// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
namespace views {
class ImageView;
class InkDropContainerView;
class Label;
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
// The main button for the Game Dashboard, which acts as an entry point for
// features in GameDashboardMainMenuView.
// The button looks like:
// +-----------+-------+-----------+
// | icon_view | label | icon_view |
// +-----------+-------+-----------+
// There are 2 states: Default and Recording
// The 'Default' button indicates an idle Game Dashboard menu. Clicking on
// the button will toggle the `GameDashboardMainMenuView`, where the Recording
// Game tile is in the default state.
// The 'Recording' button state indicates that the game window is being
// recorded, which is shown after a user has initiated a game window recording.
// The label view is updated to show a count up timer, representing the
// duration, and "Recording" as its status. Clicking on the button will toggle
// the `GameDashboardMainMenuView`, where the Recording Game tile allows the
// user to stop the recording.
// The first "icon_view" always shows the gamepad icon.
// The second "icon_view" shows an up or down arrow. Calling `SetToggled()` with
// true will replace the second "icon_view" with an the up arrow. Called with
// false, it will show the down arrow.
class GameDashboardButton : public views::Button {
METADATA_HEADER(GameDashboardButton, views::Button)
explicit GameDashboardButton(PressedCallback callback);
GameDashboardButton(const GameDashboardButton&) = delete;
GameDashboardButton& operator=(const GameDashboardButton&) = delete;
~GameDashboardButton() override;
bool is_recording() const { return is_recording_; }
bool toggled() const { return toggled_; }
// Updates the `toggled_` state of the button.
void SetToggled(bool toggled);
// Called when the game window recording has started.
void OnRecordingStarted();
// Called when the game window recording has ended.
void OnRecordingEnded();
// Updates `title_view_`'s text with `duration`.
void UpdateRecordingDuration(const std::u16string& duration);
// views::View:
void AddedToWidget() override;
void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(views::View* child) override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
void AddLayerToRegion(ui::Layer* new_layer,
views::LayerRegion region) override;
void RemoveLayerFromRegions(ui::Layer* old_layer) override;
// views::Button:
void StateChanged(ButtonState old_state) override;
friend class GameDashboardContextTestApi;
// Updates the icon in `arrow_icon_view_`. If `toggled_` is true, it'll show
// the up arrow, otherwise the down arrow.
void UpdateArrowIcon();
// Updates `is_recording_` with `is_recording`, then updates all the views.
void UpdateRecordingState(bool is_recording);
// Updates all the views in the button. If `is_recording_` is true, the
// UI is updated to show the 'Recording' button, indicating that there's an
// active video recording session. Otherwise, it will show the 'Default'
// button. Make sure this is called after this view is added to a widget.
void UpdateViews();
// Sets the `title_view` and the tooltip text to `title_text`.
void SetTitle(const std::u16string& title_text);
// Owned by views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> gamepad_icon_view_;
raw_ptr<views::Label> title_view_;
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> arrow_icon_view_;
// Ensures the ink drop is painted above the button's background.
raw_ptr<views::InkDropContainerView> ink_drop_container_ = nullptr;
// If true, the game window is being recorded, otherwise false.
bool is_recording_ = false;
// The button toggle state.
bool toggled_ = false;
} // namespace ash