
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>
#include <vector>

#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/arc_game_controls_flag.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;
}  // namespace aura

namespace views {
class Button;
class Widget;
}  // namespace views

namespace ash::game_dashboard_utils {

// Returns true if `flag` is turned on for `flags`.
ASH_EXPORT bool IsFlagSet(ArcGameControlsFlag flags, ArcGameControlsFlag flag);

// Compares `new_flags` and `old_flags` and returns true if the `flag` bit has
// changed. Otherwise, returns false.
ASH_EXPORT bool IsFlagChanged(ArcGameControlsFlag new_flags,
                              ArcGameControlsFlag old_flags,
                              ArcGameControlsFlag flag);

// Returns an updated `flags` after enabling/disabling the `flag` bit.
ASH_EXPORT ArcGameControlsFlag UpdateFlag(ArcGameControlsFlag flags,
                                          ArcGameControlsFlag flag,
                                          bool enable_flag);

// Returns true if the system is not in the overview mode and not in the tablet
// mode. This is only for Game Dashboard (GD) features availability. Call it
// when the feature availability is aligned with GD entry availability, since
// GD features availability dependency may change.
ASH_EXPORT bool ShouldEnableFeatures();

// Returns the next `views::Widget` from the `widget_list` that should be
// focused. This is determined by looking at the currently `focused_widget` and
// whether or not the tab navigation is moving in `reverse`.
ASH_EXPORT views::Widget* GetNextWidgetToFocus(
    const std::vector<views::Widget*> widget_list,
    const views::Widget* focused_widget,
    bool reverse);

// Returns flags value if `window` is an ARC game window. Otherwise, it returns
// nullopt.
std::optional<ArcGameControlsFlag> GetGameControlsFlag(
    const aura::Window* window);

// Updates Game Controls mapping hint button, such as button enabled state,
// toggled state, label text and tooltip text. `button` refers to
// `game_controls_tile_` in `GameDashboardMainMenuView` or
// `game_controls_button_` in `GameDashboardToolbarView`.
void UpdateGameControlsHintButton(views::Button* button,
                                  ArcGameControlsFlag flags);

// Returns true if `window` is not ARC game window, or Game Controls state is
// known and not in edit mode.
bool ShouldEnableGameDashboardButton(aura::Window* window);

// Checks whether the welcome dialog should be displayed when the game window
// opens.
ASH_EXPORT bool ShouldShowWelcomeDialog();

// Updates the `PrefService` preference for showing the welcome dialog with
// the new value specified in `show_dialog`.
ASH_EXPORT void SetShowWelcomeDialog(bool show_dialog);

// Checks whether the toolbar should be displayed.
ASH_EXPORT bool ShouldShowToolbar();

// Updates the `PrefService` preference for showing the toolbar with the new
// value specified in `show_toolbar`.
ASH_EXPORT void SetShowToolbar(bool show_toolbar);

// Calculates the height of the `window`'s frame header. Returns 0 if the frame
// header is not found or when the header is invisible.
ASH_EXPORT int GetFrameHeaderHeight(aura::Window* window);

// Updates the accessibility tree to match the given `widget_list`. This ensures
// that the order of widgets in the `widget_list` reflects accessibility
// navigation and tab navigation.
ASH_EXPORT void UpdateAccessibilityTree(
    const std::vector<views::Widget*>& widget_list);

}  // namespace ash::game_dashboard_utils