// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {PrinterListEntry} from './cups_printer_types.js';
import {CupsPrinterInfo, PrinterSetupResult, PrintServerResult} from './cups_printers_browser_proxy.js';
* @fileoverview Utility functions that are used in Cups printer setup dialogs.
export function isNetworkProtocol(protocol: string): boolean {
return ['ipp', 'ipps', 'http', 'https', 'socket', 'lpd'].includes(protocol);
* @return Returns true if the printer's name and address is valid. This
* function uses regular expressions to determine whether the provided printer
* name and address are valid. Address can be either an ipv4/6 address or a
* hostname followed by an optional port.
* NOTE: The regular expression for hostnames will allow hostnames that are
* over 255 characters.
export function isNameAndAddressValid(printer: CupsPrinterInfo): boolean {
if (!printer) {
return false;
const name = printer.printerName;
const address = printer.printerAddress;
if (!isNetworkProtocol(printer.printerProtocol) && !!name) {
// We do not need to verify the address of a non-network printer.
return true;
if (!name || !address) {
return false;
const hostnamePrefix = '([a-z\\d]|[a-z\\d][a-z\\d\\-]{0,61}[a-z\\d])';
* Matches an arbitrary number of 'prefix patterns' which are separated by a
* dot.
const hostnameSuffix = `(\\.${hostnamePrefix})*`;
* Matches an optional port at the end of the address.
const portNumber = '(:\\d+)?';
const ipv6Full = '(([a-f\\d]){1,4}(:(:)?([a-f\\d]){1,4}){1,7})';
* Special cases for addresses using a shorthand notation.
const ipv6Prefix = '(::([a-f\\d]){1,4})';
const ipv6Suffix = '(([a-f\\d]){1,4}::)';
const ipv6Combined = `(${ipv6Full}|${ipv6Prefix}|${ipv6Suffix})`;
const ipv6WithPort = `(\\[${ipv6Combined}\\]${portNumber})`;
* Matches valid hostnames and ipv4 addresses.
const hostnameRegex =
new RegExp(`^${hostnamePrefix}${hostnameSuffix}${portNumber}$`, 'i');
* Matches valid ipv6 addresses.
const ipv6AddressRegex =
new RegExp(`^(${ipv6Combined}|${ipv6WithPort})$`, 'i');
const invalidIpv6Regex = new RegExp('.*::.*::.*');
return hostnameRegex.test(address) ||
(ipv6AddressRegex.test(address) && !invalidIpv6Regex.test(address));
* @return Returns true if the printer's manufacturer and model or ppd path is
* valid.
export function isPPDInfoValid(
manufacturer: string, model: string, ppdPath: string): boolean {
return !!((manufacturer && model) || ppdPath);
* @return Returns the base name of a filepath.
export function getBaseName(path: string): string {
if (path && path.length > 0) {
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
return '';
* A function used for sorting printer names based on the current locale's
* collation order.
function alphabeticalSort(
first: CupsPrinterInfo, second: CupsPrinterInfo): number {
return first.printerName.toLocaleLowerCase().localeCompare(
* @return Return the error string corresponding to the result code.
export function getErrorText(result: PrinterSetupResult): string {
switch (result) {
case PrinterSetupResult.FATAL_ERROR:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedFatalErrorMessage');
case PrinterSetupResult.PRINTER_UNREACHABLE:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedUnreachableMessage');
case PrinterSetupResult.DBUS_ERROR:
// Simply return a generic error message as this error should only
// occur when a call to Dbus fails which isn't meaningful to the user.
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedFailedMessage');
return loadTimeData.getString(
case PrinterSetupResult.INVALID_PRINTER_UPDATE:
return loadTimeData.getString('editPrinterInvalidPrinterUpdate');
case PrinterSetupResult.PPD_TOO_LARGE:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedPpdTooLargeMessage');
case PrinterSetupResult.INVALID_PPD:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedInvalidPpdMessage');
case PrinterSetupResult.PPD_NOT_FOUND:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedPpdNotFoundMessage');
case PrinterSetupResult.PPD_UNRETRIEVABLE:
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedPpdUnretrievableMessage');
// TODO(b/277073603): As part of the OS Printer settings revamp, add
// strings for the missing `PrinterSetupResult` values.
return loadTimeData.getString('printerAddedFailedMessage');
* @return Return the error string corresponding to the result code for print
* servers.
export function getPrintServerErrorText(result: PrintServerResult): string {
switch (result) {
case PrintServerResult.CONNECTION_ERROR:
return loadTimeData.getString('printServerConnectionError');
case PrintServerResult.HTTP_ERROR:
return loadTimeData.getString('printServerConfigurationErrorMessage');
* We sort by printer type, which is based off of a maintained list in
* cups_printers_types.js. If the types are the same, we sort alphabetically.
export function sortPrinters(
first: PrinterListEntry, second: PrinterListEntry): number {
if (first.printerType === second.printerType) {
return alphabeticalSort(first.printerInfo, second.printerInfo);
return first.printerType - second.printerType;
export function matchesSearchTerm(
printer: CupsPrinterInfo, searchTerm: string): boolean {
return printer.printerName.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase());
export function arePrinterIdsEqual(
first: PrinterListEntry, second: PrinterListEntry): boolean {
return first.printerInfo.printerId === second.printerInfo.printerId;
* Finds the printers that are in |firstArr| but not in |secondArr|.
export function findDifference(
firstArr: PrinterListEntry[],
secondArr: PrinterListEntry[]): PrinterListEntry[] {
return firstArr.filter(p1 => {
return !secondArr.some(
p2 => p2.printerInfo.printerId === p1.printerInfo.printerId);