// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for displaying a summary of network states
* by type: Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, and VPN.
import './hotspot_summary_item.js';
import './network_summary_item.js';
import {getHotspotConfig} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/hotspot/cros_hotspot_config.js';
import {CrosHotspotConfigInterface, CrosHotspotConfigObserverReceiver, HotspotAllowStatus, HotspotInfo} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/hotspot/cros_hotspot_config.mojom-webui.js';
import {MojoInterfaceProviderImpl} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/mojo_interface_provider.js';
import {NetworkListenerBehavior, NetworkListenerBehaviorInterface} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/network_listener_behavior.js';
import {OncMojo} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/onc_mojo.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {CrosNetworkConfigInterface, FilterType, GlobalPolicy, NO_LIMIT} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/cros_network_config.mojom-webui.js';
import {DeviceStateType, NetworkType, OncSource} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/network_types.mojom-webui.js';
import {mixinBehaviors, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {castExists} from '../assert_extras.js';
import {Constructor} from '../common/types.js';
import {getTemplate} from './network_summary.html.js';
import {NetworkSummaryItemElement} from './network_summary_item.js';
const NetworkSummaryElementBase =
mixinBehaviors([NetworkListenerBehavior], PolymerElement) as
export class NetworkSummaryElement extends NetworkSummaryElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'network-summary' as const;
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* Highest priority connected network or null. Set here to update
* internet-page which updates internet-subpage and internet-detail-page.
defaultNetwork: {
type: Object,
value: null,
notify: true,
* The device state for each network device type. We initialize this to
* include a disabled WiFi type since WiFi is always present. This reduces
* the amount of visual change on first load.
deviceStates: {
type: Object,
value() {
return {
[NetworkType.kWiFi]: {
deviceState: DeviceStateType.kDisabled,
type: NetworkType.kWiFi,
notify: true,
* Hotspot information including state, active connected client count,
* allow status and hotspot configuration. Set here to update
* internet-page which updates hotspot-subpage.
hotspotInfo: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* Array of active network states, one per device type. Initialized to
* include a default WiFi state (see deviceStates comment).
activeNetworkStates_: {
type: Array,
value() {
return [OncMojo.getDefaultNetworkState(NetworkType.kWiFi)];
* List of network state data for each network type.
networkStateLists_: {
type: Object,
value() {
return {
[NetworkType.kWiFi]: [],
globalPolicy_: Object,
* Return true if instant hotspot rebrand feature flag is enabled
isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value() {
return loadTimeData.valueExists('isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled') &&
defaultNetwork: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|null;
hotspotInfo: HotspotInfo|undefined;
deviceStates: Record<NetworkType, OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties>;
private activeNetworkIds_: Set<string>|null;
private activeNetworkStates_: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[];
private crosHotspotConfig_: CrosHotspotConfigInterface;
private crosHotspotConfigObserverReceiver_: CrosHotspotConfigObserverReceiver;
private globalPolicy_: GlobalPolicy|undefined;
private isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_: boolean;
private networkConfig_: CrosNetworkConfigInterface;
private networkStateLists_:
Record<NetworkType, OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]>;
constructor() {
* Set of GUIDs identifying active networks, one for each type.
this.activeNetworkIds_ = null;
this.networkConfig_ =
this.crosHotspotConfig_ = getHotspotConfig();
this.crosHotspotConfigObserverReceiver_ =
new CrosHotspotConfigObserverReceiver(this);
override ready(): void {
override connectedCallback(): void {
// Fetch global policies.
this.onPoliciesApplied(/*userhash=*/ '');
async onHotspotInfoChanged(): Promise<void> {
const response = await this.crosHotspotConfig_.getHotspotInfo();
this.hotspotInfo = response.hotspotInfo;
* CrosNetworkConfigObserver impl
override async onPoliciesApplied(_userhash: string): Promise<void> {
const response = await this.networkConfig_.getGlobalPolicy();
this.globalPolicy_ = response.result;
* CrosNetworkConfigObserver impl
* Updates any matching existing active networks. Note: newly active networks
* will trigger onNetworkStateListChanged which triggers getNetworkLists_.
override onActiveNetworksChanged(networks: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]):
void {
if (!this.activeNetworkIds_) {
// Initial list of networks not received yet.
networks.forEach(network => {
const index = this.activeNetworkStates_.findIndex(
state => state.guid === network.guid);
if (index !== -1) {
this.set(['activeNetworkStates_', index], network);
/** CrosNetworkConfigObserver impl */
override onNetworkStateListChanged(): void {
/** CrosNetworkConfigObserver impl */
override onDeviceStateListChanged(): void {
* Returns the network-summary-item element corresponding to the
* |networkType|.
getNetworkRow(networkType: NetworkType): NetworkSummaryItemElement|null {
const networkTypeString = OncMojo.getNetworkTypeString(networkType);
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<NetworkSummaryItemElement>(
* Requests the list of device states and network states from Chrome.
* Updates deviceStates, activeNetworkStates, and networkStateLists once the
* results are returned from Chrome.
private async getNetworkLists_(): Promise<void> {
// First get the device states.
const response = await this.networkConfig_.getDeviceStateList();
// Second get the network states.
* Requests the list of network states from Chrome. Updates
* activeNetworkStates and networkStateLists once the results are returned
* from Chrome.
private async getNetworkStates_(
deviceStateList: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties[]): Promise<void> {
const filter = {
filter: FilterType.kVisible,
limit: NO_LIMIT,
networkType: NetworkType.kAll,
const response = await this.networkConfig_.getNetworkStateList(filter);
this.updateNetworkStates_(response.result, deviceStateList);
* Called after network states are received from getNetworks.
private updateNetworkStates_(
networkStates: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[],
deviceStateList: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties[]): void {
const newDeviceStates: Record<string, OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties> = {};
for (const device of deviceStateList) {
newDeviceStates[device.type] = device;
const orderedNetworkTypes = [
// Clear any current networks.
const activeNetworkStatesByType =
new Map<NetworkType, OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties>();
// Complete list of states by type.
const newNetworkStateLists:
Record<string, OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]> = {};
for (const type of orderedNetworkTypes) {
newNetworkStateLists[type] = [];
let firstConnectedNetwork: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|null = null;
networkStates.forEach((networkState) => {
const type = networkState.type;
if (!activeNetworkStatesByType.has(type)) {
activeNetworkStatesByType.set(type, networkState);
if (!firstConnectedNetwork && networkState.type !== NetworkType.kVPN &&
OncMojo.connectionStateIsConnected(networkState.connectionState)) {
firstConnectedNetwork = networkState;
}, this);
this.defaultNetwork = firstConnectedNetwork;
// Push the active networks onto newActiveNetworkStates in order based on
// device priority, creating an empty state for devices with no networks.
const newActiveNetworkStates: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[] = [];
this.activeNetworkIds_ = new Set();
for (const type of orderedNetworkTypes) {
const device = newDeviceStates[type];
if (!device) {
continue; // The technology for this device type is unavailable.
// A VPN device state will always exist in |deviceStateList| even if there
// is no active VPN. This check is to add the VPN network summary item
// only if there is at least one active VPN.
if (device.type === NetworkType.kVPN &&
!activeNetworkStatesByType.has(device.type)) {
// If both 'Tether' and 'Cellular' technologies exist, merge the network
// lists and do not add an active network for 'Tether' so that there is
// only one 'Mobile data' section / subpage.
if (type === NetworkType.kTether &&
newDeviceStates[NetworkType.kCellular] &&
!this.isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_) {
newNetworkStateLists[NetworkType.kCellular] =
// Note: The active state for 'Cellular' may be a Tether network if both
// types are enabled but no Cellular network exists (edge case).
const networkState = castExists(
this.getActiveStateForType_(activeNetworkStatesByType, type));
if (networkState.source === OncSource.kNone &&
device.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kProhibited) {
// Prohibited technologies are enforced by the device policy.
networkState.source = OncSource.kDevicePolicy;
this.deviceStates = newDeviceStates;
this.networkStateLists_ = newNetworkStateLists;
// Set activeNetworkStates last to rebuild the dom-repeat.
this.activeNetworkStates_ = newActiveNetworkStates;
const activeNetworksUpdatedEvent = new CustomEvent(
'active-networks-updated', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
* Returns the active network state for |type| or a default network state.
* If there is no 'Cellular' network, return the active 'Tether' network if
* any since the two types are represented by the same section / subpage.
private getActiveStateForType_(
activeStatesByType: Map<NetworkType, OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties>,
type: NetworkType): OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|undefined {
let activeState = activeStatesByType.get(type);
if (!activeState && type === NetworkType.kCellular &&
!this.isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_) {
activeState = activeStatesByType.get(NetworkType.kTether);
return activeState || OncMojo.getDefaultNetworkState(type);
* Provides an id string for summary items. Used in tests.
private getTypeString_(network: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties): string {
return OncMojo.getNetworkTypeString(network.type);
private getTetherDeviceState_(
deviceStates: Record<NetworkType, OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties>):
OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined {
return deviceStates[NetworkType.kTether];
* Return whether hotspot row should be shown in network summary.
private shouldShowHotspotSummary_(): boolean {
if (!this.hotspotInfo) {
return false;
// Hide the hotspot summary row if the device doesn't support hotspot.
return this.hotspotInfo.allowStatus !==
HotspotAllowStatus.kDisallowedNoCellularUpstream &&
this.hotspotInfo.allowStatus !==
HotspotAllowStatus.kDisallowedNoWiFiDownstream &&
this.hotspotInfo.allowStatus !==
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[NetworkSummaryElement.is]: NetworkSummaryElement;
customElements.define(NetworkSummaryElement.is, NetworkSummaryElement);