// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Typedefs for dictionaries and interfaces used by
* language settings.
* Settings and state for a particular enabled language.
export interface LanguageState {
language: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language;
removable: boolean;
spellCheckEnabled: boolean;
translateEnabled: boolean;
isManaged: boolean;
isForced: boolean;
downloadDictionaryFailureCount: number;
* Settings and state for spellcheck languages.
export interface SpellCheckLanguageState {
language: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language;
spellCheckEnabled: boolean;
isManaged: boolean;
downloadDictionaryFailureCount: number;
* Input method data to expose to consumers (Chrome OS only).
* supported: an array of supported input methods set once at initialization.
* enabled: an array of the currently enabled input methods.
* currentId: ID of the currently active input method.
export interface InputMethodsModel {
supported: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.InputMethod[];
enabled: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.InputMethod[];
currentId: string;
* Mapping from input method ID to language packs status.
// TODO: b/298884063 - Move this to
// `chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.InputMethod` if there is a synchronous
// "cache" of language pack statuses.
Partial<Record<string, chrome.inputMethodPrivate.LanguagePackStatus>>;
* Languages data to expose to consumers.
* supported: an array of languages, ordered alphabetically, set once
* at initialization.
* enabled: an array of enabled language states, ordered by preference.
* translateTarget: the default language to translate into.
* prospectiveUILanguage: the "prospective" UI language, i.e., the one to be
* used on next restart. Matches the current UI language preference unless
* the user has chosen a different language without restarting. May differ
* from the actually used language (navigator.language). Chrome OS and
* Windows only.
* inputMethods: the InputMethodsModel (Chrome OS only).
* spellCheckOnLanguages: an array of spell check languages that are currently
* in use, including the languages force-enabled by policy.
* spellCheckOffLanguages: an array of spell check languages that are currently
* not in use, including the languages force-disabled by policy.
export interface LanguagesModel {
supported: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language[];
enabled: LanguageState[];
translateTarget: string;
// TODO(b/263824661): Remove undefined from these definitions if we do not
// share this file with browser settings.
/** Always defined on CrOS, set in `createModel_()` in `languages.ts`. */
prospectiveUILanguage: (string|undefined);
/** Always defined on CrOS, set in `createModel_()` in `languages.ts`. */
inputMethods: (InputMethodsModel|undefined);
alwaysTranslate: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language[];
neverTranslate: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language[];
spellCheckOnLanguages: SpellCheckLanguageState[];
spellCheckOffLanguages: SpellCheckLanguageState[];
* Helper methods for reading and writing language settings.
export interface LanguageHelper {
whenReady(): Promise<void>;
* Sets the prospective UI language to the chosen language. This won't affect
* the actual UI language until a restart.
setProspectiveUiLanguage(languageCode: string): void;
* True if the prospective UI language has been changed.
requiresRestart(): boolean;
* @return The language code for ARC IMEs.
getArcImeLanguageCode(): string;
isLanguageCodeForArcIme(languageCode: string): boolean;
isLanguageTranslatable(language: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language):
isLanguageEnabled(languageCode: string): boolean;
* Enables the language, making it available for spell check and input.
enableLanguage(languageCode: string): void;
* Disables the language.
disableLanguage(languageCode: string): void;
* Returns true iff provided languageState is the only blocked language.
isOnlyTranslateBlockedLanguage(languageState: LanguageState): boolean;
* Returns true iff provided languageState can be disabled.
canDisableLanguage(languageState: LanguageState): boolean;
* @return true if the given language can be enabled
canEnableLanguage(language: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language): boolean;
* Moves the language in the list of enabled languages by the given offset.
* @param upDirection True if we need to move toward the front, false if we
* need to move toward the back.
moveLanguage(languageCode: string, upDirection: boolean): void;
* Moves the language directly to the front of the list of enabled languages.
moveLanguageToFront(languageCode: string): void;
* Enables translate for the given language by removing the translate
* language from the blocked languages preference.
enableTranslateLanguage(languageCode: string): void;
* Disables translate for the given language by adding the translate
* language to the blocked languages preference.
disableTranslateLanguage(languageCode: string): void;
* Sets whether a given language should always be automatically translated.
languageCode: string, alwaysTranslate: boolean): void;
* Enables or disables spell check for the given language.
toggleSpellCheck(languageCode: string, enable: boolean): void;
* Converts the language code for translate. There are some differences
* between the language set the Translate server uses and that for
* Accept-Language.
* @return The converted language code.
convertLanguageCodeForTranslate(languageCode: string): string;
* Given a language code, returns just the base language. E.g., converts
* 'en-GB' to 'en'.
getLanguageCodeWithoutRegion(languageCode: string): string;
getLanguage(languageCode: string): chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.Language
retryDownloadDictionary(languageCode: string): void;
addInputMethod(id: string): void;
removeInputMethod(id: string): void;
setCurrentInputMethod(id: string): void;
getCurrentInputMethod(): Promise<string>;
getInputMethodsForLanguage(languageCode: string):
* Returns the input methods that support any of the given languages.
getInputMethodsForLanguages(languageCodes: string[]):
* @return list of enabled language code.
getEnabledLanguageCodes(): Set<string>;
* @param id the input method id
* @return True if the input method is enabled
isInputMethodEnabled(id: string): boolean;
isComponentIme(inputMethod: chrome.languageSettingsPrivate.InputMethod):
/** @param id Input method ID. */
openInputMethodOptions(id: string): void;
* @param id Input method ID.
getInputMethodDisplayName(id: string): string;
getImeLanguagePackStatus(id: string):