint;
NSPoint startPoint = _gestureStartPoint;
float progress = 0;
BOOL finished = NO;
progress = (currentPoint.x - startPoint.x) / kHistorySwipeThreshold;
// If the swipe is a backwards gesture, we need to invert progress.
if (_historySwipeDirection == history_swiper::kBackwards) {
progress *= -1;
// If the user has directions reversed, we need to invert progress.
if (_historySwipeDirectionInverted) {
progress *= -1;
if (progress >= 1.0) {
finished = YES;
// Progress can't be less than 0 or greater than 1.
progress = MAX(0.0, progress);
progress = MIN(1.0, progress);
[_historyOverlay setProgress:progress finished:finished];
return finished;
- (void)showHistoryOverlay:(history_swiper::NavigationDirection)direction {
// We cannot make any assumptions about the current state of the
// historyOverlay_, since users may attempt to use multiple gesture input
// devices simultaneously, which confuses Cocoa.
[self removeHistoryOverlay];
HistoryOverlayController* historyOverlay = [[HistoryOverlayController alloc]
initForMode:(direction == history_swiper::kForwards)
? kHistoryOverlayModeForward
: kHistoryOverlayModeBack];
[historyOverlay showPanelForView:[_delegate viewThatWantsHistoryOverlay]];
_historyOverlay = historyOverlay;
- (void)navigateBrowserInDirection:
(history_swiper::NavigationDirection)direction {
[_delegate navigateInDirection:direction
- (BOOL)browserCanNavigateInDirection:
event:(NSEvent*)event {
return [_delegate canNavigateInDirection:direction onWindow:[event window]];
- (BOOL)handleMagicMouseWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
// The 'trackSwipeEventWithOptions:' api doesn't handle momentum events.
if (theEvent.phase == NSEventPhaseNone) {
return NO;
_mouseScrollDelta.width += theEvent.scrollingDeltaX;
_mouseScrollDelta.height += theEvent.scrollingDeltaY;
BOOL isHorizontalGesture =
std::abs(_mouseScrollDelta.width) > std::abs(_mouseScrollDelta.height);
if (!isHorizontalGesture) {
return NO;
BOOL isRightScroll = theEvent.scrollingDeltaX < 0;
history_swiper::NavigationDirection direction =
isRightScroll ? history_swiper::kForwards : history_swiper::kBackwards;
BOOL browserCanMove = [self browserCanNavigateInDirection:direction
if (!browserCanMove) {
return NO;
[self initiateMagicMouseHistorySwipe:isRightScroll event:theEvent];
return YES;
- (void)initiateMagicMouseHistorySwipe:(BOOL)isRightScroll
event:(NSEvent*)event {
// Released by the tracking handler once the gesture is complete.
__block HistoryOverlayController* historyOverlay =
[[HistoryOverlayController alloc]
initForMode:isRightScroll ? kHistoryOverlayModeForward
: kHistoryOverlayModeBack];
// The way this API works: gestureAmount is between -1 and 1 (float). If
// the user does the gesture for more than about 30% (i.e. < -0.3 or >
// 0.3) and then lets go, it is accepted, we get a NSEventPhaseEnded,
// and after that the block is called with amounts animating towards 1
// (or -1, depending on the direction). If the user lets go below that
// threshold, we get NSEventPhaseCancelled, and the amount animates
// toward 0. When gestureAmount has reaches its final value, i.e. the
// track animation is done, the handler is called with |isComplete| set
// to |YES|.
// When starting a backwards navigation gesture (swipe from left to right,
// gestureAmount will go from 0 to 1), if the user swipes from left to
// right and then quickly back to the left, this call can send
// NSEventPhaseEnded and then animate to gestureAmount of -1. For a
// picture viewer, that makes sense, but for back/forward navigation users
// find it confusing. There are two ways to prevent this:
// 1. Set Options to NSEventSwipeTrackingLockDirection. This way,
// gestureAmount will always stay > 0.
// 2. Pass min:0 max:1 (instead of min:-1 max:1). This way, gestureAmount
// will become less than 0, but on the quick swipe back to the left,
// NSEventPhaseCancelled is sent instead.
// The current UI looks nicer with (1) so that swiping the opposite
// direction after the initial swipe doesn't cause the shield to move
// in the wrong direction.
forceMagicMouse = YES;
usingHandler:^(CGFloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase phase,
BOOL isComplete, BOOL* stop) {
if (phase == NSEventPhaseBegan) {
[self.delegate viewThatWantsHistoryOverlay]];
BOOL ended = phase == NSEventPhaseEnded;
// Dismiss the panel before navigation for immediate
// visual feedback.
CGFloat progress = std::abs(gestureAmount) / 0.3;
BOOL finished = progress >= 1.0;
progress = MAX(0.0, progress);
progress = MIN(1.0, progress);
[historyOverlay setProgress:progress finished:finished];
// |gestureAmount| obeys -[NSEvent
// isDirectionInvertedFromDevice] automatically.
if (ended) {
? history_swiper::kForwards
: history_swiper::kBackwards
if (ended || isComplete) {
[historyOverlay dismiss];
historyOverlay = nil;
- (BOOL)handleScrollWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
// The only events that this class consumes have type NSEventPhaseChanged.
// This simultaneously weeds our regular mouse wheel scroll events, and
// gesture events with incorrect phase.
if (theEvent.phase != NSEventPhaseChanged &&
theEvent.momentumPhase != NSEventPhaseChanged) {
return NO;
// We've already processed this gesture.
if (_recognitionState != history_swiper::kPending) {
return [self shouldConsumeWheelEvent:theEvent];
// Don't allow momentum events to start history swiping.
if (theEvent.momentumPhase != NSEventPhaseNone) {
return NO;
if (!NSEvent.swipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled) {
return NO;
if (![_delegate shouldAllowHistorySwiping]) {
return NO;
// Don't enable history swiping until the renderer has decided to not consume
// the event with phase NSEventPhaseBegan.
if (!_firstScrollUnconsumed) {
return NO;
// History swiping should be prevented if the renderer hasn't triggered it.
if (!_overscrollTriggeredByRenderer) {
return NO;
// Magic mouse and touchpad swipe events are identical except magic mouse
// events do not generate NSTouch callbacks. Since we rely on NSTouch
// callbacks to perform history swiping, magic mouse swipe events use an
// entirely different set of logic.
if ((_inGesture && !_receivingTouches) || forceMagicMouse) {
return [self handleMagicMouseWheelEvent:theEvent];
// The scrollWheel: callback is only relevant if it happens while the user is
// still actively using the touchpad.
if (!_receivingTouches) {
return NO;
// TODO(erikchen): Ideally, the direction of history swiping should not be
// determined this early in a gesture, when it's unclear what the user is
// intending to do. Since it is determined this early, make sure that there
// is at least a minimal amount of horizontal motion.
CGFloat xDelta = _gestureCurrentPoint.x - _gestureStartPoint.x;
if (fabs(xDelta) < 0.001) {
return NO;
BOOL isRightScroll = xDelta > 0;
if (theEvent.directionInvertedFromDevice) {
isRightScroll = !isRightScroll;
history_swiper::NavigationDirection direction =
isRightScroll ? history_swiper::kForwards : history_swiper::kBackwards;
BOOL browserCanMove = [self browserCanNavigateInDirection:direction
if (!browserCanMove) {
return NO;
_historySwipeDirection = direction;
_historySwipeDirectionInverted = theEvent.directionInvertedFromDevice;
_recognitionState = history_swiper::kPotential;
[self showHistoryOverlay:direction];
return [self shouldConsumeWheelEvent:theEvent];
- (BOOL)shouldConsumeWheelEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
switch (_recognitionState) {
case history_swiper::kPending:
case history_swiper::kCancelled:
return NO;
case history_swiper::kTracking:
case history_swiper::kCompleted:
return YES;
case history_swiper::kPotential:
// It is unclear whether the user is attempting to perform history
// swiping. If the event has a vertical component, send it on to the
// renderer.
return event.scrollingDeltaY == 0;
@implementation HistorySwiper (PrivateExposedForTesting)
+ (void)resetMagicMouseState {
forceMagicMouse = NO;