
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * @fileoverview A helper object used from the "About" section to interact with
 * the browser.

import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';

export interface RegulatoryInfo {
  text: string;
  url: string;

 * Enumeration of all possible browser channels.
export enum BrowserChannel {
  BETA = 'beta-channel',
  CANARY = 'canary-channel',
  DEV = 'dev-channel',
  STABLE = 'stable-channel',
  LTC = 'ltc-channel',
  LTS = 'lts-channel',

export interface ChannelInfo {
  currentChannel: BrowserChannel;
  targetChannel: BrowserChannel;
  isLts: boolean;

export interface VersionInfo {
  arcVersion: string;
  osFirmware: string;
  osVersion: string;

export interface AboutPageUpdateInfo {
  version?: string;
  size?: string;

 * Information related to device end of life. These values will always be
 * populated by the C++ handler.
export interface EndOfLifeInfo {
  hasEndOfLife: boolean;
  aboutPageEndOfLifeMessage: string;
  shouldShowEndOfLifeIncentive: boolean;
  shouldShowOfferText: boolean;
  isExtendedUpdatesDatePassed: boolean;
  isExtendedUpdatesOptInRequired: boolean;

export interface TpmFirmwareUpdateStatusChangedEvent {
  updateAvailable: boolean;

 * Enumeration of all possible update statuses. The string literals must match
 * the ones defined at |AboutHandler::UpdateStatusToString|.
export enum UpdateStatus {
  CHECKING = 'checking',
  UPDATING = 'updating',
  NEARLY_UPDATED = 'nearly_updated',
  UPDATED = 'updated',
  FAILED = 'failed',
  FAILED_HTTP = 'failed_http',
  FAILED_DOWNLOAD = 'failed_download',
  DISABLED = 'disabled',
  DISABLED_BY_ADMIN = 'disabled_by_admin',
  NEED_PERMISSION_TO_UPDATE = 'need_permission_to_update',
  DEFERRED = 'deferred',

export interface UpdateStatusChangedEvent {
  status: UpdateStatus;
  progress?: number;
  message?: string;
  connectionTypes?: string;
  version?: string;
  size?: string;
  rollback?: boolean;
  powerwash?: boolean;

export function browserChannelToI18nId(
    channel: BrowserChannel, isLts: boolean): string {
  // TODO(b/273717293): Remove LTS tag handling.
  if (isLts) {
    return 'aboutChannelLongTermSupport';

  switch (channel) {
    case BrowserChannel.BETA:
      return 'aboutChannelBeta';
    case BrowserChannel.CANARY:
      return 'aboutChannelCanary';
    case BrowserChannel.DEV:
      return 'aboutChannelDev';
    case BrowserChannel.STABLE:
      return 'aboutChannelStable';
    case BrowserChannel.LTC:
      return 'aboutChannelLongTermSupportCandidate';
    case BrowserChannel.LTS:
      return 'aboutChannelLongTermSupport';

 * Returns whether the target channel is more stable than the current channel.
export function isTargetChannelMoreStable(
    currentChannel: BrowserChannel, targetChannel: BrowserChannel): boolean {
  // List of channels in increasing stability order.
  const channelList = [
  const currentIndex = channelList.indexOf(currentChannel);
  const targetIndex = channelList.indexOf(targetChannel);
  return currentIndex < targetIndex;

export interface AboutPageBrowserProxy {
   * Applies deferred update if it exists.
  applyDeferredUpdate(): void;

   * Indicates to the browser that the page is ready.
  pageReady(): void;

   * Request update status from the browser. It results in one or more
   * 'update-status-changed' WebUI events.
  refreshUpdateStatus(): void;

  /** Opens the release notes app. */
  launchReleaseNotes(): void;

  // <if expr="_google_chrome">
   * Opens the feedback dialog.
  openFeedbackDialog(): void;
  // </if>

  /** Opens the diagnostics page. */
  openDiagnostics(): void;

  /** Opens the "other open source software" license page. */
  openProductLicenseOther(): void;

  /** Opens the OS help page. */
  openOsHelpPage(): void;

  /** Opens the firmware updates page. */
  openFirmwareUpdatesPage(): void;

   * Requests the number of firmware updates.
  getFirmwareUpdateCount(): Promise<number>;

   * Checks for available update and applies if it exists.
  requestUpdate(): void;

   * Checks for the update with specified version and size and applies over
   * cellular. The target version and size are the same as were received from
   * 'update-status-changed' WebUI event. We send this back all the way to
   * update engine for it to double check with update server in case there's a
   * new update available. This prevents downloading the new update that user
   * didn't agree to.
  requestUpdateOverCellular(targetVersion: string, targetSize: string): void;

  setChannel(channel: BrowserChannel, isPowerwashAllowed: boolean): void;

   * Requests channel info from the version updater. This may have latency if
   * the version updater is busy, for example with downloading updates.
  getChannelInfo(): Promise<ChannelInfo>;

  canChangeChannel(): Promise<boolean>;

  getVersionInfo(): Promise<VersionInfo>;

  getRegulatoryInfo(): Promise<RegulatoryInfo|null>;

   * Checks if the device has reached end-of-life status and will no longer
   * receive updates.
  getEndOfLifeInfo(): Promise<EndOfLifeInfo>;

   * Called when the end of life incentive button is clicked.
  endOfLifeIncentiveButtonClicked(): void;

   * Request TPM firmware update status from the browser. It results in one or
   * more 'tpm-firmware-update-status-changed' WebUI events.
  refreshTpmFirmwareUpdateStatus(): void;

   * Checks if the device is connected to the internet.
  checkInternetConnection(): Promise<boolean>;

  isManagedAutoUpdateEnabled(): Promise<boolean>;

  isConsumerAutoUpdateEnabled(): Promise<boolean>;

  setConsumerAutoUpdate(enable: boolean): void;

   * Checks if the device is currently eligible for opt in.
   * @param eolPassed Whether end of life date has passed.
   * @param extendedDatePassed Whether extended updates date has passed.
   * @param extendedOptInRequired Whether opt-in is required for the device.
      eolPassed: boolean, extendedDatePassed: boolean,
      extendedOptInRequired: boolean): Promise<boolean>;

   * Opens the extended updates opt-in dialog.
  openExtendedUpdatesDialog(): void;

   * Records that the Extended Updates option was shown to the user.
  recordExtendedUpdatesShown(): void;

let instance: AboutPageBrowserProxy|null = null;

export class AboutPageBrowserProxyImpl implements AboutPageBrowserProxy {
  static getInstance(): AboutPageBrowserProxy {
    return instance || (instance = new AboutPageBrowserProxyImpl());

  static setInstanceForTesting(obj: AboutPageBrowserProxy): void {
    instance = obj;

  applyDeferredUpdate(): void {

  pageReady(): void {

  refreshUpdateStatus(): void {

  launchReleaseNotes(): void {

  // <if expr="_google_chrome">
  openFeedbackDialog(): void {
  // </if>

  openDiagnostics(): void {

  openProductLicenseOther(): void {

  openOsHelpPage(): void {

  openFirmwareUpdatesPage(): void {

  getFirmwareUpdateCount(): Promise<number> {
    return sendWithPromise('getFirmwareUpdateCount');

  requestUpdate(): void {

  requestUpdateOverCellular(targetVersion: string, targetSize: string): void {
    chrome.send('requestUpdateOverCellular', [targetVersion, targetSize]);

  setChannel(channel: BrowserChannel, isPowerwashAllowed: boolean): void {
    chrome.send('setChannel', [channel, isPowerwashAllowed]);

  getChannelInfo(): Promise<ChannelInfo> {
    return sendWithPromise('getChannelInfo');

  canChangeChannel(): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise('canChangeChannel');

  getVersionInfo(): Promise<VersionInfo> {
    return sendWithPromise('getVersionInfo');

  getRegulatoryInfo(): Promise<RegulatoryInfo|null> {
    return sendWithPromise('getRegulatoryInfo');

  getEndOfLifeInfo(): Promise<EndOfLifeInfo> {
    return sendWithPromise('getEndOfLifeInfo');

  endOfLifeIncentiveButtonClicked(): void {

  checkInternetConnection(): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise('checkInternetConnection');

  refreshTpmFirmwareUpdateStatus(): void {

  isManagedAutoUpdateEnabled(): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise('isManagedAutoUpdateEnabled');

  isConsumerAutoUpdateEnabled(): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise('isConsumerAutoUpdateEnabled');

  setConsumerAutoUpdate(enable: boolean): void {
    chrome.send('setConsumerAutoUpdate', [enable]);

      eolPassed: boolean, extendedDatePassed: boolean,
      extendedOptInRequired: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
    return sendWithPromise(
        'isExtendedUpdatesOptInEligible', eolPassed, extendedDatePassed,

  openExtendedUpdatesDialog(): void {

  recordExtendedUpdatesShown(): void {