// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/action_link.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/localized_link/localized_link.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_pref_indicator.js';
import 'chrome://resources/js/action_link.js';
import '../settings_shared.css.js';
import '../settings_vars.css.js';
import '//resources/polymer/v3_0/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.js';
import {PrefsMixin} from '/shared/settings/prefs/prefs_mixin.js';
import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {DeepLinkingMixin} from '../common/deep_linking_mixin.js';
import {RouteObserverMixin} from '../common/route_observer_mixin.js';
import {SettingsToggleButtonElement} from '../controls/settings_toggle_button.js';
import {Setting} from '../mojom-webui/setting.mojom-webui.js';
import {Route, routes} from '../router.js';
import {GoogleDriveBrowserProxy, GoogleDrivePageCallbackRouter, GoogleDrivePageHandlerRemote, Stage, Status} from './google_drive_browser_proxy.js';
import {getTemplate} from './google_drive_subpage.html.js';
const SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElementBase =
* The preference containing the value whether Google Drive is disabled or not.
const GOOGLE_DRIVE_DISABLED_PREF = 'gdata.disabled';
* The preference containing the value whether bulk pinning is enabled or not.
const GOOGLE_DRIVE_BULK_PINNING_ENABLED_PREF = 'drivefs.bulk_pinning_enabled';
* A list of possible confirmation dialogs that may be shown.
export enum ConfirmationDialogType {
DISCONNECT = 'disconnect',
BULK_PINNING_DISABLE = 'bulk-pinning-disable',
BULK_PINNING_LISTING_FILES = 'bulk-pinning-listing-files',
BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = 'bulk-pinning-not-enough-space',
BULK_PINNING_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = 'bulk-pinning-unexpected-error',
BULK_PINNING_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE = 'bulk-pinning-clean-up-storage',
BULK_PINNING_OFFLINE = 'bulk-pinning-offline',
NONE = 'none',
* When the pinned size is not still calculating or unknown.
enum ContentCacheSizeType {
UNKNOWN = 'unknown',
CALCULATING = 'calculating',
export class SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElement extends
SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElementBase {
constructor() {
this.proxy_ = GoogleDriveBrowserProxy.getInstance();
static get is() {
return 'settings-google-drive-subpage';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* Used by DeepLinkingMixin to focus this page's deep links.
supportedSettingIds: {
type: Object,
value: () => new Set<Setting>(
[Setting.kGoogleDriveRemoveAccess, Setting.kGoogleDriveFileSync]),
* Ensures the data binding is updated on the UI when
* `contentCacheSize_` is updated.
contentCacheSize_: String,
* Ensures the showSpinner variable is bound to the parent element and
* updates are propagated as the spinner element is in the parent element.
showSpinner: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
value: false,
* Indicates whether the `DriveFsBulkPinning` flag is enabled.
isDriveFsBulkPinningEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
readonly: true,
value: () => loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableDriveFsBulkPinning'),
* Indicates whether the `DriveFsMirroring` flag is enabled.
isDriveFsMirrorSyncEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
readonly: true,
value: () => loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableDriveFsMirrorSync'),
* Observe the state of `prefs.gdata.disabled` if it gets changed from another
* location (e.g. enterprise policy).
static get observers() {
return [
* Reflects the state of `prefs.gdata.disabled` pref.
private driveDisabled_: boolean;
* Reflects the state of `prefs.drivefs.bulk_pinning.visible` pref.
private bulkPinningVisible_: boolean;
* A connection with the browser process to send/receive messages.
private proxy_: GoogleDriveBrowserProxy;
* Keeps track of the latest response about bulk pinning from the page
* handler.
private bulkPinningStatus_: Status|null = null;
* If the underlying service is unavailable, this will get set to true.
private bulkPinningServiceUnavailable_: boolean = false;
* Maps the dialogType_ property.
private dialogType_: ConfirmationDialogType = ConfirmationDialogType.NONE;
* Keeps track of the last requested total content cache size.
private contentCacheSize_: string|ContentCacheSizeType =
* The number of files that have currently been listed, this count is the one
* displayed in the UI which gets updated every 5s from the source at
* bulkPinningStatus_.listedFiles.
private listedFiles_: bigint = 0n;
* The interval to update listedFiles_.
private updateListedFilesInterval_: number|undefined = undefined;
* Whether to show the spinner in the top right of the settings page.
private showSpinner: boolean = false;
private updateContentCacheSizeInterval_: number;
private isDriveFsBulkPinningEnabled_: boolean;
* Returns the browser proxy page handler (to invoke functions).
get pageHandler(): GoogleDrivePageHandlerRemote {
return this.proxy_.handler;
* Returns the browser proxy callback router (to receive async messages).
get callbackRouter(): GoogleDrivePageCallbackRouter {
return this.proxy_.observer;
* Returns the required space that is currently stored or -1 of no value. Used
* for testing.
get requiredSpace(): string {
return this.bulkPinningStatus_?.requiredSpace || '-1';
* Returns the free space that is currently stored or -1 of no value.
* Used for testing.
get freeSpace(): string {
return this.bulkPinningStatus_?.freeSpace || '-1';
* Returns the total pinned size stored.
* Used for testing.
get contentCacheSize(): string {
return this.contentCacheSize_;
* Returns the current number of listed files.
* Used for testing.
get listedFiles(): bigint {
return this.listedFiles_;
* Returns the current confirmation dialog showing.
get dialogType(): ConfirmationDialogType {
return this.dialogType_;
* Returns the current bulk pinning stage, or `undefined` if not defined.
get stage(): Stage|undefined {
return this.bulkPinningStatus_?.stage;
override connectedCallback(): void {
override disconnectedCallback(): void {
* Invoked when the underlying service is not longer available.
private onServiceUnavailable_(): void {
this.bulkPinningServiceUnavailable_ = true;
this.updateListedFilesInterval_ = undefined;
* Invoked when progress has occurred with the underlying pinning operation.
* This could also end up in an error state (e.g. no free space).
private onProgress_(status: Status): void {
this.bulkPinningServiceUnavailable_ = false;
if (status.stage !== this.stage ||
status.freeSpace !== this.bulkPinningStatus_?.freeSpace ||
status.requiredSpace !== this.bulkPinningStatus_?.requiredSpace ||
status.listedFiles !== this.bulkPinningStatus_?.listedFiles) {
this.bulkPinningStatus_ = status;
if (!this.updateListedFilesInterval_ &&
status.stage === Stage.kListingFiles) {
this.listedFiles_ = this.bulkPinningStatus_?.listedFiles || 0n;
this.updateListedFilesInterval_ = setInterval(() => {
this.listedFiles_ = this.bulkPinningStatus_?.listedFiles || 0n;
}, 5000);
if (status.stage !== Stage.kListingFiles) {
let requiredSpace: number;
try {
requiredSpace = parseInt(status.requiredSpace);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Could not parse required space', e);
this.showSpinner = (status.stage === Stage.kSyncing && requiredSpace > 0);
* Whilst listing files an interval is maintained to not update the UI with
* too many changes. When listing files has finished, ensure the interval is
* cleared and the dialog is closed if it is kept open.
private stopUpdatingListedFilesAndClearDialog_(): void {
this.updateListedFilesInterval_ = undefined;
this.listedFiles_ = 0n;
if (this.dialogType_ ===
ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_LISTING_FILES) {
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.NONE;
* Retrieves the total pinned size of items in Drive and stores the total.
private async updateContentCacheSize_(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.contentCacheSize_) {
// Only set the total pinned size to calculating on the first update.
this.contentCacheSize_ = ContentCacheSizeType.CALCULATING;
const {size} = await this.pageHandler.getContentCacheSize();
if (size) {
this.contentCacheSize_ = size;
this.contentCacheSize_ = ContentCacheSizeType.UNKNOWN;
* Invoked when the `prefs.gdata.disabled` preference changes value.
private updateDriveDisabled_(disabled: boolean): void {
this.driveDisabled_ = disabled;
if (disabled) {
this.showSpinner = false;
* Invoked when the `prefs.drivefs.bulk_pinning.visible` preference changes
* value.
private updateBulkPinningVisible_(visible: boolean): void {
this.bulkPinningVisible_ = visible;
private and_(a: boolean, b: boolean): boolean {
return a && b;
override currentRouteChanged(route: Route, _oldRoute?: Route): void {
// Does not apply to this page.
if (route !== routes.GOOGLE_DRIVE) {
* Invokes methods when the route is navigated to.
onNavigated(): void {
this.updateContentCacheSizeInterval_ =
setInterval(this.updateContentCacheSize_.bind(this), 5000);
private getDriveAccountStatusLabel_(): TrustedHTML {
return this.driveDisabled_ ?
this.i18nAdvanced('googleDriveReconnectAs', {attrs: ['id']}) :
this.i18nAdvanced('googleDriveSignedInAs', {attrs: ['id']});
* Returns the value for the button to Connect/Disconnect Google drive
* depending on the current state.
private getConnectDisconnectButtonLabel_(): string {
return this.driveDisabled_ ?
this.i18n('googleDriveConnectLabel') :
* Returns the text representation of the total pinned size.
private getContentCacheSizeLabel_(): string {
if (this.contentCacheSize_ === ContentCacheSizeType.CALCULATING) {
return this.i18n('googleDriveOfflineClearCalculatingSubtitle');
} else if (this.contentCacheSize_ === ContentCacheSizeType.UNKNOWN) {
return this.i18n('googleDriveOfflineClearErrorSubtitle');
return this.i18n(
'googleDriveOfflineStorageSpaceTaken', this.contentCacheSize_);
* Returns the text representation of the tooltip text when the "Clean up
* storage" button is disabled.
private getCleanUpStorageDisabledTooltipText_(): string {
if (this.contentCacheSize_ === ContentCacheSizeType.UNKNOWN ||
this.contentCacheSize_ === ContentCacheSizeType.CALCULATING) {
return this.i18n(
this.contentCacheSize_ !== '0 B') {
return this.i18n('googleDriveCleanUpStorageDisabledFileSyncTooltip');
return this.i18n('googleDriveCleanUpStorageDisabledTooltip');
* If Drive is disconnected, immediately update the preference. If Drive is
* connected, show the confirmation dialog instead of immediately updating the
* preference when the button is pressed.
private onConnectDisconnectClick_(): void {
if (this.driveDisabled_) {
this.setPrefValue(GOOGLE_DRIVE_DISABLED_PREF, false);
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.DISCONNECT;
* Update the `gdata.disabled` pref to `true` iff the "Disconnect" button was
* pressed, all remaining actions (e.g. Cancel, ESC) should not update the
* preference.
private async onDriveConfirmationDialogClose_(e: CustomEvent): Promise<void> {
const closedDialogType = this.dialogType_;
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.NONE;
if (!e.detail.accept) {
switch (closedDialogType) {
case ConfirmationDialogType.DISCONNECT:
this.setPrefValue(GOOGLE_DRIVE_DISABLED_PREF, true);
case ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_DISABLE:
case ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE:
await this.proxy_.handler.clearPinnedFiles();
// All other dialogs currently do not require any action (only a
// cancellation) and so should not be reached.
assertNotReached('Unknown acceptance criteria from dialog');
* Returns the sublabel for the bulk pinning preference toggle. If the
* required / free space has been calculated, includes the values in the
* sublabel.
private getBulkPinningSubLabel_(): string {
if (!this.bulkPinningStatus_ || this.stage !== Stage.kSuccess ||
this.bulkPinningServiceUnavailable_) {
return this.i18n('googleDriveFileSyncSubtitleWithoutStorage');
const {requiredSpace, freeSpace} = this.bulkPinningStatus_;
return this.i18n(
* For the various dialogs that are defined in the HTML, only one should be
* shown at all times. If the supplied type matches the requested type, show
* the dialog.
private shouldShowConfirmationDialog_(
type: ConfirmationDialogType, requestedType: string): boolean {
return type === requestedType;
* Spawn a confirmation dialog to the user if they choose to disable the bulk
* pinning feature, for enabling just update the preference.
private onToggleBulkPinning_(e: Event): void {
const target = e.target as SettingsToggleButtonElement;
const newValueAfterToggle =
if (newValueAfterToggle) {
// Turning the preference off should first spawn a dialog to have the user
// confirm that is what they want to do, leave the target as checked as the
// user must confirm before the preference gets updated.
target.checked = true;
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_DISABLE;
* Try to enable the bulk pinning toggle. If the `Stage` is in either in an
* error OR in a state that can't be enabled (e.g. PausedOffline or
* ListingFiles) then ensure the toggle isn't enabled, otherwise don't show a
* dialog and enable immediately.
private tryEnableBulkPinning_(target: SettingsToggleButtonElement): void {
target.checked = false;
// When the device is offline, don't allow the user to enable the toggle.
if (this.stage === Stage.kPausedOffline) {
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_OFFLINE;
// If currently enumerating the files, don't allow the user to enable file
// sync until we're certain the corpus will fit on the device.
if (this.stage === Stage.kListingFiles) {
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_LISTING_FILES;
if (this.bulkPinningStatus_?.isError) {
// If there is not enough free space for the user to reliably turn on bulk
// pinning, spawn a dialog.
if (this.stage === Stage.kNotEnoughSpace) {
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE;
// If an error occurs (that is not related to low disk space) surface an
// unexpected error dialog.
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
target.checked = true;
* Returns true if the "Clean up storage" button should be enabled.
private shouldEnableCleanUpStorageButton_(
status: Status|null, cacheSize: string|ContentCacheSizeType): boolean {
const stage = status?.stage;
return (stage === undefined || stage === Stage.kStopped ||
stage === Stage.kSuccess || stage === Stage.kNotEnoughSpace ||
stage === Stage.kCannotGetFreeSpace ||
stage === Stage.kCannotListFiles ||
stage === Stage.kCannotEnableDocsOffline) &&
cacheSize !== ContentCacheSizeType.UNKNOWN &&
cacheSize !== ContentCacheSizeType.CALCULATING && cacheSize !== '0 B';
* Returns the string used in the confirmation dialog when cleaning the users
* offline storage, this includes the total GB used by offline files.
private getCleanUpStorageConfirmationDialogBody(): TrustedHTML {
return this.i18nAdvanced('googleDriveOfflineCleanStorageDialogBody', {
tags: ['a'],
substitutions: [
private getListingFilesDialogBody_(): string {
return this.i18n(
* When the "Clean up storage" button is clicked, should not clean up
* immediately but show the confirmation dialog first.
private onCleanUpStorage_(): void {
this.dialogType_ = ConfirmationDialogType.BULK_PINNING_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE;
/** Gets the mirror sync sub label. */
private getMirrorSyncDescription_(): string {
// TODO(b/338158838) Get size of MyFiles.
// TODO(b/338158838) Get available space on Google Drive.
return this.i18n('googleDriveMirrorSyncDescription');
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'settings-google-drive-subpage': SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElement;
SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElement.is, SettingsGoogleDriveSubpageElement);