// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/arc_game_controls_flag.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/box_layout_view.h"
namespace ash {
class GameDashboardContext;
class IconButton;
class ToolbarDragHandler;
class SystemShadow;
// GameDashboardToolbarView is the movable toolbar that's attached to the game
// window. It contains various quick action tiles for users to access without
// having to open the entire main menu view.
class ASH_EXPORT GameDashboardToolbarView : public views::BoxLayoutView {
METADATA_HEADER(GameDashboardToolbarView, views::BoxLayoutView)
explicit GameDashboardToolbarView(GameDashboardContext* context);
GameDashboardToolbarView(const GameDashboardToolbarView&) = delete;
GameDashboardToolbarView& operator=(const GameDashboardToolbarView) = delete;
~GameDashboardToolbarView() override;
// Updates `record_game_button_` to the stop button. Called when
// `CaptureModeController` has started a recording session. If
// `is_recording_game_window` is true, then the `context_`'s game_window is
// being recorded.
void OnRecordingStarted(bool is_recording_game_window);
// Updates `record_game_button_` to the default state. Called when
// `CaptureModeController` has ended a recording session or was aborted.
void OnRecordingEnded();
// Handles repositioning the toolbar view within the game window.
void RepositionToolbar(const gfx::Vector2d& offset);
// Handles completion of the toolbar movement.
void EndDraggingToolbar(const gfx::Vector2d& offset);
// Updates this view's widget visibility. If it is visible, updates
// game_controls_button_'s state, and the tooltip text according to flags.
void UpdateViewForGameControls(ArcGameControlsFlag flags);
// views::View:
bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) override;
bool OnKeyReleased(const ui::KeyEvent& event) override;
friend class GameDashboardContextTestApi;
// Used for testing. Starts at 1 because view IDs should not be 0.
enum class ToolbarViewId : int32_t {
kGamepadButton = 1,
kGameControlsButton = 2,
kScreenRecordButton = 3,
kScreenshotButton = 4,
// Callbacks for the tiles and buttons in the toolbar view.
// Expands or collapses the toolbar by iterating through the toolbar's
// children and updating their visibility. The `gamepad_button_` is always
// visible since it expands/collapses the toolbar.
void OnGamepadButtonPressed();
// Enables or disables Game Controls.
void OnGameControlsButtonPressed();
// Starts or stops recording the game window.
void OnRecordButtonPressed();
// Takes a screenshot of the game window.
void OnScreenshotButtonPressed();
// Adds a list of shortcut tiles to the toolbar view.
void AddShortcutTiles();
// Adds Game Controls button if needed.
void MayAddGameControlsTile();
// Updates the `record_game_button_` UI. If `is_recording_game_window` is
// true, then the button will change to a stop button, otherwise it will show
// the default UI.
void UpdateRecordGameButton(bool is_recording_game_window);
// Updates the 'gamepad_button_' tooltip text. If the toolbar is collapsed,
// the tooltip text will say "Open toolbar" and if the toolbar is expanded,
// the tooltip text will say "Close toolbar".
void UpdateGamepadButtonTooltipText();
// The topmost `IconButton` in the toolbar's collection, which stays visible
// in both the expanded and collapsed toolbar states.
raw_ptr<IconButton> gamepad_button_ = nullptr;
// Game Controls toggle button for enabling or disabling the feature.
raw_ptr<IconButton> game_controls_button_ = nullptr;
// Record game button to start recording the game window, skipping the
// countdown timer and preset screen capture options.
raw_ptr<IconButton> record_game_button_ = nullptr;
// The current state indicating if the toolbar view is expanded or collapsed.
bool is_expanded_ = true;
const raw_ptr<GameDashboardContext> context_;
// Handles all dragging logic for the toolbar.
std::unique_ptr<ToolbarDragHandler> drag_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<SystemShadow> shadow_;
} // namespace ash