// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for displaying the network state for a specific
* type and a list of networks for that type. NOTE: It both Cellular and Tether
* technologies are available, they are combined into a single 'Mobile data'
* section. See crbug.com/726380.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/network_icon.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.js';
import {getSimSlotCount} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/cellular_utils.js';
import {CrPolicyNetworkBehaviorMojo, CrPolicyNetworkBehaviorMojoInterface} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/cr_policy_network_behavior_mojo.js';
import {OncMojo} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/network/onc_mojo.js';
import {CrToggleElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.js';
import {I18nMixin, I18nMixinInterface} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {CrPolicyIndicatorType} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_indicator_mixin.js';
import {assert, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {GlobalPolicy, VpnType} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/cros_network_config.mojom-webui.js';
import {ConnectionStateType, DeviceStateType, NetworkType, OncSource, PortalState} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/chromeos/services/network_config/public/mojom/network_types.mojom-webui.js';
import {mixinBehaviors, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {Constructor} from '../common/types.js';
import {InternetPageBrowserProxy, InternetPageBrowserProxyImpl} from './internet_page_browser_proxy.js';
import {getTemplate} from './network_summary_item.html.js';
const NetworkSummaryItemElementBase =
mixinBehaviors([CrPolicyNetworkBehaviorMojo], I18nMixin(PolymerElement)) as
export class NetworkSummaryItemElement extends NetworkSummaryItemElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'network-summary-item' as const;
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* Device state for the network type. This might briefly be undefined if
* a device becomes unavailable.
deviceState: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* If both Cellular and Tether technologies exist, we combine the
* sections and set this to the device state for Tether.
tetherDeviceState: Object,
* Network state for the active network.
activeNetworkState: Object,
* List of all network state data for the network type.
networkStateList: {
type: Array,
value() {
return [];
* Title line describing the network type to appear in the row's top
* line. If it is undefined, the title text is set to a default value.
networkTitleText: String,
* Whether to show technology badge on mobile network icon.
showTechnologyBadge_: {
type: Boolean,
value() {
return loadTimeData.valueExists('showTechnologyBadge') &&
globalPolicy: Object,
activeNetworkState: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|undefined;
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined;
globalPolicy: GlobalPolicy|undefined;
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[];
networkTitleText: string|undefined;
tetherDeviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined;
private browserProxy_: InternetPageBrowserProxy;
private showTechnologyBadge_: boolean;
constructor() {
this.browserProxy_ = InternetPageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
getDeviceEnabledToggle(): CrToggleElement|null {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<CrToggleElement>(
private getNetworkStateText_(): string {
if (OncMojo.deviceIsInhibited(this.deviceState)) {
return this.i18n('internetDeviceBusy');
if (OncMojo.deviceIsFlashing(this.deviceState)) {
return this.i18n('internetDeviceFlashing');
if (this.isPortalState_(this.activeNetworkState!.portalState)) {
if (this.deviceState && this.deviceState.type === NetworkType.kCellular) {
return this.i18n('networkListItemCellularSignIn');
return this.i18n('networkListItemSignIn');
const stateText = this.getConnectionStateText_(this.activeNetworkState);
if (stateText) {
return stateText;
// No network state, use device state.
const deviceState = this.deviceState;
if (deviceState) {
if (deviceState.type === NetworkType.kTether) {
if (deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kUninitialized) {
return this.i18n('tetherEnableBluetooth');
// Enabled or enabling states.
if (deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kEnabled) {
return this.networkStateList.length > 0 ?
this.i18n('networkListItemNotConnected') :
if (deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kEnabling) {
return this.i18n('networkDeviceTurningOn');
// No device or unknown device state, use 'off'.
return this.i18n('deviceOff');
private getConnectionStateText_(networkState: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|
undefined): string {
if (!networkState || !networkState.guid) {
return '';
const connectionState = networkState.connectionState;
const name = OncMojo.getNetworkStateDisplayNameUnsafe(networkState);
if (OncMojo.connectionStateIsConnected(connectionState)) {
// Ethernet networks always have the display name 'Ethernet' so we use the
// state text 'Connected' to avoid repeating the label in the sublabel.
// See http://crbug.com/989907 for details.
return networkState.type === NetworkType.kEthernet ?
this.i18n('networkListItemConnected') :
if (connectionState === ConnectionStateType.kConnecting) {
return name ?
loadTimeData.getStringF('networkListItemConnectingTo', name) :
return this.i18n('networkListItemNotConnected');
private showPolicyIndicator_(activeNetworkState:
OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties): boolean {
return (activeNetworkState !== undefined &&
activeNetworkState.connectionState)) ||
this.isPolicySource(activeNetworkState.source) ||
* @return Device policy indicator for VPN when
* disabled by policy and an indicator corresponding to the source of the
* active network state otherwise.
private getPolicyIndicatorType_(activeNetworkState:
CrPolicyIndicatorType {
if (this.isProhibitedVpn_()) {
return this.getIndicatorTypeForSource(OncSource.kDevicePolicy);
return this.getIndicatorTypeForSource(activeNetworkState.source);
private getNetworkStateClass_(activeNetworkState:
undefined): string {
if ((this.isPortalState_(activeNetworkState!.portalState))) {
return 'warning-message';
return 'network-state';
* @return True if the device is enabled or if it is a VPN or if
* we are in the state of inhibited. Note:
* This function will always return true for VPNs because VPNs can be
* disabled by policy only for built-in VPNs (OpenVPN & L2TP), but always
* enabled for other VPN providers. To know whether built-in VPNs are
* disabled, use builtInVpnProhibited_() instead.
private deviceIsEnabled_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
if (!deviceState) {
return false;
if (this.isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_() &&
deviceState.type === NetworkType.kTether) {
return true;
if (deviceState.type === NetworkType.kVPN) {
return true;
if (deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kEnabled) {
return true;
if (OncMojo.deviceIsFlashing(deviceState)) {
return false;
return OncMojo.deviceIsInhibited(deviceState);
* @return True if the device state is enabling.
private deviceIsEnabling_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
return !!deviceState &&
deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kEnabling;
private deviceIsEnabledOrEnabling_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
return this.deviceIsEnabled_(deviceState) ||
private enableToggleIsVisible_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
if (!deviceState) {
return false;
switch (deviceState.type) {
case NetworkType.kEthernet:
case NetworkType.kVPN:
return false;
case NetworkType.kTether:
return !this.isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_();
case NetworkType.kWiFi:
case NetworkType.kCellular:
return deviceState.deviceState !== DeviceStateType.kUninitialized;
private enableToggleIsEnabled_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
return this.enableToggleIsVisible_(deviceState) &&
deviceState!.deviceState !== DeviceStateType.kProhibited &&
!OncMojo.deviceIsInhibited(deviceState) &&
!OncMojo.deviceStateIsIntermediate(deviceState!.deviceState) &&
private getToggleA11yString_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): string {
if (!this.enableToggleIsVisible_(deviceState)) {
return '';
switch (deviceState!.type) {
case NetworkType.kTether:
return this.i18n('internetToggleTetherA11yLabel');
case NetworkType.kCellular:
return this.i18n('internetToggleMobileA11yLabel');
case NetworkType.kWiFi:
return this.i18n('internetToggleWiFiA11yLabel');
private getToggleA11yDescribedBy_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): string {
// Use network state text to describe toggle for uninitialized tether
// device. This announces details about enabling bluetooth.
if (this.enableToggleIsVisible_(deviceState) &&
deviceState!.type === NetworkType.kTether &&
deviceState!.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kUninitialized) {
return 'networkState';
return '';
* @return True if instant hotspot rebrand feature flag is enabled.
private isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_(): boolean {
return loadTimeData.valueExists('isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled') &&
* @return True if VPNs are disabled by policy and the current device is VPN.
private isProhibitedVpn_(): boolean {
return !!this.deviceState && this.deviceState.type === NetworkType.kVPN &&
private isBuiltInVpnType_(vpnType: VpnType): boolean {
return vpnType === VpnType.kL2TPIPsec || vpnType === VpnType.kOpenVPN;
* @return True if at least one non-native VPN is configured.
private hasNonBuiltInVpn_(networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]):
boolean {
const nonBuiltInVpnIndex = networkStateList.findIndex((networkState) => {
return !this.isBuiltInVpnType_(networkState.typeState.vpn!.type);
return nonBuiltInVpnIndex !== -1;
* @return True if the built-in VPNs are disabled by policy.
private builtInVpnProhibited_(deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|
undefined): boolean {
return !!deviceState &&
deviceState.deviceState === DeviceStateType.kProhibited;
* @return True if there is any configured VPN for a non-disabled
* VPN provider. Note: Only built-in VPN providers can be disabled by
* policy at the moment.
private anyVpnExists_(
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined,
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]): boolean {
return this.hasNonBuiltInVpn_(networkStateList) ||
(!this.builtInVpnProhibited_(deviceState) &&
networkStateList.length > 0);
private shouldShowDetails_(
activeNetworkState: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties|undefined,
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined,
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]): boolean {
if (!!deviceState && deviceState.type === NetworkType.kVPN) {
return this.anyVpnExists_(deviceState, networkStateList);
return this.deviceIsEnabled_(deviceState) &&
(!!activeNetworkState!.guid || networkStateList.length > 0);
private shouldShowSubpage_(
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined,
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]): boolean {
if (!deviceState) {
return false;
const type = deviceState.type;
if (type === NetworkType.kTether ||
(type === NetworkType.kCellular && this.tetherDeviceState)) {
// The "Mobile data" subpage should always be shown if Tether is
// available, even if there are currently no associated networks.
return true;
if (type === NetworkType.kCellular) {
if (OncMojo.deviceIsInhibited(deviceState)) {
// The "Mobile data" subpage should be shown if the device state is
// inhibited.
return true;
// When network type is Cellular, always show "Mobile data" subpage, when
// at least one eSIM or pSIM slot is available
const {pSimSlots, eSimSlots} = getSimSlotCount(deviceState);
if (eSimSlots > 0 || pSimSlots > 0) {
return true;
if (type === NetworkType.kVPN) {
return this.anyVpnExists_(deviceState, networkStateList);
let minlen: number;
if (type === NetworkType.kWiFi) {
// WiFi subpage includes 'Known Networks' so always show, even if the
// technology is still enabling / scanning, or none are visible.
minlen = 0;
} else {
// By default, only show the subpage if there are 2+ networks
minlen = 2;
return networkStateList.length >= minlen;
* This handles clicking the network summary item row. Clicking this row can
* lead to toggling device enablement or showing the corresponding networks
* list or showing details about a network or doing nothing based on the
* device and networks states.
private onShowDetailsClick_(event: Event): void {
if (!this.deviceIsEnabled_(this.deviceState)) {
if (this.enableToggleIsEnabled_(this.deviceState)) {
const type = this.deviceState!.type;
const deviceEnabledToggledEvent =
new CustomEvent('device-enabled-toggled', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {enabled: true, type: type},
} else if (this.isPortalState_(this.activeNetworkState!.portalState)) {
} else if (this.shouldShowSubpage_(
this.deviceState, this.networkStateList)) {
const showNetworksEvent = new CustomEvent('show-networks', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.deviceState!.type,
} else if (this.shouldShowDetails_(
this.activeNetworkState, this.deviceState,
this.networkStateList)) {
if (this.activeNetworkState!.guid) {
const showDetailEvent = new CustomEvent('show-detail', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.activeNetworkState,
} else if (this.networkStateList.length > 0) {
const showDetailEvent = new CustomEvent('show-detail', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.networkStateList[0],
* This handles clicking the subpage arrow. Clicking this icon can lead
* to showing the corresponding networks list or showing details about
* a network or doing nothing based on the device and networks states.
* TODO(b/253326370) Cleanup duplicate functionality between this
* function and `onShowDetailsClick_`.
private onShowDetailsArrowClick_(event: Event): void {
if (this.shouldShowSubpage_(this.deviceState, this.networkStateList)) {
const showNetworksEvent = new CustomEvent('show-networks', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.deviceState!.type,
} else if (this.shouldShowDetails_(
this.activeNetworkState, this.deviceState,
this.networkStateList)) {
if (this.activeNetworkState!.guid) {
const showDetailEvent = new CustomEvent('show-detail', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.activeNetworkState,
} else if (this.networkStateList.length > 0) {
const showDetailEvent = new CustomEvent('show-detail', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: this.networkStateList[0],
private isItemActionable_(
activeNetworkState: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties,
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined,
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]): boolean {
// The boolean logic here matches onShowDetailsClick_ method that handles the
// item click event.
if (!this.deviceIsEnabled_(this.deviceState)) {
// When device is disabled, tapping the item flips the enable toggle. So
// the item is actionable only when the toggle is enabled.
return this.enableToggleIsEnabled_(this.deviceState);
// Item is actionable if tapping should show the user to the portal signin.
if (this.isPortalState_(this.activeNetworkState!.portalState)) {
return true;
// Item is actionable if tapping should show either networks subpage or the
// network details page.
return this.shouldShowSubpage_(this.deviceState, this.networkStateList) ||
activeNetworkState, deviceState, networkStateList);
private showArrowButton_(
activeNetworkState: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties,
deviceState: OncMojo.DeviceStateProperties|undefined,
networkStateList: OncMojo.NetworkStateProperties[]): boolean {
if (!this.deviceIsEnabled_(deviceState)) {
return false;
return this.shouldShowSubpage_(deviceState, networkStateList) ||
activeNetworkState, deviceState, networkStateList);
* Event triggered when the enable button is toggled.
private onDeviceEnabledChange_(): void {
const deviceIsEnabled = this.deviceIsEnabled_(this.deviceState);
const deviceEnabledToggledEvent =
new CustomEvent('device-enabled-toggled', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {enabled: !deviceIsEnabled, type: this.deviceState.type},
// Set the device state to enabling or disabling until updated.
this.deviceState.deviceState = deviceIsEnabled ?
DeviceStateType.kDisabling :
private getTitleText_(): string {
if (this.networkTitleText) {
return this.networkTitleText;
if (this.isPortalState_(this.activeNetworkState!.portalState)) {
const stateText = this.getConnectionStateText_(this.activeNetworkState);
if (stateText) {
return stateText;
return this.getNetworkTypeString_(this.activeNetworkState!.type);
* Make sure events in embedded components do not propagate to onDetailsClick_.
private doNothing_(event: Event): void {
private getNetworkTypeString_(type: NetworkType): string {
// The shared Cellular/Tether subpage is referred to as "Mobile".
// TODO(khorimoto): Remove once Cellular/Tether are split into their own
// sections.
if (type === NetworkType.kCellular ||
(type === NetworkType.kTether &&
!this.isInstantHotspotRebrandEnabled_())) {
type = NetworkType.kMobile;
return this.i18n('OncType' + OncMojo.getNetworkTypeString(type));
private isPortalState_(portalState: PortalState): boolean {
return portalState === PortalState.kPortal ||
portalState === PortalState.kPortalSuspected;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[NetworkSummaryItemElement.is]: NetworkSummaryItemElement;
customElements.define(NetworkSummaryItemElement.is, NetworkSummaryItemElement);