// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export type Query = string|{
query?: string,
url?: string,
title?: string,
export interface BookmarksApiProxy {
getTree(): Promise<chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
search(query: Query): Promise<chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
update(id: string, changes: {title?: string, url?: string}):
create(bookmark: chrome.bookmarks.CreateDetails):
export class BookmarksApiProxyImpl implements BookmarksApiProxy {
getTree() {
return chrome.bookmarks.getTree();
search(query: Query) {
return chrome.bookmarks.search(query);
update(id: string, changes: {title?: string, url?: string}) {
return chrome.bookmarks.update(id, changes);
create(bookmark: chrome.bookmarks.CreateDetails) {
return chrome.bookmarks.create(bookmark);
static getInstance(): BookmarksApiProxy {
return instance || (instance = new BookmarksApiProxyImpl());
static setInstance(obj: BookmarksApiProxy) {
instance = obj;
let instance: BookmarksApiProxy|null = null;