
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * @fileoverview 'settings-input-method-options-page' is the settings sub-page
 * to allow users to change options for each input method.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/md_select.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import '../settings_shared.css.js';
import './os_japanese_clear_ime_data_dialog.js';
import './os_japanese_manage_user_dictionary_page.js';

import {PrefsMixin} from '/shared/settings/prefs/prefs_mixin.js';
import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {afterNextRender, DomRepeatEvent, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

import {assertExhaustive} from '../assert_extras.js';
import {DeepLinkingMixin} from '../common/deep_linking_mixin.js';
import {RouteObserverMixin} from '../common/route_observer_mixin.js';
import {Setting} from '../mojom-webui/setting.mojom-webui.js';
import {OsSettingsSubpageElement} from '../os_settings_page/os_settings_subpage.js';
import {Route, Router, routes} from '../router.js';

import {getTemplate} from './input_method_options_page.html.js';
import {AUTOCORRECT_OPTION_MAP_OVERRIDE, generateOptions, getDefaultValue, getFirstPartyInputMethodEngineId, getOptionLabelName, getOptionMenuItems, getOptionSubtitleName, getOptionUiType, getOptionUrl, getSubmenuButtonType, getUntranslatedOptionLabelName, isOptionLabelTranslated, OPTION_DEFAULT, OptionType, PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD_AUTOCORRECT_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT, SettingsHeaders, shouldStoreAsNumber, SubmenuButton, UiType} from './input_method_util.js';
import {LanguageHelper} from './languages_types.js';

 * The root path of input method options in Prefs.
const PREFS_PATH = 'settings.language.input_method_specific_settings';

// This type seems incorrect, as this includes
// OPTION_DEFAULT[OptionType.PINYIN_FUZZY_CONFIG] which is a big object literal.
// TODO(b/263829863): Investigate and fix this type.
type OptionValue = ReturnType<typeof getDefaultValue>;

// This type is the expected type of the dictionary pref stored in PREFS_PATH,
// but may not reflect reality as dictionary prefs are effectively unstructured
// JSON objects.
// In practice, the pref should only ever written to by us, so it should be
// consistent with this type.
type PrefsObjectType =
    Partial<Record<string, Partial<Record<string, OptionValue>>>>;

 * An Option for use in the template.
// TODO(b/263829863): Use a discriminated union for better type-safety.
interface Option {
  name: OptionType;
  uiType: UiType;
  value: OptionValue;
  label: string;
  subtitle: string;
  deepLink: number;
  menuItems: Array<{name?: string, value: unknown}>;
  url: Route|undefined;
  dependentOptions: Option[];
  submenuButtonType: SubmenuButton|undefined;

interface Section {
  title: string;
  options: Option[];

interface OptionDomRepeatModel {
  section: Section;
  option: Option;
  dependent?: Option;

type OptionDomRepeatEvent<T = unknown, E extends Event = Event> =
    DomRepeatEvent<T, E>&{model: OptionDomRepeatModel};

// For working around
// As of writing, it is marked as fixed by
//, but that PR does not
// address this specific issue of narrowing a `string` down to keys of an
// object.
type AutocorrectOptionMapKey = keyof typeof AUTOCORRECT_OPTION_MAP_OVERRIDE;

const SettingsInputMethodOptionsPageElementBase =

export class SettingsInputMethodOptionsPageElement extends
    SettingsInputMethodOptionsPageElementBase {
  static get is() {
    return 'settings-input-method-options-page' as const;

  static get template() {
    return getTemplate();

  static get properties() {
    return {
      languageHelper: Object,

       * Input method ID.
      id_: String,

       * Input method engine ID.
      engineId_: String,

       * The content to be displayed in the page, auto generated every time when
       * the user enters the page.
      optionSections_: {
        type: Array,
        // This array is shared between all instances of the class:
        // TODO(b/265556004): Move this to the constructor to avoid this.
        value: [],

      showClearPersonalizedData_: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,

  // Public API: Bidirectional data flow.
  // override prefs: any;  // From PrefsMixin.

  // Public API: Downwards data flow.
  languageHelper: LanguageHelper;

  // Internal properties for mixins.
  // From DeepLinkingMixin.
  override supportedSettingIds = new Set<Setting>([

  // Internal state.
  // This property does not have a default value in `static get properties()`,
  // but is set in `currentRouteChanged()`.
  // TODO(b/265556480): Update the initial value to be ''.
  private id_: string;
  // This property does not have a default value in `static get properties()`.
  // TODO(b/265556480): Update the initial value to be false.
  private showClearPersonalizedData_: boolean;

  // Manually computed properties.
  // TODO(b/238031866): Convert these to be Polymer computed properties.
  /** Computed from id_. */
  private engineId_: string;
  /** Computed from engineId_ */
  private optionSections_: Section[];

   * RouteObserverMixin override
  override async currentRouteChanged(route: Route): Promise<void> {
    if (route !== routes.OS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS) {
      this.id_ = '';
      // During tests, the parent node is not a <os-settings-subpage>.
      if (this.parentNode instanceof OsSettingsSubpageElement) {
        this.parentNode.pageTitle = '';
      this.optionSections_ = [];

    const queryParams = Router.getInstance().getQueryParameters();
    await this.languageHelper.whenReady();
    this.id_ = queryParams.get('id') ||
        await this.languageHelper.getCurrentInputMethod();
    const displayName = this.languageHelper.getInputMethodDisplayName(this.id_);
    // During tests, the parent node is not a <os-settings-subpage>.
    if (this.parentNode instanceof OsSettingsSubpageElement) {
      this.parentNode.pageTitle = displayName;
    // Safety: As this page (under normal use) can only be navigated to via
    // the inputs settings page, we should always have a valid input method ID
    // here.
    // Note that this asserts that this input method has a name, not that this
    // input method has options (from `generateOptions`). It is possible for
    // an input method to have a valid display name and not have options, and
    // an input method to have options but not a valid display name.
    assert(displayName !== '', `Input method ID '${this.id_}' is invalid`);
    this.engineId_ = getFirstPartyInputMethodEngineId(this.id_);

  private onSubmenuButtonClick_(e: DomRepeatEvent<Option, MouseEvent>): void {
    // Safety: The submenu button is always a <cr-button>, which is an Element.
    const submenuButtonType =
        ( as Element).getAttribute('submenu-button-type');
    if (submenuButtonType ===
      this.showClearPersonalizedData_ = true;
        `SubmenuButton with invalid type clicked : ${submenuButtonType}`);

  private onClearPersonalizedDataClose_(): void {
    this.showClearPersonalizedData_ = false;

   * For some engineId, we want to store the data in a different storage
   * engineId. i.e. we want to use the nacl_mozc_jp settings data for
   * the nacl_mozc_us settings.
  private getStorageEngineId_(): string {
    return this.engineId_ !== 'nacl_mozc_us' ? this.engineId_ : 'nacl_mozc_jp';

   * Get menu items for an option, and enrich the items with selected status and
   * i18n label.
  getMenuItems(name: OptionType, value: OptionValue): Array<{
    selected: boolean,
    label: string|number,
    name?: string, value: string|number,
  }> {
    return getOptionMenuItems(name).map(menuItem => {
      return {
        selected: menuItem.value === value,
        label: ? this.i18n( : menuItem.value,

   * Generate the sections of options according to the engine ID and Prefs.
  private populateOptionSections_(): void {
    const inputMethodSpecificSettings =
    const options = generateOptions(this.engineId_, {
    // The settings for Japanese for both engine nacl_mozc_us and nacl_mozc_jp
    // types will be stored in nacl_mozc_us. See:
    const engineId = this.getStorageEngineId_();
    const currentSettings = inputMethodSpecificSettings[engineId] ?? {};
    const defaultOverrides = this.getDefaultValueOverrides_(engineId);

    const makeOption = (option: {
      name: OptionType,
      dependentOptions?: OptionType[],
    }): Option => {
      const name =;
      const uiType = getOptionUiType(name);

      let value = currentSettings[name];
      if (value === undefined) {
        value = getDefaultValue(
            // This cast is VERY unsafe, as `OPTION_DEFAULT` only contains
            // a small subset of options as keys.
            // TODO(b/263829863): Investigate and fix this type cast.
            name as keyof typeof OPTION_DEFAULT, defaultOverrides);
      let needsPrefUpdate = false;
      if (!this.isSettingValueValid_(name, value)) {
        value = getDefaultValue(
            // This cast is VERY unsafe, as `OPTION_DEFAULT` only contains
            // a small subset of options as keys.
            // TODO(b/263829863): Investigate and fix this type cast.
            name as keyof typeof OPTION_DEFAULT, defaultOverrides);
        needsPrefUpdate = true;
      if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('allowAutocorrectToggle') &&
        // Safety: We checked that `name` is a key above.
        value = AUTOCORRECT_OPTION_MAP_OVERRIDE[name as AutocorrectOptionMapKey]
                    // Safety: All autocorrect prefs have values that are
                    // numbers in `getOptionMenuItems` as well as
                    // `OPTION_DEFAULT`.
                    .mapValueForDisplay(value as number);
      if (needsPrefUpdate) {
        // This function call is unsafe if this option is
        // `JAPANESE_NUMBER_OF_SUGGESTIONS`, or `allowAutocorrectToggle` is off
        // and this option is an autocorrect option.
        // In this case, `this.updatePref_` expects the value to be a string, as
        // the `shouldStoreAsNumber` branch is hit - but `getDefaultValue`
        // returns a number, not a string, in this case.
        // TODO(b/265557721): Fix the use of Polymer two-way native bindings in
        // the dropdown part of the template, and remove the
        // `shouldStoreAsNumber` branch.
        this.updatePref_(name, value);

      const label = isOptionLabelTranslated(name) ?
          this.i18n(getOptionLabelName(name)) :

      const subtitleStringName = getOptionSubtitleName(name);
      const subtitle = subtitleStringName && this.i18n(subtitleStringName);

      let link = -1;

        link = Setting.kShowPKAutoCorrection;
        link = Setting.kShowVKAutoCorrection;

      return {
        name: name,
        uiType: uiType,
        value: value,
        label: label,
        subtitle: subtitle,
        deepLink: link,
        menuItems: this.getMenuItems(name, value),
        url: getOptionUrl(name),
        dependentOptions: option.dependentOptions ?
   => makeOption({name: t})) :
        submenuButtonType: this.isSubmenuButton_(uiType) ?
            getSubmenuButtonType(name) :

    // If there is no option name in a section, this section, including the
    // section title, should not be displayed.
    this.optionSections_ =
        options.filter(section => section.optionNames.length > 0)
            .map(section => {
              return {
                title: this.getSectionTitleI18n_(section.title),
                options:, false),

   * Returns an object specifying the default values to be used for a subset
   * of options.
   * @param engineId The engine id we want default values for.
   * @return Default value overrides.
  private getDefaultValueOverrides_(engineId: string):
    if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean('autocorrectEnableByDefault')) {
      return {};
    const enabledByDefaultKey =
    const prefBlob = this.getPref<PrefsObjectType>(PREFS_PATH).value;
    const isAutocorrectDefaultEnabled =
    return !isAutocorrectDefaultEnabled ? {} : {

  private dependentOptionsDisabled_(value: OptionValue): boolean {
    // TODO(b/189909728): Sometimes the value comes as a string, other times as
    // an integer, other times as a boolean, so handle all cases. Try to
    // understand and fix this.
    return value === '0' || value === 0 || value === false;

   * Handler for toggle button and dropdown change. Update the value of the
   * changing option in Cros prefs.
  private onToggleButtonOrDropdownChange_(e: OptionDomRepeatEvent): void {
    // e.model isn't correctly set for dependent options, due to nested
    // dom-repeat, so figure out what option was actually set.
    const option = e.model.dependent ? e.model.dependent : e.model.option;
    // The value of dropdown is not updated immediately when the event is fired.
    // Wait for the polymer state to update to make sure we write the latest
    // to Cros Prefs.
    afterNextRender(this, () => {
      this.updatePref_(, option.value);

  private isSettingValueValid_(name: OptionType, value: OptionValue): boolean {
    // TODO(b/238031866): Move this to be a function, as this method does not
    // use `this`.
    const uiType = getOptionUiType(name);
    if (uiType !== UiType.DROPDOWN) {
      return true;
    const menuItems = getOptionMenuItems(name);
    return !!menuItems.find((item) => item.value === value);

   * Update an input method pref.
   * Callers must ensure that `newValue` is the value DISPLAYED for `optionName`
   * as this method maps back displayed values to stored prefs values.
  private updatePref_(optionName: OptionType, newValue: OptionValue): void {
    // Get the existing settings dictionary, in order to update it later.
    // |PrefsMixin.setPrefValue| will update Cros Prefs only if the reference
    // of variable has changed, so we need to copy the current content into a
    // new variable.
    const updatedSettings: PrefsObjectType = {};
        updatedSettings, this.getPref<PrefsObjectType>(PREFS_PATH).value);

    const engineId = this.getStorageEngineId_();
    if (updatedSettings[engineId] === undefined) {
      updatedSettings[engineId] = {};
    if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('allowAutocorrectToggle') &&
      // newValue is passed in as the value for display, so map it back to a
      // number.
      newValue =
          // Safety: We checked that optionName is a key above.
          AUTOCORRECT_OPTION_MAP_OVERRIDE[optionName as AutocorrectOptionMapKey]
              // Safety: Enforced in documentation. As newValue must be the
              // value displayed for an autocorrect option, newValue should be
              // a boolean here.
              .mapValueForWrite(newValue as boolean);
    } else if (shouldStoreAsNumber(optionName)) {
      // Safety: The above if statements ensure that `optionName` is one of:
      // - `PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD_AUTO_CORRECTION_LEVEL, if `allowAutocorrectToggle`
      //   is not set
      // - `VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_AUTO_CORRECTION_LEVEL, if `allowAutocorrectToggle`
      //   is not set
      // All of the above returns `UiType.DROPDOWN` in `getOptionUiType`, so
      // they are incorrectly passed as a string from Polymer's two-way native
      // binding, and all of the above return numbers from `getOptionMenuItems`.
      // TODO(b/265557721): Remove this when we remove Polymer's two-way native
      // binding of value changes.
      newValue = parseInt(newValue as string, 10);
    // Safety: `updatedSettings[engineId]` is guaranteed to be defined as we
    // defined it above.
    updatedSettings[engineId]![optionName] = newValue;

    this.setPrefValue(PREFS_PATH, updatedSettings);

   * Opens external link in Chrome.
  private navigateToOtherPageInSettings_(e: OptionDomRepeatEvent): void {
    // Safety: This method is only called from an option if
    // `isLink_(option.uiType)` is true, i.e. `option.uiType === UiType.LINK`,
    // which, as of writing, is only true if it is EDIT_USER_DICT or
    // JAPANESE_MANAGE_USER_DICTIONARY - both of which should have a valid url
    // in `getOptionUrl`.

   * @param section the name of the section.
   * @return the i18n string for the section title.
  private getSectionTitleI18n_(section: SettingsHeaders): string {
    switch (section) {
      case SettingsHeaders.BASIC:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsBasicSectionTitle');
      case SettingsHeaders.ADVANCED:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsAdvancedSectionTitle');
      case SettingsHeaders.PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsPhysicalKeyboardSectionTitle');
      case SettingsHeaders.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsVirtualKeyboardSectionTitle');
      case SettingsHeaders.SUGGESTIONS:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsSuggestionsSectionTitle');
      // Japanese section
      case SettingsHeaders.INPUT_ASSISTANCE:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsInputAssistanceSectionTitle');
      // Japanese section
      case SettingsHeaders.USER_DICTIONARIES:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsUserDictionariesSectionTitle');
      // Japanese section
      case SettingsHeaders.PRIVACY:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsPrivacySectionTitle');
      case SettingsHeaders.VIETNAMESE_SHORTHAND:
        return this.i18n('inputMethodOptionsVietnameseShorthandTypingTitle');
        return '';

   * @return true if title should be shown.
  private shouldShowTitle(section: Section): boolean {
    return section.title.length > 0;

   * @return true if |item| is a toggle button.
  private isToggleButton_(item: UiType): item is UiType.TOGGLE_BUTTON {
    return item === UiType.TOGGLE_BUTTON;

   * @return true if |item| is a toggle button.
  private isSubmenuButton_(item: UiType): item is UiType.SUBMENU_BUTTON {
    return item === UiType.SUBMENU_BUTTON;

   * @return true if |item| is a dropdown.
  private isDropdown_(item: UiType): item is UiType.DROPDOWN {
    return item === UiType.DROPDOWN;

   * @return true if |item| is an external link.
  private isLink_(item: UiType): item is UiType.LINK {
    return item === UiType.LINK;


declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {